Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 189 Lively

The uncle stopped him for a while, but Li Chu quickly stood up to catch He Yuzhu's fist.

He Yuzhu, the self-proclaimed god of war in the courtyard, is not a person at all in front of Li Chu, a person who has been reformed by the system.

Li Chu caught He Yuzhu's fist and pushed him out of the house with a hard push. When he was pushed out, He Yuzhu was knocked by the threshold and fell directly into the yard.

A lot of people gathered in the yard because of the commotion here, and everyone was watching the fun. Everyone was laughing when they saw He Yuzhu stumbled.

He Yuzhu stood up in embarrassment and was about to rush over. At this time, the uncle also reacted, stepped forward to stop He Yuzhu, looked at him and said, "He Yuzhu, silly Zhu, what are you going to do? Hmm? Do you want to come with me?" Hit? You don’t know anything and just mess around there.”

"I... I'm not afraid that you will suffer."

"Huh..." The angry old man ignored him.

Then he turned his head to look at the second uncle who came out of the room and said, "And you, Liu Haizhong, who told you that we had a fight? Li Chu came over to talk to me about something. The stool was accidentally knocked down by me. Silly Zhu is messing around here, you are the second uncle, so you also mess around with him."

"Oh, isn't this silly Zhu who came to tell me that you two had a quarrel in the room, and I'm worried." Then he said to Li Chu, "Doctor Li, I'm really sorry to see this mess!"

Li Chu ignored him, turned around and went into the uncle's room.

The uncle said to the crowd watching the excitement in the yard: "Okay, it's okay, there is a little misunderstanding, everyone should leave!"

Only then did the crowd slowly disperse, muttering something together in twos and threes as they walked.

Seeing that everyone dispersed, the first uncle ignored He Yuzhu and the second uncle and entered the room, closing the door.

Xu Damao was also in the crowd just now, and when he saw He Yuzhu being cleaned up, he stood there laughing.Seeing that the crowd had dispersed, he was ready to walk to the backyard, his eyes were rolling around, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

As soon as He Yuzhu turned his head, he saw him: "Xu Damao, what are you enjoying there?"

Xu Damao looked at He Yuzhu with disdain and said, "Bah... silly Zhu, you also have today."

"Xu Damao, I think you are looking for a beating!" He Yuzhu was so angry that he rushed to beat him.

He Yushui also came out of the house just now. Seeing that his brother was about to hit someone again, he hurried up to stop him and dragged him home. "My silly brother, hurry back and see what you are doing."

Seeing that He Yuzhu was being held back, Xu Damao put one hand on his hip, pointed at him with the other hand, and said, "Silly Zhu, I think that's all you can do. Aren't you very good at hitting? How could you be thrown out with one hand?" gone."

An angry He Yuzhu broke away from Yushui's hand, "Hey, grandson, look how I'm going to deal with you!"

When Xu Damao saw that He Yuzhu was coming, he turned his head and ran to the backyard, shouting as he ran, "Stupid Zhu, wait for me!"

"Grandson, don't run away!" He Yuzhu was about to catch up, but was caught by the rain again.

The rain pushed him into the house and closed the door: "Silly brother, what are you doing? Isn't it embarrassing to be thrown out with one hand?"

He Yuzhu poked his neck and said, "I didn't pay attention, I was attacked by him. When I'm ready, just his small body, hmph..."

"Heh" Yu Shui gave him an angry look. "I said silly brother, what are you doing?"

"Aren't I afraid that my uncle will be bullied?"

"What does it matter to you that Li Chu told the uncle about it?"

"Okay, okay, you little brat, what do you know, go back to your room and study."

"Hmph, I don't care about you." He turned his head and went back to his room.

After the second uncle over there came home, he sat there angrily and scolded: "This Yi Zhonghai is really not a thing. There is that Li Chu, who doesn't respect me as the second uncle at all. Everyone talks about things without saying anything... "

His son Liu Guangtian was beside him and said: "Father, there is nothing that cannot be said to others."

The second uncle raised his hand and slapped Liu Guangtian on the head: "I want you to tell me, I don't know!"

Liu Guangtian was so frightened that he closed his mouth tightly and dared not speak anymore.

"Hmph, this Li Chu, just wait, when I become the leader, I will deal with you sooner or later."

Liu Guangtian lowered his head, rolled his eyes secretly, and muttered in his heart: "When you become the leader, Li Chu is not from your factory, and you won't be able to deal with him even if you become the leader."

The old man closed the door after entering the room, and said to Li Chu, "Oh, I'm really sorry, Dr. Li, that idiot also cares about me. He's a nice guy, but he's a little impulsive."

Li Chu waved his hand, "Let's not talk about him."

After a pause, he said, "Master, I'll show you first, and then show it to aunt, after all, you can prescribe the right medicine."

"Doctor Li, do you think we can still have our own children?" the uncle asked cautiously.

Li Chu smiled and said: "Master, don't worry, I'll take your pulse first, and we'll talk about it later, give me your left hand."

After taking the pulse for the uncle, he didn't say anything, so he asked the aunt to come over and continue to take the pulse. After finishing, he said to the two of them: "My lord, you are in good health, but you are a little malnourished. There is nothing you can do about it. As for the aunt ..."

"What happened to your mother's body?"

The first mother also looked at Li Chu eagerly.

"Did Mommy suffer from some kind of illness before and didn't fully recover?"

"Hey, it's been a long time ago. We fled from Dongshan to Sijiu City. On the way, your aunt got sick once, but it was not completely cured. After that time, your aunt's body has been in constant pain. It's so embarrassing, and I can't get pregnant anymore, we have seen many doctors, and they all said that I won't be able to get pregnant in the future." The old man's eyes turned red as he spoke.

The big mother sat on the edge and touched her tears.

"Hey, I didn't say anything. Why are you two crying?" Li Chu said helplessly as he saw the two crying. "Okay, grandpa, bring me a pen and paper. I'll make a prescription for you to take care of it. Next year, next year at the latest, you two will have your own children."

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