has plans?Ding Qiunan looked at her husband with question marks on her forehead, why didn't she know.

"This is what I think. Don't our family have two tickets now? I want to buy one for our father and Jianguo, so that they can go back and forth more conveniently." Li Chu explained to his wife.

"It's okay to buy it for Dad. Why would an apprentice in Jianguo buy him a bicycle? If he doesn't buy it for him, it will save him from blah blah blah. When he earns money, he can buy it himself."

Ding Qiunan clearly expressed his attitude.

Li Chu looked at her amusedly, his daughter-in-law was not Fudimo.

"Anyway, he's also your younger brother. Wouldn't it be easier to buy him a car and go home later? It's easy to talk about a partner in two years."

"That's my parents' business. They are still alive. It's not my elder sister's turn to worry about it. You can't let him get used to this problem and make him feel that he can ask you, brother-in-law, for everything, and you arrange all the work for him. I want to earn other things by myself.”

Ding Qiunan was surprisingly firm on this matter, saying that he would not be allowed to buy it if he didn't allow it, and that it was fine to honor his parents, but his younger brother was fine.

"Also, Jianguo has been used by my parents. He has been working for such a long time. Although the apprentice's salary is low, he still has to pay it to his family.

But the few times I came to the house, my nephew and niece didn't even eat a piece of candy from him as an uncle, and they came here empty-handed every time, and they had to take things away before leaving. Do you think I will let him in next time. "

The more Ding Qiunan talked, the more angry he became. It wasn't that he cared about the morsel, as he didn't have anything at home.

But as an uncle, you never bought anything for your child, which is a bit too much.

Li Chu hugged his wife's shoulder with a smile: "Okay, don't be angry, I won't buy it for him."

"Oh, you're outside. What are you doing here?" You can do whatever you want at home, but when you go out, even if you're an old couple, Ding Qiunan still doesn't get used to her husband and makes some intimate gestures to herself.

"Who can see the black light and blind. Not even a person."

"That's not okay. If you let it go smoothly, you will let it go during the day someday. How shameful it is."

"Listen to you carefully, don't leave it indiscriminately." Li Chu could only agree to his daughter-in-law helplessly.

There is no way, the current social atmosphere is like this, even the couple on the main road do not hold hands.

If it's someone you're talking about, you dare to hold hands openly and see if the red cuffs will be sent to the police station for you.

Ding Qiunan said with a serious expression on his face: "Let me tell you, Li Chu, you are not allowed to give Jianguo money privately in the future, and I will tell my parents about this kid later. How can I go on like this? He will take it from me. Things are taken for granted, how can there be such a thing.”

Wen Hui in Ding Qiunan's arms suddenly stretched out her small hand to touch her mother's face: "Mom is not angry."

"Mua, mom is not angry, Huihui is so good, she will make mom happy!" Ding Qiunan's serious face was wiped by his daughter's hand, and it immediately turned into a smiling face.

Oh, my daughter is sensible early.Li Chu looked at Wenhui in Ding Qiunan's arms, and then looked down at his sleeping son in his arms.

When Wenhui got home, she couldn't bear it anymore and felt sleepy. After the two children were settled down, Ding Qiunan pulled Li Chu to sit on the sofa.

"Do you remember what I told you just now?"

Li Chu thought that his daughter-in-law had forgotten about it, and it seemed that she was really dissatisfied with her brother.

"Remember, I won't give him money in private in the future, and I haven't given him money since he started working."

"I don't care if it was in the past, anyway, I won't give it away in the future, I can't make this kid dependent, and I can buy what I want by myself."

"Okay, listen to you, the bicycle is only for my dad." Li Chu leaned over and kissed his wife's face.

After thinking for a while, Ding Qiunan explained: "It's not that I'm reluctant to spend money on my brother, I just don't think I can get used to his problems and make him feel that what we do is normal."

After listening to her explanation, Li Chu said with a smile: "Daughter-in-law, I understand what you mean, Jianguo is working now, so he should be independent."

Ding Qiunan got up and sat on her husband's lap, wrapping her arms around his neck: "Honey..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Chu shuddered, and looked at his daughter-in-law sitting on his lap in horror: "What are you doing, speak well, daughter-in-law, look at the goosebumps on my body."

As he spoke, he stretched out his arms for her to see.

"You hate it!" Ding Qiunan raised her hand and patted her husband's arm. It was the first time she spoke in such a tone, and she was interrupted before she finished speaking, making her face flushed with embarrassment.

Looking at his daughter-in-law's pretty face, Li Chu chuckled and kissed her lips: "What did you want to tell me just now?"

"Stop talking, hum!" Ding Qiunan let go of his hand and was about to get off his lap.

But Li Chu was tightly fixed on his legs and could not get off.

"Let go of me, let me go down, hum, ignore you." Ding Qiunan said with a sullen face.

"Daughter-in-law, I was wrong. I sincerely apologize to you. Don't be angry. Just finish what you wanted to say."

"Huh..." Ding Qiunan turned his head away from him, and his lips were so pouted that he could hang an oil pot on it.

"Okay, daughter-in-law, don't be angry! I haven't been called like this before. It's hard to get used to hearing it for the first time. I'll get used to it after calling it a few more times." Li Chu turned his daughter-in-law's head and looked at her. said her eyes.

"It's a good idea, I won't call it like that again in the future." Ding Qiunan said coquettishly.

Li Chu didn't bother with her about what to call her, but continued to ask: "Daughter-in-law, what did you want to say just now?"

"Hmm..." Ding Qiunan didn't say anything for a long time, and then patted her husband in embarrassment: "I hate you, I forgot what to say because you disturbed me."

"Don't worry, don't worry, talk about it when you think about it."

"Why are you so annoying!" Ding Qiunan rolled his eyes at him again.

"Hey," Li Chu said shyly, "Daughter-in-law, please call me like you did just now."

"It's a good idea, let me tell you, it's impossible, and it will never be possible in the future." Guang Guang poked his head with his finger without saying a word.

"Oh, daughter-in-law, just call again, just once, the last time, okay?"

Seeing Li Chu act like a spoiled child, Ding Qiunan's smile trembled wildly.

"No, who made you laugh at me just now, hum, don't bark if you don't bark."

"Oh, good wife, just once." Li Chu looked at Ding Qiunan hopefully.

Ding Qiunan bit his lower lip, looked at her husband's anxious look, and chuckled lightly: "Honey."

Li Chu seemed to shiver again. The first sound just now made him feel weird, but now this sound made his whole body numb.

Without saying anything, he stood up with his wife in his arms and walked into the bathroom.

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