Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 229 Skills

After the sound stopped, Li Chu waited for a long time before recovering.

Open the warehouse to see if there is any good stuff this time.

In the open space in the middle of the warehouse, all kinds of canned food, milk powder, a pile of cash and various tickets, and the indispensable big and small yellow croakers are what catch the eye most.

After tidying up these things and putting them in their respective boxes, one book was left in the end.

Li Chu picked up the book with excitement, and when he looked at the cover, his heart immediately sank.

English skills experience, open and learn, only for personal use.

It’s not that the English skill book is bad, as long as it’s a skill book, there’s nothing bad about it. How can it be bad if you can fill up the skill points just by opening the book? The problem is that English is not practical now, even if he knows it, he doesn’t dare to use it.

Li Chu and the others learned Russian when they were in school. Now you suddenly know English. Where did you learn it?Do you have any dark secret?Did you have a private connection abroad?

Alas, he looked at the skill book in his hand and sighed secretly.

Find a time to learn it later. You don’t need to overwhelm yourself with too many skills, but you must pay attention to it in the future, and you must not show that you know English.

Their medical school subscribed to a lot of periodicals in foreign languages, and there were quite a few in the library of the hospital, many of which were in German, English, Russian, and so on.

But these books are basically only those who have the experience of studying abroad can understand, and only those people will read them.

Doctors who have never studied abroad wait for the translation to come out before reading it.

Li Chu looked at those Russian periodicals, and he could basically understand the meaning, but there were many professional words that he couldn't understand.

Keep this English skill book, take some time to learn it, and be careful not to show it to others in the future.

After putting the books away in the warehouse, Li Chu opened the cash box again.

I didn't pay attention to it before, but I just remembered that there are still a lot of money in the second set, and now the exchange time has passed, so I can't use it at all.

I sorted out all the second set of money separately. The three denominations of three yuan, five yuan, and ten yuan add up to a total of about a thousand yuan, and other small denominations can continue to be used.

I don’t want to keep the money anymore. After 40 years, I don’t know how much the money will be worth. Let’s keep it for my son and daughter.

The quality of his money is good, and it is basically [-]% new. I believe that there should be a lot of money in exchange.

The rest are the third set. After roughly counting, there are already nearly 3 yuan, and the lid is closed.

Li Chu didn't pay any attention to the money, since there is no use for it now anyway.

It is impossible for their family to run out of the salaries of the two of them now. Ding Qiunan didn't know how much he had saved, and he never asked.

He opened the ticket box again, and he just discovered that he was given a lot of coal tickets this time, so he doesn't need to ask his brother-in-law to find someone to issue coal tickets for him this year.

There are gasoline tickets and diesel tickets, and I don't know what to do with them. Does the system think he can drive a car?

Go back and put all the tickets that can be used at home at home, and keep putting the unused tickets in the warehouse to eat ashes.

After sorting out the harvest of this sign-in, Li Chu's mind withdrew from his mind. Generally speaking, it was not bad. At least a skill book was returned, although it was temporarily unusable.

Li Chu, who was in a good mood, put his feet on the table, shook his head and hummed a song for a while, checked the time and left work in 10 minutes, took out the lunch box from the cabinet under the table, and was ready to go to the cafeteria for dinner.

After having lunch in the cafeteria with my wife, the two returned to the consulting room together.

Ding Qiunan put the cleaned lunch box back into the cabinet under the table, and when he looked up, he saw the letter that Li Chu had randomly dropped there on the table.

"Hey, Li Chu, someone wrote you a letter." Ding Qiunan picked up the letter as he spoke, "Why is it mine?"

"Ah, I forgot. Uncle Zhang in the reception room gave it to me in the morning. I wanted to send it to you at that time, but I didn't go there because there were a lot of you."

Ding Qiunan looked at the address on the envelope, and said suspiciously: "It's from Quanshui City, I don't know the people there."

Li Chu walked behind Ding Qiunan and hugged her, put his chin on her shoulder, and jokingly said, "Who wrote you a love letter?"

"Pa..." As soon as he finished speaking, Ding Qiunan took the letter back and slapped him on the head.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I don't even know anyone there." Ding Qiunan put the letter on the table again, pushed her husband to sit on the chair, and then she sat on his lap and snuggled into his arms .

"Open it up and take a look."

Li Chu looked down at his daughter-in-law nestled in his arms: "Why don't you open your letter?"

"Didn't you say that someone wrote this love letter to me? Then you can open it yourself to see if it is true."

"Oh, I was kidding you."

"It's okay, look, I'm a little tired, let me lie in your arms for a while." Ding Qiunan pressed her small face to her husband's chest, half-closed her eyes.

"Then I'll take you to bed and sleep for a while?"

"I'll go there later, you first open the letter to see what it is."

Li Chu picked up the letter on the table: "Then I really tore it open."

"Oh, hurry up, let you watch it."

"Hiss..." Li Chu tore open the envelope, and poured out the strangely shaped letter paper inside.

"Huh? What's in here?"

Hearing her husband's muttering, Ding Qiunan opened his eyes and looked at his hand.

I saw that Li Chu was holding the envelope in his left hand, and the letter paper poured out of the envelope in the other hand, and there were some white powdery things in his hand.

"What is this, flour?"

Li Chu put the letter paper and envelope in his hand on the table, and just wanted to bring his hand up to his nose to smell what these flour-like things are, why there are these things in the envelope, suddenly he thought of what his father told him before He raised his right hand in a hurry after some things.

"Daughter-in-law, get off my lap quickly, don't touch the letter and those noodles on the table."

Ding Qiunan was baffled by her husband's behavior, but she got off his lap obediently.

"What's wrong, Li Chu?"

"I'll tell you later, is the Western Pharmacy on duty at noon?"

"Yeah, why are you asking this?"

"Daughter-in-law, I'll explain to you later, you go to the pharmacy now and get two bottles of salt water."

Ding Qiunan didn't ask any more questions, and opened the door to go to the outpatient hall according to her husband's instructions.

Li Chu looked at the letter on the table with a complicated expression. He hoped that he was thinking too much.

Soon Ding Qiunan came back with two bottles of salt water.

Li Chu walked to the washbasin stand: "Daughter-in-law, you open the bottle and pour it in my hand."

At this moment, Ding Qiunan also came to her senses. She looked at her husband's hand, and then at the letter on the table, her words trembled: "Li Chu, you mean that flour noodles are poisonous?"

Li Chu shook his head: "I don't know, but there is nothing wrong with being careful. Who would put some white noodles in the envelope."

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