"He didn't want to live from the beginning." Li Chu said with emotion.

"Uncle Liu, tell me, why did the letter he sent to Qiu Nan contain arsenic?"

Director Liu shook his head: "I don't know about that. According to the date, the two letters you received were the last ones to be mailed. It is also possible that the person who sold him potassium cyanide had nothing left, so he just used arsenic to make up for it." Well, most people can’t tell the difference anyway.”

Following Jiang Cheng's suicide, there will definitely be no answer to this matter.

Whether or not Jiang Cheng knew what he sent over, no one could say for sure.

However, Li Chu recalled meeting Jiang Cheng that day, and when he knew that the arsenic was sent, his surprised look did not seem to be feigned.

Forget it, it's useless to think too much.

"Uncle Liu, what are you going to do next?"

Director Liu thought for a while and said, "We plan to stop with Jiang Cheng's matter. We won't pursue it any further, and we won't report it to the outside world. After all..."

Li Chu understands that not reporting to the outside world is actually good for everyone.

"However, with regard to their embezzlement and interception of subsidy funds for martyrs' families, Director Chen has ordered the relevant departments in the bureau to set up a task force to investigate. Moreover, Director Chen has also reported to the higher authorities. The director's instructions are that no matter who is involved, We have to investigate to the end, and we can't let people die."

This is a fundamental matter, and as an upper-level leader, you must attach great importance to it.

"Uncle Liu, what are you going to do with Jiang Li?"

"Nothing to do, just leave it like this, we don't know."

Hearing what Director Liu said, Li Chu secretly felt relieved, this is the best, otherwise Jiang Li would not be able to live with her children.

"Okay, Xiao Chu, I'm here today to tell you about this, and I'm going to report to Minister Wang."

"Uncle Liu, how are those two spies?" Seeing that Director Liu was about to leave, Li Chu hurriedly stood up and asked.

Director Liu waved his hand: "You don't need to worry about those two people. I can't tell you about them, but don't worry, this kind of thing will never happen again in the future."

Well, the discipline of secrecy must be observed, and it is already good to be able to tell yourself about Jiang Cheng.

After saying this, Director Liu opened the door of the consulting room and went out, sat in the car, waved to Li Chu and left.

Watching the jeep drive out of the hospital, Li Chu returned to the consulting room.

He is very heavy in his heart now, a good-looking person who was once a hero, why did he come to this step.

Li Chu was not in the mood to do anything all morning, so he sat behind his desk with a blank mind.

It wasn't until he saw his daughter-in-law during lunch that his mood gradually improved.

Ding Qiunan could also see it, she didn't ask anything, but after eating, she pulled Li Chu to lie on the bed with her, and then hugged him tightly in her arms.

Li Chu buried his head on his daughter-in-law's chest, greedily smelling the milky scent on her body. He was always wondering how long his own wife had been weaned, and why she still had this milky scent on her body.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Ding Qiunan asked softly, stroking her husband's head.

Li Chu then told her about Jiang Cheng's death.

In fact, after listening to Director Liu say that Jiang Cheng committed suicide this morning, Li Chu was a little doubtful whether he committed suicide or was killed, but no matter what, only his death at this time can solve all problems.

Even if he didn't die this time, the case of six deaths and one injury in the south alone is enough to shoot him several times.

Ding Qiunan sighed leisurely, didn't ask any more questions, but closed her eyes and prepared to go to sleep. She didn't have any affection for Jiang Cheng at all.

Hearing his daughter-in-law's breathing gradually stabilized, Li Chu carefully got under the bed, walked out of the consulting room and walked around the hospital.

While wandering around, I was thinking about how to write the proposal on standardizing the disinfection process.

Turning around, I saw several surgeons. They should have just finished the operation, their faces were full of exhaustion, and they were still discussing some problems encountered during the operation.

I don't know how the kidney transplant project jointly conducted by the Department of Surgery and the School of Medicine is going, and how much progress it has made.

In another two years, when the medical school stops running schools, their project will probably be shelved.

After get off work in the afternoon, Ding Qiunan took Li Chu to her sister's house, saying that she wanted to go there to discuss whether she could lend that house to Jiang Li.

"Why are you so concerned about this matter?"

"Oh..." Ding Qiunan sighed, "I'm also a woman, seeing Jiang Li like that makes me feel so distressed.

She has just entered the factory now, and her salary is only a dozen yuan. She has to pay the rent, take medicine by herself, and take care of the children. It is not easy. If my sister agrees to let her move there, at least we can not ask her Ask for rent, so she can relax a bit. "

Li Chu shrugged his shoulders, he was not going to express his opinion on this matter, let his wife go, she can do whatever she wants.

When she came to her sister's house, she started cooking.

"Why did you two come here without saying anything in advance? I don't even have enough food."

"It's okay, sister, just order a bowl of dried noodles."

Walking into the house, her brother-in-law hadn't come back yet, and Wang Jiayuan was playing in the living room, wondering what to do.

"Jiayuan, you know how to play before you finish your homework." As soon as Li Chu opened his mouth, his niece rolled her eyes.

"Uncle, why don't you open which pot and carry which pot?"

"Hey." Li Chu rubbed Jiayuan's hair with his hands, making it messy, and pinched her chubby face.

Wang Jiayuan was so angry that her teeth itch, how old she is, why is she still like those little boys in school.

Ding Qiunan followed Li Qin to the kitchen after entering the door.

Li Qin glanced at his sister-in-law, smiled and said, "Tell me, what's the matter."

"Sister, you can see that I have something to do."

"It's written on my face, how could I not see it."

"Hey." Ding Qiunan smiled innocently, and said, "Sister, I want to discuss something with you."

"Say, what's the matter, I want you to come to me after get off work."

"Sister, I want to lend that house to Jiang Li."

"Who?" Li Qin stopped washing the vegetables.


Li Qin shook off the water from her hand, wiped it on the apron, turned around and looked at Ding Qiunan.

"Did Xiao Chu want to lend it to her?"

Ding Qiunan smiled, took off Li Qin's apron, put it on herself, pushed Li Qin away, and she started washing vegetables.

"Sister, it's really not this time. I proposed it."

"You, don't cover for him. Xiao Chu must have borrowed it. He didn't dare to tell me, so he asked you to." Li Qin stretched out his hand and poked Ding Qiunan on the forehead.

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