Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 176 The Furnace

Li Chu worked very hard tonight, with full firepower.By the time of the last shower, Ding Qiunan was completely limp in his arms.

I fell asleep within 1 minute of lying in bed after taking a shower.

He himself felt a little tired from being tormented.

There is no way, he is going to study that experience book tonight, so as not to toss his daughter-in-law up until dawn, in case someone sees something, he will explain it.

He cleaned up the bathroom, and then finished peeing the two children before turning off the light and lying on the bed.

He didn't take out the experience book either, he just opened it in his mind, and then he fainted magnificently.

It was already past five o'clock in the morning when he opened his eyes again.

There was too much instilled content this time, and I still felt a little groggy when I woke up.

Regardless of sorting out those extra memories, he ran to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water, and then he regained consciousness.

Standing in the yard and doing the Wu Qin Xi again, this time I was completely refreshed.

Taking the lunch box and leading Xiao Hei out to buy breakfast, he only started to sort out those memories while walking on the road.

Same as last time, those instilled memories seem to exist in the first place, and they are completely integrated after a little recall.

But the same also brought him some troubles.

Because the experience instilled in him this time is in the future, which also makes many things in his memory not exist at all now.

For example, CT machine, this instrument has not been invented yet, and it was not until the end of the 70s that my country introduced this instrument for the first time.

There are also many drugs that are also not available now.

In this way, he can't easily reveal his medical skills, and he needs to thoroughly understand the current situation.

There is also a new idea for the research project on kidney failure.

But he still needs to understand what the current medical level is like.

But don't let him say it when the time comes, there is no such thing, and I don't know what that thing is.

It is really inconvenient to master the advanced medical level.

If you go to the internal medicine department now, you must pay attention to it. No matter what you do, you must start from the perspective of Chinese medicine.

After shopping, I returned home early, prepared milk powder for the two children, and woke up my wife when I was feeding them.

Ding Qiunan, who had a good night's sleep, wakes up in the morning full of energy.

But when she saw Li Chu, she felt a little angry.

She was obviously overstretched from being fed last night.

The animal in her family doesn't know where the physical limit is.

Alas, thinking of this, Ding Qiunan felt a little melancholy.

while having breakfast.

"Li Chu, do you know if the matter of Xu Damao's family has been resolved?"

"I don't know. I met the third master the day before, but I didn't bother to ask."

"Huh? Where did you meet the third master?" Ding Qiunan asked.

"The students in their school are in class. They had epilepsy, and they were brought by the third master and several teachers. It was during the meeting yesterday morning." Li Chu explained to his wife.

"Oh, I saw it when you were called out."

"By the way, our neighbor, Xiao Yezi's sister, is also assigned to be a teacher in the third master's school."

Speaking of this, Li Chu realized that he could ask Professor Ran next door to see if he knew anyone who studied ancient characters.

"What are you thinking?" Ding Qiunan saw her husband bowed his head in thought as soon as he finished speaking, and he didn't even eat his meal.

"Oh, I just remembered the words I copied that I didn't know. Can I ask Professor Ran to help me find someone to teach me?"

Ding Qiunan also read the few books he copied.

After reading it, Ding Qiunan felt like an illiterate, barely knowing the characters.

"Yes, Professor Ran should know experts in this field."

Li Chu nodded: "Well, eat quickly, daughter-in-law, I will ask Professor Ran later."


The project approval for this cooperation between the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the hospital is still very fast.

In just over a week, the approval documents from the Ministry have already come down.

Today is also the first time that the teams of the two units have met.

And Li Chu has been completely busy since this meeting.

Start with mild patients first, and replace all the medicines they take with traditional Chinese medicine.

Of course, this is also the opinion of the patient and family members.

If you agree, the hospital and the Chinese medicine institute will bear all the subsequent treatment costs.

If people disagree, they will not easily change the treatment plan.

Not to mention, there are quite a few people who are willing to try, and the surrounding township health centers have introduced many patients to them.

Rural people have to pay for their own expenses when they get sick. Now that there is an opportunity for free treatment, some people will not be willing.

Those who have a formal job will be reimbursed by the unit, and they will not force it if they don't want it.

Now Li Chushi was so busy that he hit the back of the head, and now he is almost a doctor of internal medicine.

During this period of time, he has been in the internal medicine department, observing and learning the diagnosis and treatment methods of western medicine every day, which also allowed him to fully integrate the experience instilled in him that day.

He is now able to treat patients with Western medicine according to the current actual medical level.

This made the doctors and interns in the internal medicine department feel like the person standing in front of them was a monster.

Fortunately, he only showed that he was good at kidney disease.

"Director Chen, are you busy now?" Taking advantage of being free, Li Chu came to Director Chen's office to discuss something with him.

"Doctor Li, come in and sit down. If you need anything, just say it."

"That's right. What I want to tell you is about the classification of kidney failure."

After sitting down, Li Chu took out a notebook from his pocket.

"I think our previous examination was just blood routine, urine, and abdominal B-ultrasound, which was a bit simple, and the data collected in this way was a bit thin."

Director Chen was taken aback after hearing this: "Do we have other inspection methods?"

"Through my study during this period, I think we should also do a blood creatinine test when drawing blood. These creatinines are mainly filtered out of the body through the kidneys. If the blood creatinine value is high, then..."

Director Chen already understood what he meant, and understanding was nothing but understanding, but he still felt absurd when he looked at Li Chu sitting in front of him.

You, a Chinese medicine doctor, are here to talk to me about the examination methods of western medicine. The key is that you are still right.

This made Director Chen have the urge to go back to the furnace and rebuild. The past few decades have really lived on dogs.

"Doctor Li, there is no problem with the indicator you mentioned. I don't know if our hospital's laboratory can detect it."

After thinking for a while, Director Chen continued: "If it doesn't work, let the laboratory at the school help. Let's come up with a normal average value first."

Having achieved his purpose of coming here, Li Chu stood up and prepared to leave.

"Doctor Li, don't rush to leave, sit down first." Director Chen stopped him.

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