Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 180 Knowing

Li Chu stood up and walked to Ding Qiunan's side, took the child from his arms, thought for a while and said, "Daughter-in-law, take Xiao Hei to the hospital with a flashlight, and ask the emergency department to pull the cart over and take the baby to the hospital." This person is taken to the hospital first, since we saw it, we can’t leave it alone.”

Ding Qiunan tightly held the flashlight in his hand, and asked worriedly: "Is there anything wrong?"

"Don't worry, daughter-in-law, I saw that she was indeed dizzy from hunger, and the clothes on her body are quite decent except for some dirt sticking to her body, and she won't be able to wake up in a while. Take Xiao Hei and go back quickly."

Ding Qiunan took the flashlight away, the alley was dark, and the two children were tightly huddled in their father's arms.

Li Chu kept pacing back and forth, humming nursery rhymes to the children.

Within ten minutes, Ding Qiunan ran over with the doctor from the emergency department of their hospital.

After the two doctors came over, they carried the person lying on the ground to the cart. Li Chu explained a few words to them, asking them to take the person to the hospital for treatment first, and he will deal with the expenses when he goes to work tomorrow morning.

Seeing them pulling the cart away, Li Chu walked home with Ding Qiunan.

"Li Chu, life is much better now than it was two years ago, why would someone faint from hunger?"

"I don't know. Something must have happened to me. I'll find out when I get to the hospital tomorrow morning."

When I got home, I boiled water to give the two children a bath, and then prepared milk powder for them to drink with their own bottles.

After drinking the milk, the two of them will go to sleep by themselves.

These two children have actually made Li Chu and Ding Qiunan very relieved.

In the hospital, the two of them saw a lot of children who were sick every now and then, which was really distressing.

When he came to the hospital the next morning, Li Chu first went to the cafeteria, found squad leader Li of the chef class, and handed the shopping list that He Yuzhu gave him last night to squad leader Li.

"Squad Leader Li, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Squad leader Li looked at the list in his hand and said, "Don't be polite, Doctor Li, you don't want to buy delicacies from mountains and seas, you can pick them up at noon on No. 30, and you can't buy them too early, otherwise some of the items will not be fresh."

"The luggage squad leader, and what's more, you have to lend me some of those plates and bowls then."

"No problem, it's all trivial, anyway, it's not a small stove on National Day.

By the way, Dr. Li, can I ask a question, which master did you find to cook for you? "

Originally, Li Chu wanted to invite Squad Leader Li to do the cooking this time, but unfortunately, he was too late to tell him, and he had already agreed to others in advance.

There is no way that Li Chucai found He Yuzhu, hoping that his cooking skills are already good.

"I'm looking for a chef from the steel factory, named He Yuzhu. I wonder if Squad Leader Li knows him?"

"He Yuzhu, He Yuzhu, I know someone named He, but he doesn't seem to be in Sijiu City anymore." Squad Leader Li said after thinking for a while.

"Is the person you know called He Daqing?" Li Chu reckoned that squad leader Li probably knew Zhuzi's father.

"That's right, that's right, it's him. He Daqing used to cook official dishes." Squad Leader Li remembered his name.

"The He Yuzhu I'm looking for is He Daqing's son."

"Oh, I see. You mean Shazhu. His father used to call him Shazhu. I didn't even realize your name."

Squad leader Li went on to say: "Silly Zhu has learned a few percent of his father's kung fu, cooking should be no problem, just because he has never been on his own, it may be a little lacking, but it must be no problem to cook this kind of noodles of."

The purchase list was handed over to Squad Leader Li, and Li Chu gave him another 50 yuan. At that time, the excess will be refunded and the deficiency will be refunded. The needed tickets will be given to No. 30.

These cooks always have unexpected ways to make things that are not seen in the market.

After coming out of the cafeteria, Li Chu went directly to the internal medicine department. If he brought the fainted person over last night, he should be assigned to the internal medicine department.

I found a nurse to ask, and the nurse led Li Chu directly to the ward.

There are three beds in this ward, and only one person from last night is currently assigned.

When Li Chu entered, the man was sitting on the side of the bed with his back to the door, and turned around when he heard the movement.

His face was still unshaven, but it was washed clean, his face was full of fortitude, and his eyes were piercing.

He stood up when he saw someone coming in.

The nurse said to him directly: "Comrade, this is Dr. Li from our hospital. He is the one who saved you last night."

As soon as the words were finished, the man walked to the open space at the end of the bed, and the man who pushed the Jinshan to worship the jade pillar knelt on the ground with a plop, and was about to kowtow to Li Chu.

"Hey, comrade, what are you doing?" Seeing this posture, Li Chu hurriedly stepped forward to pull him up, but he didn't expect to pull him up the first time with his strength, and the man just kowtowed .

The second time, Li Chu pulled him up with great effort.

"Good guy, this is malnourished and still working so hard," Li Chu thought to himself.

And after the man was pulled up by force, he also looked at Li Chu in surprise. The doctor looked thin and weak, but he was very energetic.

The nurse who brought Li Chu had already left at this time, she was still very busy and didn't have time to watch this scene of gratitude.

"Comrade, I just passed by and saw it. I just called the doctor to take you to the hospital. There is no need for such a big gift." Li Chu said.

The man's words were simple: "The kindness of saving my life is unforgettable."

After speaking, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Li Chu: "This is my proof. I will find a way to return the money from the hospital to you."

Li Chu took it over and took a look, then raised his head to look at him again.

This is a certificate of recovery from the army. This person is Wu Xiaoliu, who is 30 years old this year.

"Comrade, since you are a demobilized soldier, why did you faint from hunger by the side of the road?"

Wu Xiaoliu remained silent and said nothing.

Seeing this, Li Chu knew that there must be something unspeakable, so he didn't continue to ask.

"Comrade Wu, what are you going to do next?"

"Thank you, Dr. Li, for saving your life. I am going to leave now, and I have to find someone. I will find a way to pay you back the money I owe you."

Li Chu nodded without saying anything, but took out five yuan from his trouser pocket and handed him some food stamps.

"I don't know why you fainted from starvation, but you probably don't have any money, so you can use these first, and just pay me back if you think about it later."

Wu Xiaoliu was also polite, and took it: "Don't worry, Dr. Li, I will definitely pay you back."

After hearing what he said, Li Chu was noncommittal. He didn't care about the money, and he specifically stated that it was just to show his attitude. If you don't pay it back, he won't find you.

Wu Xiaoliu did not continue to stay in the hospital after receiving the money. He fainted from hunger and was not sick, so he didn't need to be hospitalized for treatment.

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