Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 275 Dress Up

After separating from Jiang Li and Wu Xiaoliu, Li Chu still walked to the hospital in a leisurely manner.

After eating such a big melon, he had to digest it well.

He really didn't expect these two people to come together.

Although he knew that Wu Xiaoliu should have taken a fancy to Jiang Li, but he had never been married after all, and Jiang Li was divorced and had a child.

Li Chu always thought that Jiang Li should be very cautious, unexpectedly!

But as a friend of the two, he can only be a blessing.

I wish them a happy life in the future.

I don't know how my brother-in-law will react when he finds out, but he shouldn't say he wants to object. After all, Wu Xiaoliu is in his thirties.

He didn't plan to tell his wife when he went back now, let Jiang Li and Wu Xiaoliu talk about it by themselves in the evening.

Since he wanted to invite someone to dinner at night, Li Chu didn't go back to the hospital. He went back to his home first and took out some chickens from the warehouse.

Chop the chicken legs, chicken wings, and chicken feet separately, and then divide the chicken wings into wing tip, wing center, and wing root.

Marinate the chicken legs, wings and feet.

Then the chicken breast was shaved. The chicken breast meat is tender, delicious and nutritious. It can be fried with any dish.

The chicken wings and wing tips will be braised for a while.

Put away the remaining chicken frames, chicken heads and necks, and feed them to the three dogs.

After everything was ready, Li Chu came to the study.

Xiao Bai was about to give birth, so he specially made a nest in the study, and let Xiao Bai rest here alone.

Xiaobai has been breastfeeding for eleven days, and giving birth should only take two days.

After staying with Xiaobai for a while, seeing that it was almost time to get off work, I went to the hospital.


After Li Chu arrived at the hospital, he went directly to the nursery behind. The two children who were playing in the yard rushed over when they saw him and threw themselves into his arms.

"Father, where's mother?" Wen Hui looked around after being picked up.

"Mom isn't off work yet, let's go to Dad's office and wait for her first?"

"Okay," Wenhui and Wenxuan replied in unison.

"Father, what are you having for dinner tonight?" Xiao Wenhui is definitely like Li Chu in this, thinking about eating every day.

"Huihui, Xuanxuan, what do you want to eat tonight?"

"I want to eat meat." The two children said in unison again.

"Little greedy cat, both of you are little greedy cats." Li Chu touched the foreheads of the two little guys with his forehead.

"Haha, no, dad is the cat." Xiao Wenhui grinned back to avoid his dad's attack.

After saying hello to the aunt in the nursery, Li Chu carried the two children and walked to his consulting room.

"There are guests at home tonight, dad will make you big chicken legs, okay?"

"Okay, okay, I want to eat chicken drumsticks." Xiao Wenhui clapped her hands happily.

"Shh, you can't shout it out, others will come over and snatch it from you if they hear it."

"Woo..." Hearing that someone was robbing her of chicken legs to eat, Xiao Wenhui raised her hand to cover her little mouth, her big eyes blinked, she was so cute.

"Father, who will come to our house at night?" Seeing Li Chu ignoring him for a long time, Xiao Wenxuan moved his head over with his hand.

"Tonight my little aunt brought my sister, and the sixth uncle."

"Then can we play with sister Nannan?"

"Okay, but sister Nannan has to go back at night."

"Then let's just play for a while." Xiao Wenhui raised her hand and gestured with her thumb and index finger to show the time.

"Okay, it's okay to play for a while, but you can't make trouble when sister and little aunt are leaving."


"I know dad."

The father and son walked to the door of the consulting room while talking all the way.

Ding Qiunan was already standing here waiting for them.

"I saw your bag was still in there, so I thought you hadn't come back."

"As soon as I came back, I went to pick them up directly."

"Mom, my little aunt will bring my sister over later, and my father will cook something delicious for us."

Xiao Wenhui still remembered what Li Chu said just now that someone robbed her of food, and when she said the last sentence, she obviously lowered her voice.

"Huh? Li Chu, will Xiaoli come over for dinner later?"

"Yes, she will come here with the baby in a while, and I will prepare all the dishes at home in the afternoon."

"Then let's go, I'll get you the bag."

"Qiu Nan, take those two bottles of glucose from the cabinet and put them in your bag."

Li Chu put the two children on the ground and let them walk back by themselves.

He took the satchel from Ding Qiunan's hand and carried it on his back.

"What are you doing with glucose?"

"Xiaobai should give birth in two days. Take this back and give it nutrition when it's born."

The two children ran hand in hand in front, calling uncle and aunt all the way.

After walking out of the hospital gate, the two little guys ran back and took the hands of their parents respectively.

"Qiu Nan, transferred to work in the General Hospital, are you willing to go?"

"Ah, why are you asking me this properly?" Ding Qiunan was caught off guard by her husband's question, and she didn't even know how to answer it.

Li Chu explained the reason to his wife, and finally said: "If you go in the past, you will still work as a pharmacy, and I will do the training of basic knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine."

Ding Qiunan thought for a while and asked, "Do you want to go?"

"It doesn't really matter whether you go or not, the main reason is that it's too depressing here."

After crossing the road, Wen Hui and Wen Xuan let go of their parents' hands and ran forward by themselves.

Ding Qiunan looked at the bouncing couple of children, and smiled slightly: "I'll listen to you, I'll follow you wherever you tell me to go."

Li Chu looked at her apologetically: "Thank you for your hard work. I was transferred here because of me. In the past, the general hospital had to get to know my colleagues again."

"It's okay, even if you tell me not to go to work, you can support me anyway."

"That won't work. If you stay at home all day, you will be crazy."

"Hey, by the way, Li Chu, if we are transferred to the General Academy, can we wear green uniforms? Look, can we wear those clothes?"

It happened that a soldier was walking towards him on the side of the road, Ding Qiunan asked in a low voice.

This soldier was wearing the [-]-style military uniform just changed last year.

The jacket has only two breast pockets and is a soldier.

If it is a cadre, the jacket should have four pockets.

This is the only way to distinguish cadres from soldiers.

Because the military rank of the Sixth Five-Year Military Uniform was cancelled, it was replaced by a red collar badge.

"Yes, if we go to the General Academy, it is equivalent to joining the army, and we must wear military uniforms." Li Chu replied affirmatively.

"That's great, this military uniform is so beautiful, and we don't need to buy clothes in the future, and we don't need to buy cloth to make clothes."

Does this military uniform look good?The soldier had already walked over, Li Chu looked back.

Perhaps because he had seen the military uniforms of later generations, he always felt that this one was just like that.

But in this day and age, to be able to wear this military uniform is really amazing.

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