Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 265 Doubt

After his wife left, Li Chu folded the quilt and put it in the cabinet.

Sitting behind the desk, thinking about finding something to do.

I haven't signed in for a long time. Let's sign.


The ever-changing prompt sound is monotonous, boring, and boring, but it makes people want to stop.

After the sound stopped, Li Chu leaned back on the chair, and his mind entered the warehouse in his mind.

"Fuck, what's going on?"

As soon as he came in, he couldn't help but swear.

A large box appeared on the open space of the warehouse, which was slightly smaller than the box containing the materials last time.

There are a few other things lying around on the ground.

Li Chu felt a little weak, as if he couldn't sit still on the chair, and wanted to slip under the table.

Is this trying to kill me?

Involuntarily, I thought of the trembling feeling when I released the materials last time.

He suddenly felt that he didn't even have the energy to curse.

Not in the mood to look at other things, he took a deep breath and slowly opened the box.

The moment the lid of the box was opened, Li Chu felt that his eyes were almost blinded.

What is the concept of a large box of gold bars?

He was sure that these gold bars didn't count as the weight of the box, and he couldn't lift it up by himself.

How much is this?

Why did the system give so many gold bars this time?

He didn't bother to count how many there were, anyway, no matter how many there were, it was impossible to exchange them for money now.

Withdrew from the warehouse, Li Chu opened the system interface in his mind, wanting to see if there was any prompt from the system.

Everything is still the same, Gao Leng's system does not display anything.

In desperation, he could only enter the warehouse again, put the lid on the box, and put the box to the side with his mind.

Now there is only a bunch of scattered things left on the ground.

After finishing everything, only the two books in front of me were left.

Both are language skills books, one is German and the other is Portuguese.

He didn't even know that he was a doctor of Chinese medicine, what was he doing learning so many foreign languages?

Go abroad to spread Chinese medicine culture?

What a joke, he has never thought of living abroad, and it is impossible for him to go abroad with his current status.

Who cares, since you have given it, you can learn it, and don't overwhelm yourself with too many skills.

Put the skill book in the warehouse first, I can't learn it right now, I'll talk about it when I go to sleep some night.

At the same time, in the family courtyard of Sijiucheng West Supply and Marketing Cooperative, in the house on the first floor of the family building, Director Liu was instructing his subordinates to keep digging in the backyard.

"Director Liu, it's obvious that something was buried in this place before, but there is nothing now."

Director Liu walked up to take a look, and asked, "Have you checked all the other places?"

At this time, another person replied: "Director, we have checked everything. According to what he said, we only buried it more than one foot deep, but now we have dug more than two feet."

"Made..." Director Liu cursed secretly.

"When is this? This kid actually dared to lie to us. Does he not want to live?" A person next to him whispered.

Director Liu squatted down and looked at the place where things had obviously been buried before.

"Dig a little further down here and have a look."

The few people next to him didn't say anything else, they picked up their shovels and started digging down again.

But digging down, the hardness of the land is much harder than the top.

Seeing that a few people had spent a long time digging and did not dig much, Director Liu stood up and waved his hand.

"Okay, stop digging, close the team, go back and continue to interrogate that kid."

Sitting in the jeep, Director Liu kept a dark face and didn't say a word.

The low air pressure in the car made several people afraid to speak, and there was no chatting and laughing atmosphere when they came here just now.

A person in the back row thought for a while, and at the risk of being criticized, he said, "Director, is it possible that they still have accomplices, and after learning that these two guys were arrested, come over and transfer the things?"

As soon as his words fell, the driver retorted: "Impossible, our people have been on guard for the past few months. Everyone who enters and exits this yard has been thoroughly investigated, and no one is suspicious. The place.

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if the things were poached, how would he take them out? According to what the guy who was caught said, the box weighed nearly three hundred catties, so how could he take it away so easily. "

The man in the back row who spoke these words was speechless.

That's right, without mentioning anything else, just the weight alone cannot be taken away by one or two people.

Another person in the back row said again: "Could it be that those two guys deliberately lied to us, in fact, there are not so many of those things."

"But what's the benefit of him lying to us? It's all obvious, and it's impossible for them to come out. They have resisted for so long, just to tease us?"

Several people in the car fell into silence again.

Director Liu always felt that what the driver said just now seemed to have been heard somewhere before, and he asked, "Xiao Wang, what did you say at the end?"

"Ah?" The driver was stunned by Director Liu's sudden question, and didn't know what to say for a while.

The person in the back row said for him: "Director, what Xiao Wang said just now means that the box and the contents inside weigh nearly three hundred catties, and it is not easy to get rid of it."

Director Liu nodded, did not speak, but leaned against the back of the chair, closed his eyes, and remained silent.

But I kept thinking in my heart, where did I hear this?

Until he returned to the bureau, Director Liu asked them to continue to interrogate the two people, and he returned to the office alone.

Pour yourself a glass of water, and keep thinking about what the driver said just now.

He walked to the desk with the cup in his hand, and touched the table without paying attention, and it was this touch that made a light flash in his mind.

He thought of where he had heard this before, in fact, he hadn't heard this sentence before, but he had encountered the same thing.

It was the case two years ago, the pile of materials that the center inexplicably appeared.

The difference is that the pile of materials appeared suddenly at that time, but now it disappears suddenly. The same thing is that they are all things weighing hundreds of catties.

No, the things last time were heavier than this time, and such heavy things can get into the heavily guarded center without anyone noticing, wouldn't it be easier to remove the things here this time?

But the question is how did he get away with it?

Just like what the driver Xiao Wang said, there is someone watching over here all the time. Could it be that that person can really fly?

As soon as this idea came up, Director Liu wanted to slap himself. He is a staunch revolutionary fighter, so how could he think about those messy things.

Then the question arises, how did things disappear.

It seems that it is necessary to re-apply for the investigation reports that have been sealed up before.

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