Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 172 Hesitation

Li Chu didn't talk nonsense, and asked directly: "Has this happened to the child before?"

The child's mother was shedding tears and kept looking at the child on the hospital bed. When she heard Li Chu's question, she shook her head: "No, I have never seen him like this before."

"Is anyone in your family suffering from this disease? Whether it's your mother's side or the child's father's side."

The child's mother thought for a while before saying: "No one in my natal family has this disease, and his father has never heard of anyone suffering from this disease. Doctor, why does my child have epilepsy?"

Li Chu didn't answer her question. After the child on the hospital bed calmed down, he stepped forward and started to feel the pulse. After feeling the pulse with both hands, he asked, "Where is the child's father?"

"He's at work. Our neighbor has already called for him, and he should be here soon."

Li Chu nodded, took out a bunch of keys from his pocket, and handed them to an intern next to him: "Go to the first consultation room of the Chinese medicine department, and take my acupuncture needles from the army green satchel hanging on the wall. come over."

Then he walked to Director Chen and said, "Director Chen, I suspect that this child should be inherited, and something may have scared the child in the past two days, so the epilepsy was induced."

At this moment, the child's mother interrupted and said, "Yes, doctor, when the child was playing outside our yard yesterday afternoon, he was eating steamed buns in his hand. Suddenly a wild cat rushed over, jumped up and took the steamed buns away from the child." Yes, my son was so scared that he sat on the ground for a long time and couldn't speak."

The people in the ward, including Director Chen, looked at Li Chu in amazement.

Director Chen had seen a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine treat the horns before, so he asked Li Chu to come over just now.

But he didn't expect that so much information could be judged just by the pulse condition.

The intern who went to fetch acupuncture needles for Li Chu ran back, followed by a man in his thirties.

Seeing this man, the child's mother walked over immediately, grabbed his arm and burst into tears. It seemed that he should be the child's father.

"What's going on, Xiaofen, what's wrong with your son?" The child's father asked anxiously, ignoring the sweat from his brow.

Deputy Director Wang said from the side: "Comrade, your child has epilepsy. Please recall, has anyone in your family ever had this disease?"

Hearing the question, the child's father calmed down all of a sudden, and said in a nonchalant manner, "I... my father died of shofar wind."

What the child's father said made Li Chu heave a sigh of relief. What he was most worried about was the acquired disease. It was congenital but it was better, and it could be controlled by drinking traditional Chinese medicine.

Li Chu didn't say anything, but took out two needles from the needle bag, asked the nurse to disinfect them, and went over to prick the child's head with two needles.

Within a few minutes after the needle was inserted, the child who was still in a coma had a relaxed expression on his face.

Li Chu prescribed another medicine, handed it to the child's father, and explained: "Just drink this medicine once a day. If the child gets sick again after returning home, remember not to touch him. Just put a towel in his mouth."

"Doctor, how long do you need to drink this medicine?"

"Keep drinking. If that time just now was the last time he fell ill, just drink for another three years. If he still falls ill after returning home, start counting the time from that time. Do you understand what I mean?"

After hearing Li Chu's words, the child's father nodded in a daze.

Such a long medical order is really rare.

Not to mention that they are rare, this is the first time for Li Chu to give such a doctor's order, but there is no way, this child is hereditary, and can only be maintained by drinking medicine like this.

After prescribing the medicine, Li Chu removed the needle, and the nurses in the internal medicine department arranged for the child's father to go through the hospitalization procedures. The child still needs to be hospitalized for a few more days of observation.

Seeing that there is nothing else, the teachers of Yan Bugui and his school are about to leave.

Li Chu also greeted Director Chen and Deputy Director Wang, and was going to see off Yan Bugui and the others.

"Xiao Li, don't leave yet, we have admitted a few more patients with kidney failure here, please help us take a look."

After sending Yan Bugui to the door of the ward, he chatted casually without saying anything, Yan Bugui knew that Li Chu still had something to do, so he bid farewell to him.

After they all left, Li Chu followed Director Chen to another ward to see the newly admitted patients with kidney failure.

Seeing that the director and the others had all gone out, an intern who had just arrived at the hospital asked his teacher, "Teacher, who is Dr. Li from the Chinese Medicine Department? He looks about the same age as us." , why are you so good at medicine?"

It's true, Li Chu is looking at thirty, but his appearance has hardly changed in the past few years, he still looks like 22 or [-] years old.

The same is true of Ding Qiunan, since he married Li Chu, his appearance hasn't changed much, the twins have been born, and his figure has returned to the same as when he was a girl, he can't tell at all that he is the mother of a child.

The internal medicine doctor, who is called a teacher by the intern, is writing the child's medical record. Now the requirements for writing the medical record are much stricter than before.

Hearing the intern's words, he stopped writing and raised his head to look at the interns beside him, smiled and said: "You guys don't think that Dr. Li is young, he is less than thirty, and he is already a member of our hospital. He is an expert-level figure, and his medical skills are the kind that have a teacher.

Now not only our hospital, but other hospitals in Forty-Nine City often send cars over to ask people to do consultations. Few of the directors in our hospital have this kind of treatment.

You guys should study steadily. Although Dr. Li is a Chinese medicine practitioner, he knows as much about Western medicine as you college students through self-study. "

After he finished speaking, he continued to write the medical records, cursing secretly in his heart as he wrote, he didn't know which bastard made this standardized medical record writing, it was too torturous.

He still didn't know that the bastard he scolded was Dr. Li just now.

Now there are countless doctors scolding Li Chu all over the country. Fortunately, they don’t know who came up with this idea. Otherwise, doctors in other hospitals would be drowned by spit alone. he.

The teacher’s words let a few interns peek at each other, which makes people feel uncomfortable. Geniuses are the most annoying thing, and what’s even more annoying is that a genius works harder than you. Leave a way for ordinary people to live.

You say that you are a doctor of Chinese medicine, why don't you study your own Chinese medicine well, why do you teach yourself Western medicine, it is not worse than those of us majors, this is embarrassing.

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