Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 203 Naughty

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"Xiao Chu" Li Qin looked at his younger brother and said earnestly: "I don't want you to have a lot of dealings with the people in that department. Jiang Cheng and Jiang Li are your children. It's understandable that you want to help them, but I I hope you will have less contact with them in the future."

Li Chu knew that because of the death of his parents, Li Qin had always disliked that department and did not want to deal with people in that department.

"Sister I know."

Li Qin nodded: "There is also Jiang Li, I don't care what my parents said when they were alive, but you are now married and have children.

She is single with a child now, so you have to avoid suspicion. Even if you want to meet in the future, you should take Qiu Nan with you. Let me tell you, I only know Qiu Nan as my sister-in-law.If you dare to make mistakes in this area, try to see if I will break your leg. "

Li Chu looked at his sister in a daze: "Sister, I just want to help you make a baby, why did you want to go there anyway?"

"Hmph, I just want to remind you, don't eat from the bowl and look at the pot."

"Sister, don't worry, I have neither the heart nor the guts. Maybe I will make mistakes, but I will definitely not make such mistakes between men and women."

"That would be the best, but if you want to get in touch with Jiang Li in the future, you must bring Qiu Nan with you. Does Qiu Nan know about this?"

"Of course I know. I told her when I went back yesterday. Originally, I planned to let them live in the house left by my parents for a while. After I told Qiu Nan, she disagreed, so I won't mention it again. this."

Li Qin smiled with satisfaction: "This is not bad. If you dare to lend that room to others on your own initiative, I will take it back immediately."

Li Chu shook his head with a wry smile, the elder sister is still so domineering, and the brother-in-law doesn't know how he got here all these years.

"By the way, Xiao Chu, I've been asking you all the time and I forgot. Do you know a person named Wu Xiaoliu?"

"Wu Xiaoliu?" Li Chu felt that this name was very familiar, but he couldn't remember where he heard it.

"Sister, what does he do?"

"He is your brother-in-law's cousin. He said that a doctor surnamed Li from Xiehe Hospital saved his life."

"Oh, I remembered. How long has it been since this happened? I saved him. If I remember correctly, he should be a demobilized soldier. He fainted from hunger that time."

"That's right, it really is fate, the person you rescued is your brother-in-law's cousin."

"How could my brother-in-law's cousin be so downcast?" Li Chu asked curiously.

Li Qin looked at his watch: "This is a long story, I have a meeting later, let's go to your house after get off work this afternoon and talk about it."

"Okay, I'll get some food from the cafeteria in the afternoon and go home. Come and eat at my place."

After speaking, Li Chu stood up: "Then I will go first, sister."

"Remember what I just told you."

"Unforgettable sister, see you in the afternoon."

After returning to the hospital, Li Chu first went to the security department, used their phone to call Uncle Liu, and finally contacted Jiang Cheng.

Tell him the news you just heard from your sister.

Although Jiang Cheng was not familiar with the place where he lived in Forty-Nine City, if he asked his colleagues for help, he should be able to arrange his sister in.

Li Chu also wanted to help this little boy, but since his sister had already said that, Li Chu didn't want to go against her wishes, and there was no need to affect the relationship between siblings because of outsiders.

After coming out of the security department, Li Chu ran to the Chinese pharmacy, and dragged his wife to his consulting room without saying a word.

"Why did you pull me over in such a hurry?"

"Daughter-in-law, do you still remember the man we rescued halfway when we came home from the courtyard?"

Ding Qiunan thought for a while and asked: "You mean the person who fainted from hunger?"

"Yes, that's him, do you know who he is?"

"Who? Should I know?"

"The person we rescued was brother-in-law's cousin."

"What? How could it be such a coincidence?"

"Yeah, I also think it's a coincidence. When I went to my sister's place in the morning, she told me. My sister and the others will go there after get off work in the afternoon. We both buy some food in the cafeteria after work in the afternoon and go back to save money. meal."

"Okay, listen to you. Did you go to my sister's place in the morning and finish your little things?"

Li Chu told Ding Qiunan what Li Qin said, and there was no need to say anything later to warn him.

I'm not busy today, Ding Qiunan has been taking it with her husband's consultation room in the morning, and didn't go to the Chinese pharmacy until work in the afternoon.

When eating at noon, Li Chu greeted the head chef and asked him to get him two hard dishes in the afternoon.

When the two returned home from get off work in the afternoon, they packed six lunch boxes of vegetables from the cafeteria.

The two children don't like being hugged now, they are like gophers, they don't know where they are going if they don't pay attention.

Ding Qiunan was so tired that sometimes she wanted to bring the dog to pick up the children, at least the two children's short legs couldn't run with the dog, so she didn't have to chase after her.

These two are still little ghosts, they know to run separately, it depends on who you chase.

"Li Chu, you don't care about these two children, you just know how to laugh, it's exhausting me."

After Ding Qiunan complained to her husband, she turned her head and threatened the child: "Huihui, Xuanxuan, if you two run away again, I won't let you go, hum!"

"Mom, you are so stupid, you can't even catch up with me and my brother." Wen Hui's small mouth is getting stronger and stronger, and Ding Qiunan often wants to hit her in anger.

"Oh, how dare you say I'm stupid, don't let me catch you."

"Ah! Dad, Dad, save me quickly, Mom is going to beat me!"

Seeing her mother running over, Xiao Wenhui ran towards her father in fright.

Ding Qiunan was like a child, running around Li Chu with Wen Hui.

Xiao Wenxuan stood by and clapped her hands to cheer for her sister, and occasionally shouted: "Mom, stupid."

This time, Ding Qiunan's seven orifices were even more enraged.

She didn't care about Xiao Wenxuan, she suddenly accelerated and grabbed Wenhui, she lifted her up and began to tickle her.

"Ah, haha, mom, I don't dare, haha, mom let me go, dad save me!"

I don't know who Xiao Wenhui learns from every day, and she can talk a lot.

He held Xiao Wenhui in his arms and scratched her fiercely for a while before letting Li Chu hug her.

Then he caught Xiao Wenxuan while he was not paying attention, and scratched him fiercely in his arms for a while, and now the two children were laughing boringly before running away, obediently hugged by their parents in their arms.

"If these two little guys grow up, I really won't be able to catch them anymore." Ding Qiunan was tired after playing with the two children for a long time.

"Daughter-in-law, let me tell you, go back and get a rope and tie one end to their arms, and the other end to your wrist, so that they can't run far."


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