Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 201 Arch Fire

After eating and chatting for a while, Li Chu said goodbye and left. Since they are all in Sijiu City, there will be more chances to meet each other in the future.

Together with Jiang Li and his brother and sister, Jiang Cheng sent him out of this alley.

If no one sent it, Li Chu didn't know how long it would take him to get out of it.

"Okay, you brothers and sisters go back, the child is still at home, I will confirm the household registration tomorrow, and then I will notify you." Li Chu straddled the bicycle and waved goodbye to them.

Seeing Li Chu walking away, the two brothers and sisters turned around and walked back.

"Brother, how did you contact Xiao Chu?"

Jiang Cheng told his sister about the first time he met Li Chu, and went to visit him today.

"I didn't expect that Sijiu City is so big that we can still meet each other." Jiang Li said with emotion after hearing this.

"Yeah, I was thinking all the time whether I was going to publish a missing person notice in the newspaper.

By the way, I forgot to mention just now, let Xiao Chu recuperate your body later, our leader said that Xiao Chu's medical skills are very good. "

"Don't worry about it, we've already contacted her now, and there will be more opportunities in the future." Jiang Li said nonchalantly.

Jiang Cheng looked at his younger sister with regret. When he first arrived in the south, his younger sister fell seriously ill because of acclimatization.

If it weren't for this illness, she would definitely have been admitted to university at that time.

Now not only did she fail the college entrance examination, but she also fell into the root of the disease. When she was pregnant with her daughter, she almost killed her, and then she couldn't get pregnant again.

In addition, after Jiang Li gave birth, her husband's family did not take care of her, which made her health worse. Now she can't do any heavy work at all.

"Lily, after you and Nannan's accounts are registered, our life will be much easier."

"Brother, I think life is pretty good now, much better than before, and I'm really satisfied." Jiang Li said with a smile.

Jiang Cheng looked at his younger sister's smiling face and smiled helplessly. He felt even more resentful towards her ex-husband's family in his heart. Your family is looking for death, and I will help you dig the hole.

Jiang Cheng himself may not feel anything. Since his body was disabled, his heart has become more and more vicious. Li Chu has already noticed this when chatting with him, but this kind of physical and psychological changes can only be thought slowly. Method.

When Li Chu returned home, it was already dark, but Aunt Wang brought Wang Jun's wife over unexpectedly.

"Xiao Chu, where did you go if you didn't go home after get off work?"

As soon as he entered the door, Aunt Wang started asking questions.

"Auntie, you absolutely can't remember who I was having dinner with just now." Li Chu handed the satchel to his daughter-in-law, and squatted down to pick up the two little guys who hugged his legs and called him daddy.

"Who?" Aunt Wang was aroused by what Li Chu said, and she must know this person.

Li Chu was not in a hurry to answer Aunt Wang, but greeted Li Qiaoyun first, and sat down on the blanket on the floor with the child in his arms, then said with a smile: "Auntie, guess it, I see if you can guess it or not." , The person I met today was also from Nanniwan before."

Aunt Wang was obviously stunned when she heard what Li Chu said. This place brought back her memories.

Ding Qiunan sat on the sofa and lightly touched her husband with her foot: "Who is it, Li Chu?"

"Don't worry, I'll tell you later, and see if my aunt can remember."

"Xiao Chu, what you said is too general, how can I guess it."

"Auntie, I played with Xiaojun and Xiaobing at that time."

Xiaobing is Wang Bing, the second child of Uncle Wang's family, two years younger than him.

"You guys played together? You're not talking about the kid from the Jiang family, are you?" Aunt Wang said hesitantly.

"Auntie, do you still remember him!"

"Why don't you remember, you guys are the most naughty, I remember that kid from the Jiang family once encouraged you guys to steal the family's gun and go to the front line to fight, but because Xiaojun and Xiaobing only had one gun at home, who should take it There was a quarrel about the problem. If it wasn't for this, maybe you guys really got away with it."

What Aunt Wang said made Ding Qiunan and Li Qiaoyun laugh and laugh.

"Li Chu, you did this when you were a child!" Ding Qiunan didn't expect this about himself, looking at his mature and stable husband, he still had this side when he was a child.

"Didn't you think it was an honor to kill devils when you were young, and we didn't care about anything when we got together, but Xiaojun and his brothers ruined our good deed, and I was beaten up by my dad!"

Li Chudu couldn't tell whether the pictures in his memory were from his previous experience or from his own experience. As long as the gate of memory was opened, those pictures would flood in.

"Xiao Chu, I remember that the girl from the Jiang family was still your little wife at that time, right?"

"Gah..." The laughter in the room stopped abruptly, and Li Chu felt his forehead throbbing, and the back of his spine felt a little chilly.

Looking at Aunt Wang who was giggling there, Li Chu suddenly felt that her head was extremely big. How could she still make such jokes at such an old age.

"Auntie, what are you talking about? Why don't I remember this?" Li Chu could only pretend to be blank and asked.

Ding Qiunan acted as if nothing had happened, and a smile appeared on his face again, but Li Chu always felt that there was some deep meaning in his wife's eyes.

"You don't remember, Xiao Chu, didn't your parents and their family recognize each other's in-laws at that time?" Aunt Wang didn't know what happened today, and she was fighting here desperately.

"Auntie, you must remember wrongly. There is no such thing. I don't have the slightest impression."

"Okay, just pretend that I remember wrongly. It was just the two of you having dinner, what's the name of that kid from the Jiang family?"

Although Aunt Wang said so, the eyes of the daughter-in-law told Li Chu that the matter was not over yet.

"My name is Jiang Cheng. I had dinner just now... and his sister Jiang Li." This matter must not be concealed, and he did not do anything wrong.

"What's the situation, Xiao Chu, what are the brothers and sisters doing in Sijiu City? Where's Old Jiang and his wife?"

Only then did Li Chu tell him everything he knew, but he didn't say anything about Jiang Cheng's physical disability. This is a very private matter and can't be said casually.

What happened to the Jiang family and Jiang Li's failed marriage made the three women in the room silent.

For a moment, only Wenxuan and Wenhui were left in the room, chattering.

"Hey, you can get Jiang Li and her child's household registration first, and if you have any questions, just tell your uncle and ask him to help."

"Well, if there is any problem, I will tell my uncle."

"By the way, the medicine you prescribed for Qiaoyun last time has already been taken. You can check her condition again." Aunt Wang skipped that topic, it's useless to talk about the matter so far, just help the Jiang family if they need anything.

Li Qiaoyun has been pregnant for more than six months. After the Chinese New Year, Uncle Wang helped her take a leave of absence and came back to raise the baby at home.

Her body is indeed very weak, which is inherited from her mother, who is born with a weak constitution.

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