Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 216 Corner

"Chief, I know this Wu Xiaoliu."

Both Li Chu and Uncle Wang looked at Zhang Meng, they didn't expect him to know Wu Xiaoliu.

"Hey hey" Zhang Meng was still a little embarrassed when he was stared at by the two people, he smiled naively and said: "Chief, you may have forgotten because of your busy work. Last year, there was a briefing for the whole army. The story of Wu Xiaoliu."

When he said this, Uncle Wang remembered it after thinking about it for a while.

"It's him. If five people can go deep into the Three Kingdoms to carry out the mission and complete the mission, then he should be good."

Speaking of this, Uncle Wang was stunned for a moment: "No, how could the army over there let him recover?"

After speaking, Uncle Wang looked at Li Chu, wanting to see if he knew what was going on.

"Uncle, I only know a rough idea. It seems that he was recovered because of killing prisoners."

"Just because of this, let a person leave the army?"

"Ahem, it seems to be because of torture."

"Fuck, is this guy so fierce?" Zhang Meng was shocked to swear.

"That's right. I just said that there are no special circumstances. It is impossible for a person like him to leave the army." Uncle Wang nodded, he thought it was reasonable.

"Well, since it's him, he should be able to find out.

When I go back with your aunt later, we will take the child away. "

"Thank you Uncle, that's what I mean too."

Uncle Wang thought for a while, and then said to Zhang Meng: "Xiao Meng, you will follow Xiao Chu tonight. After sending us back later, you will bring two more people from the security squad and let them guard at the door of the ward at night. on."

"Understood the chief."

"Let's go, go back to the ward, Xiao Chu, you two don't eat, wait for Xiao Meng to come over later, you can buy something outside and go back to eat."

"Uncle, don't worry about us."

The three of them left the consultation room and returned to the ward. Aunt Wang wanted to ask something just after entering the door, but was interrupted by Uncle Wang: "Okay, we'll talk later when we go back. Bring Wenhui and Wenxuan with us when we go back."

Seeing this, Aunt Wang stopped asking.

When the two little guys saw their father coming back, they both jumped out of the chair and ran to hug their father's legs.

This scene made Ding Qiunan curl her lips. She always felt that these two children seemed to like Li Chu more.

Li Chu squatted down and picked up the two children, and said to them: "Huihui, Xuanxuan, how about sleeping with grandma tonight? Dad has something to do and can't accompany you tonight."

Xiao Wenhui and Xiao Wenxuan both looked back at Aunt Wang when they heard the words, and then turned their heads to look at Dad. Xiao Wenhui asked, "Then when can my brother and I see Dad?"

"After you come to the nursery tomorrow morning, I'll come and see you, okay?"

"OK then!"

Xiao Wenxuan didn't speak all the time, just looked at his father, suddenly hugged his father's neck, and kissed his cheek.

Seeing this, Xiao Wenhui was not to be outdone, and kissed her father's other cheek.

Looking at Ding Qiunan, he kept rolling his eyes, feeling sour in his heart, and couldn't stop muttering, "The two little white-eyed wolves, they hurt them for nothing, they are not so close to me."

Unexpectedly, she said it directly without paying attention, which amused the people in the room, while Ding Qiunan blushed in embarrassment.

Li Chu whispered a few words in the ears of the two children, and the two children broke free from his arms and ran to their mother, arguing so much that they wanted her to hug them.
Now Ding Qiunan's heart was balanced all of a sudden, and he couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear.

The two little ones filled the ward with laughter.

Nurses and patients passing by in the corridor glanced inside from time to time.

After sitting for a while, Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang took the two little guys and went back first.

Li Chu sent them downstairs and watched them get in the car and go back to the ward.

Li Qiaoyun, who had been silent just now, saw Li Chu come in and said to him: "Brother Chu, I don't know what happened, but if you need it, you can tell me, my natal father should be able to Do me a favor."

"Okay, Qiaoyun, I know, if necessary, I will tell you."

After thinking for a while, Li Chu said, "Brother Meng will bring two people over later. They won't go into the ward, but just sit in the aisle."

It's not a small matter, the guards have been sent over.

Li Qiaoyun looked at Li Chu, then at Ding Qiunan.

Li Chu smiled and said to her: "Qiaoyun, you just need to rest well at night. I have something to do here, and I'm afraid it will be involved here."

Li Qiaoyun was a soldier after all, and his expression didn't change at all when he heard these words.

Ding Qiunan still looked at her husband with worry.

Li Chu smiled at his wife and said, "Don't worry, nothing will happen. Brother Meng will accompany me back tonight."

Ding Qiunan was visibly relieved and forced a smile.

She won't be at ease until the matter is completely resolved.

After more than half an hour, Zhang Meng brought two people over. The two people came in to meet Ding Qiunan and Li Qiaoyun, and then moved chairs to sit in the aisle at the door.

Li Chu went over to talk to the doctor and nurse on duty.

It was completely dark, and after arranging everything, Li Chu and Zhang Meng walked home one after the other.

Zhang Meng followed Li Chu for about 100 meters, mainly to see if anyone was following him today.

Li Chu went back from the east today, and the whole journey was calm, neither of them noticed that someone was following them.

Back home, Wu Xiaoliu hadn't come back yet.

After entering the house, the three dogs kept walking around Li Chu, while Xiaobai and Xiaohua looked in the direction of the gate from time to time, as if it was strange why the hostess didn't come back these two days, and the little master disappeared today.

Xiao Hei's behavior was a bit strange. First, he kept pushing Li Chu's legs with his head, and then bit his trouser legs to pull him.

Li Chu followed Xiao Hei along the trend, wanting to see what it was doing with him.

Xiao Hei took Li Chu to the corner between the west wing room and the inverted room, barking at the corner.

Li Chu looked back at Zhang Meng who was following him, and turned on the flashlight in his hand to shine on the corner.

On the ground over there, someone threw a few big buns, and Zhang Meng also saw it from behind.

"Xiao Chu, you didn't throw this, did you?"

"No, I feed the dogs and put them in the food bowl. It must not be the sixth brother who feeds them. Even if he wanted to feed the dogs, he would not throw them here." Li Chu said with certainty.

"That's what someone from outside threw in. I guess the bun should be poisonous, and that person probably threw it in to poison the dog." Zhang Meng speculated.

"Oh." Li Chu sneered, "What he didn't expect was that the dog didn't eat, so he couldn't come in.

Except for me and Qiu Nan, the three dogs in my family will not be fed by anyone else. "

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