Wu Xiaoliu thought for a while and said: "It's like this. At that time, I entered the alley pretending to rent a house, so I asked some street liaisons. There was a person in the fourth house at the entrance of the alley who wanted to rent a house. I saw the landlord, but I took a look at the house from the outside, and it was bigger than the one Xiao Chu said Jiang Cheng rented, with two rooms.

He lived with his sister and niece, and logically speaking, this house was the most suitable, but he didn't want this house at that time, but asked for a small house inside, which was unreasonable. "

"Sixth brother, do you mean that when Jiang Cheng was renting the house, the house you saw was also for rent?" Li Chu asked.

Wu Xiaoliu nodded: "Yes, the person who took me to see the house said that these two rooms have been vacant for a year and have not been rented out.

Jiang Cheng wanted to rent a house at that time, so he must have asked someone in the same way, so he must have known that there were also two vacant rooms here. "

"Then what if when he inquired, no one told him that there was a house in that area and he wanted to rent it out?"

"You're right, but I also asked several people, and they all know that there are vacant rooms for rent. It's impossible that the people Jiang Cheng inquired about just didn't know."

Zhang Meng also nodded and said, "Well, I'm also inclined to what Xiao Liu said was deliberate."

Wu Xiaoliu went on to say: "I was around there until after seven o'clock in the evening, and I was planning to leave, but I didn't expect Jiang Cheng to come out again, so I followed him again.

He was looking for someone this time. They should have contacted in advance and met on the side of the road. If I read correctly, the person he met was the one who followed Xiao Chu last night. "

Speaking of which, Wu Xiaoliu pointed to his wrist: "When that person raised his left hand, I saw that it was wrapped in gauze.

There is one more thing that you least expected. "

"What's the matter?" Li Chu and Zhang Meng asked in unison.

"While I was following Jiang Cheng, I found out that someone was also following him."

"Is there someone else following him?" Li Chu cried out.

Zhang Meng looked at Wu Xiaoliu with interest, waiting for him to continue talking. He felt that this matter was becoming more and more interesting now.

"Yes, when Jiang Cheng came home from get off work, there must have been no one following him, and this person followed him when he went out at night.

Fortunately, I have been following relatively far away, otherwise I would have been discovered by him. "

"Brother Six, have you seen what that person looks like?"

"Jiang Cheng came out to meet that person at night, and it seemed that he gave that person money again, and the two separated soon after they met.

Then Jiang Cheng went home directly. The reason why I came back so late was because I followed the man who followed Jiang Cheng. That guy lived in the family courtyard of Chengxi Supply and Marketing Cooperative, but I felt that he seemed to have been trained. "

"Training? What kind of training are you referring to, Little Six?"

"I don't know for sure, but through his walking, and his detour when he went home, I always feel that he has received training in this area, but he didn't learn it very well."

After listening to what Wu Xiaoliu said, Li Chu and Zhang Meng looked at each other. What's going on? Why did someone who seems to have been trained come out?

"Sixth brother, could this person belong to Jiang Cheng's unit?"

Wu Xiaoliu thought for a while, shook his head, and said, "I'm not sure about that, but I don't think so, why are the people in their unit doing things to prevent being followed on the way home? "

"By the way, Xiao Liu, where did the person who followed Xiao Chu last night go?"

"That guy is easy to find. I can tell at a glance that he has three hands."

"Then don't care about him, as long as there is a follower, it's easy to find. The key now is, Jiang Cheng finds a thief to follow Xiao Chu, what does he want to do?

Also, who was the person who followed Jiang Cheng afterwards? "

Li Chu seemed to think of something: "Could the person following Jiang Cheng be a spy?"

Zhang Meng interrupted Li Chu's speculation: "Okay, Xiao Chu, let's stop guessing. Now that we have found out, the person who followed you was ordered by Jiang Cheng, and he threw poison in the courtyard today." Baozi, it can be said with certainty that he has no good intentions for you. You should report to the chief tomorrow and see how to deal with it later.

As for the guy who followed Jiang Cheng, you should also report to him. "

Li Chu nodded his head slowly, he was still a little puzzled, why did Jiang Cheng treat him like this, the answer may only be known after the truth comes out.

"Brother Six, you've worked hard for you these two days, what else do you want to eat? Shall I make you a bowl of dried noodles?" Now is not the time to think about those, let's talk about it tomorrow.

Wu Xiaoliu leaned on the sofa and said with a smile, "They're all my brothers, you're welcome, I ate outside this afternoon."

"In this case, let's all go to bed early. I don't think there will be anything tonight. Xiao Chu, you can arrange a room for me too."

"No problem, there are plenty of rooms. Let the two brothers work on my affairs for a long time today. During the rest of this week, they will come to my house. I will make us some good food."

Wu Xiaoliu glanced at Li Chu in distaste: "Come on, you don't drink, so eating with you is boring."

"Call my brother-in-law and let him drink with you. Good wine is enough."

"If there is good wine, I won't refuse. Brother Meng will be with me then."

Zhang Meng smiled helplessly, this is also a wine putty.

It was past twelve o'clock after Zhang Meng made the bed in the east wing, and the three of them went to rest in their own room without wasting any more time.

Li Chu was not in a hurry to go to bed. He sat in the study, took out a pen and paper, and wrote down what Wu Xiaoliu said just now.

He always felt that this place was full of weirdness, why did another person following Jiang Cheng appear.

Although he has not received any special training, after all, his parents used to do this, and he has heard a lot of it, so he will still be able to make a preliminary analysis.

Which man doesn't want to be a hero, if he can really follow the vine and catch a spy organization, then let himself have an addiction to an unknown hero.

Then I thought about my beautiful wife and a pair of children, forget it, let professional people do professional things, and don't make trouble for others.

If something goes wrong, it will be really crying.

But why is Jiang Cheng, a childhood playmate whom he hadn't seen for more than ten years, and now he does it after seeing him, Li Chu's heart is really mixed.

He thought of Jiang Li again, what role did she play in this, did she know Jiang Cheng's actions?

Li Chuxiang's head was getting bigger, so he raised his hands and rubbed his face fiercely a few times, then stood up and walked to the bedroom. It was another night without his wife to hug him, and he missed her.

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