The next afternoon, Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang had dinner at Li Chu's place.

When Li Chu and Uncle Wang were chatting in the courtyard after dinner, they finally understood why Chen Fangguo had to go out of his way to tell him.

This is Xiang Zhuang's sword dance, aimed at Pei Gong!

It's nothing more than wanting to be promoted, and the other is wanting to be a member of the committee that everyone in the organization yearns for.

Li Chu smiled helplessly. If Uncle Wang hadn't said it, I'm afraid I, a political novice, wouldn't be able to figure it out.

Director Chen probably didn't expect that he knocked down a political idiot.

"Xiao Chu, you don't have to worry about anything. If he comes to you again, as long as he doesn't tell you clearly, you can just pretend to be confused."

"Uncle, where do I wear clothes? I don't know anything, okay?"

"You don't need to underestimate yourself. You can think that he must have other motives for coming to you. It's not bad." Uncle Wang said with a smile.

"Thank you uncle for your compliment!" Li Chu drank his saliva: "Uncle, my nephew will take the college entrance examination next month. If he fails to pass the college entrance examination, you can arrange for him to go to the army."

"Your nephew? Oh, you mean Xiaoqin's son, Jiadong, right?"

"It's Jiadong. I guess I won't be able to get into college. I've discussed it with my sister and brother-in-law. I want to join the army."

"Which unit do you want to go to?"

Li Chu smiled shyly: "Uncle, it's best to arrange it in our Forty-Nine City."

Uncle Wang didn't speak after listening. He put his right hand on the stone table and tapped with his index finger.

Knowing that Uncle Wang was thinking, Li Chu didn't continue to ask.

After a while, Uncle Wang's fingers stopped: "Graduated from high school, very cultured, I have a suggestion here, you go back and tell Xiaoqin and Ziwen to see if they agree."

"Uncle, there must be no problem with your arrangement."

"Don't flatter me, kid. My suggestion is that at the end of this year, there happens to be a unit going to the Northwest. Let him go to this unit. He is educated, and it's just right for him to go to this unit. It's also convenient to get a job later. "

Go to the Great Northwest?Li Chu subconsciously wanted to say no, that would be too far away.

If he dared to agree, Li Qin would probably tear him up and put him in the pot.

All of a sudden, I felt something was wrong. This army was only going to the Northwest at the end of this year. At this time...

"Uncle, which army is it?" Li Chu asked hastily.

"Why ask so many questions? Just say whether to go or not."

"Go, definitely go, I will make the decision for my sister and my brother-in-law."

Uncle Wang pointed at him: "Don't make decisions for others, you kid. You should ask clearly. If you don't want to go, just arrange another team. It's really hard over there."

Li Chu stood up and patted his chest and said, "Uncle, needless to say, they dare not agree with this unit."

The movement here also attracted the attention of Aunt Wang and Ding Qiunan who were sitting on the swing.

"Xiao Chu, who dares to disagree? Why did you pat your chest?" Aunt Wang asked loudly.

"Auntie, it's okay, just tell my uncle about letting Jiadong serve as a soldier."

As soon as they heard about this matter, Aunt Wang and Ding Qiunan obviously lost interest, and they started talking about their children again.

"Okay, let's sit down." Uncle Wang stretched out his hand to signal Li Chu to sit down: "Tell me after he is sure that he is going to be a soldier after the college entrance examination."

"Uncle, remember to reserve one of the places in this army."

"Do you know which unit I'm talking about?" Uncle Wang thought his behavior was a bit strange.

"Uncle, you didn't tell me how I would know." Li Chu said with a calm face, pretending to be calm.

"Then why are you so sure to let Jiadong go?"

"Isn't this arranged by you? You must be right."

Just as Uncle Wang was about to say something, Aunt Wang's voice came over: "Old Wang, don't chat with your nephew and uncle. It's time for the two children to go to bed. Let's go."

Zhang Meng, who had been sitting under the eaves playing with the two puppies, stood up when he heard Aunt Wang's words.

Being interrupted by Aunt Wang, Uncle Wang also forgot what he wanted to say, and just said to Li Chu: "After Jiadong finishes the exam, remember to tell me again."

"Okay Uncle."

Seeing that Uncle Wang was going to leave, Zhang Meng greeted Li Chu and Ding Qiunan, and was about to go out to drive first.

"Xiao Meng, you played there for a long time just now, and you think that dog can be taken back for me." Uncle Wang said, pointing to the two puppies in the kennel.

"I think his black one is the best." Zhang Meng said with a smile.

His words made Uncle Wang amused: "Xiao Hei is so old, how could he go with you."

"Old Wang, why do you want a dog?" Aunt Wang asked.

"I think these two dogs are very smart. If you catch one, you can be a companion for you."

Zhang Meng was ordered by the leader to go over without saying a word and grab one from the nest without picking it. He thought the two were similar.

From beginning to end, no one asked what the dog owner meant.

Xiao Hei just walked up to Zhang Meng and looked up, then walked back to the little master's cart.

It was the puppy that Zhang Meng was holding in his hand, barking non-stop.

"Hey, no one asked what I mean." Li Chu muttered in a low voice.

Uncle Wang, who had already walked to the door, seemed to have heard it, and turned around and asked, "Xiao Chu, what did you say?"

"Hey, Uncle, I say it's best if you take both of them."

His dog-legged appearance made several people laugh.

After seeing off Uncle Wang and the others, Li Chu breathed a sigh of relief, and he didn't know how to answer when asked by Uncle Wang.

As for the unit that Uncle Wang said would be dispatched to the Northwest by the end of the year, if nothing else happened, it should be Ermou's predecessor, the teaching team.

It seems that the young lady is going to get married in the Northwest next year.

Later, I must find a way to persuade my sister and brother-in-law to agree to send Jiadong to this army.

Li Chu and Ding Qiunan each carried a child, and went back to the courtyard to enter the house. At this time, Xiao Hei seemed to realize that his child was missing. He walked around the kennel for a few times, and ran to the gate to bark. several times.

Li Chu and Ding Qiunan were not in a hurry to enter the house, they stood at the door to see what Xiao Hei was going to do.

Xiao Hei ran from the door to Li Chu's legs and rubbed against his legs, then Ding Qiunan's legs, and then got into the nest.

He put the remaining puppy into his arms, hugged it with two front paws, and licked it with his tongue, lying there quietly. The puppy seemed to know what happened and also Be quiet and not move.

Li Chu glanced at his wife, just as Ding Qiunan also turned to look at him.

The two of them sighed at the same time, licking the calf affectionately, usually Xiao Hei didn't seem to care much about these two puppies, but if one was really taken away, it would still feel sad.

Li Chu crouched on the edge of the nest with the child in his arms, stretched out his hand and scratched its head, Xiao Hei looked at him with wide eyes, a tear fell from the corner of his eye.

Tonight was the first time Xiao Hei hadn't gone into the bedroom since having a child, and he lay down in the bed all night without coming out.

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