What Li Chu said made Ding Qiunan a little anxious, she didn't mean to be joking just now.

Wang Jun and Li Qiaoyun are both good looking, and their children must be beautiful when they grow up. Coupled with their prominent family background, this little girl who was just born is definitely the best candidate for a daughter-in-law.

If Li Chu used a joke to prevaricate this, Ding Qiunan would definitely explode in anger.

This is not about climbing the dragon and attaching the phoenix. As the child's mother, Ding Qiunan certainly hopes that his son can marry a good wife when he grows up.

After listening to Li Chu's words, Uncle Wang waved his hands and said, "This is not some feudal dross. We just set up a child marriage, not let them get married. I agreed to this matter for Xiaojun."

"Old Wang, if you can promise for your son, you can also promise for Qiaoyun. Let them make decisions about their young people. Don't be intimidated."

Aunt Wang is a little dissatisfied with Uncle Wang's self-assessment. She Qiao Yun said that her natal mother is still here. You made a decision without even asking the mother of the child. What do you think?

As for Wang Jun and Li Chu's married family, Aunt Wang is 1 willing, but this matter requires the consent of the children themselves.

"Mom, I definitely agree." At this moment a weak voice came over.

It was Li Qiaoyun's voice, and I don't know when she woke up.

"Yo, why did you wake up, child? We woke you up."

Aunt Wang, Li Ma and Ding Qiunan all surrounded the bed.

"No, I woke up by myself."

"Uncle, let's go outside to get some air."

When Li Qiaoyun woke up, it was not suitable for them two big men to stay in the ward anymore.

"Xiao Chu, I wasn't joking with you just now, I think it's okay for that kid Wenxuan to be my grandson-in-law."

After leaving the door, Uncle Wang began to talk about what happened just now.

"Uncle, let's just listen to you. Besides, whether Wenxuan can be your grandson-in-law or not, it won't change that he is your grandson!"

"I love what you say, brat." When he came out of the ward, he didn't have to hold his throat like he did in the room just now, Uncle Wang's voice became louder.

"Hey, Uncle, how is the military parade today? It's a pity that I didn't see this year's military parade."

"This year it was only a small-scale one, far worse than the one in [-]. But after the military parade this year, the celebration parade organized by the masses was pretty good."

"That's okay, there is a parade every year." Li Chu lost interest when he heard that it was a small military parade.

"Xiao Chu, uncle still wants to thank you. Your aunt told me about the situation that time, when I came here just now. Fortunately, you are here today." Uncle Wang finally said it out.

"Uncle, do we still need to talk about the relationship between our grandfather and father? Xiaojun is just like my brother, and his wife is my sister-in-law. Can I, the elder brother, not take action?

And didn't I find a wife for my son, and I took advantage of it. "Li Chu said with a hippie smile.

Uncle Wang nodded with a smile and said nothing, went to the stairs and lit a cigarette.

Li Chu raised his hand to look at his watch, and it was almost time to eat, so he asked Zhang Meng to go to the cafeteria with him for dinner.

When I came here in the morning, I had already greeted the cafeteria, and the stewed chicken was ready.

The two carried a bunch of lunch boxes in cloth bags, and Li Chu was holding a small pot in his hand.

After get off work in the afternoon, Li Qiaoyun's natal father came over, and Li Qin and Wang Ziwen also ran over and walked around.

"Auntie, you and Aunt Li are both old and can't stay up late at night. Let Qiu Nan stay here in the hospital for the past two days."

When Aunt Wang was telling Li Ma that she was here at night, Li Chu interrupted.

"Then how can I do it? Both my mother-in-law and her natal mother are here, so how can I let Qiu Nan accompany me in bed." Aunt Wang refused decisively.

"Auntie, don't make any money. It's not a day or two. What if you two get into trouble. Just come early tomorrow morning."

What Li Chu said is right. Aunt Wang is over 50, not to mention Li Ma. Although she is only in her early forties, her health is not good. Let her stay up for a few more nights. Maybe go.

In the end, Aunt Wang stopped earning, and Li Qiaoyun had to stay in the hospital for at least five days, so let Ding Qiunan stay here for the next few nights.

Before they left, Li Chu took the two children over.

The two little guys arrived at the ward, obediently lying on the edge of the bed, looking at the sleeping baby, not making any noise.

"Father, why doesn't little sister get up and play with us?" Xiao Wenhui couldn't bear it after watching for a while, and ran to Li Chu and asked in a low voice.

"Little sister is still too young now, she has to sleep more to grow up. You and brother were just like her when they were young, and they only slept all day."

Li Chu held her daughter in his arms and patiently explained to her, Xiao Wenhui nodded half understanding.

Xiao Wenxuan, on the other hand, lay there patiently watching, and came to his father only when he saw the baby start to cry.

"Father, why is little sister crying?"

"She's hungry. The little sister can't talk now, so she can only express it by crying."

The two little guys sat on one of their father's legs, chattering and asking questions.

Li Chu was not impatient at all, and patiently answered every question the children asked.

Although the two children may not understand at all, they will always remember something after hearing a lot.

After they all left, Li Chu stayed in the ward until the two children were sleepy, and then went home with the children.

On the first night without their mother, the two children did not cry or fuss.

It’s just that when I wake up in the morning, I’m a little jittery. The two little guys are full of sleep and energetic. They play hide-and-seek with him on the bed when they are getting dressed. The short legs are quite happy, and it takes a long time to play on the bed. Get dressed.

Xiao Hei waited for Ding Qiunan at the gate last night, and when he saw Li Chu the next morning, there was a trace of resentment in his eyes, and he waited all night for nothing.

After sending the two children to the nursery, when Li Chu came to the ward, Aunt Wang and Li Ma had already arrived, but Ding Qiunan was not there.

"Xiao Chu, Qiu Nan has already eaten. She said she went to find a place to sleep. She didn't have a good rest last night."

"Aunt Xingwang, I'll go there first. If you need anything, ask the nurse to call me."

When he came to the door of his consulting room, Li Chu opened the door gently.

Sure enough, the daughter-in-law was sleeping soundly on the bed behind the curtain, Li Chu didn't bother her, and tiptoedly changed into the white coat, and retreated out of the house.

After locking the door of the consulting room, Li Chu went to the Chinese medicine pharmacy to ask for leave for his daughter-in-law, and then went to the nephrology department for rounds.

It was past eleven o'clock when he returned to the consulting room from the nephrology department.

In the end, Ding Qiunan was still sound asleep, it seemed that he didn't sleep at all last night.


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