Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 139 Nephew

In the following period of time, rumors were often heard that a certain leader of a certain unit was taken away again.

However, this incident seems to be mainly aimed at the leading cadres of the government, and has little impact on the grassroots.

In addition, the ghost markets in Forty-Nine City have been hit hard during this period, especially those dealers who buy and sell various bills in private.

Li Chu often went to his sister's house during this time. After all, they were both in leadership positions, so he was quite worried.

Today is off, and my sister’s family came over in the morning. After the family finished their lunch, Li Qin and Ding Qiunan pushed the cart and took the three children out for a walk, and Xiao Hei also followed. Is inseparable.

Li Chu, his brother-in-law and Wang Jiadong were sitting in the courtyard.

"Is Jiadong going to take the college entrance examination this year?" Li Chu suddenly remembered that his nephew is 17 years old this year.

Wang Jiadong was sitting on the swing reading a book, when he heard his uncle's question, he put down his book and walked over: "Uncle, the exam is less than three months away."

"How about it, are you sure?" Li Chu looked at Jiadong with great interest.

Wang Ziwen squinted at his son from the side: "If he can pass the exam, then the ancestral grave of our old Wang's family will really be smoking."

Although his father's words were full of ridicule and disdain, Jiadong still nodded and said with a wry smile: "Uncle, I'm really not sure. How did you get in that time?"

"Me?" Li Chu shook his hand and said, "It's different. Back then, we had both regional and school admissions for the college entrance examination, unlike you who now recruit students nationwide."

After listening to Li Chu's words, Wang Jiadong looked at him enviously: "Uncle, isn't that very simple?"

"Speaking of simplicity, it is indeed simpler than what you can do now, because there are fewer people who can go to school. If it is too difficult, it is impossible to recruit people."

Wang Ziwen said with a smile: "When I found out that you were admitted to the medical school, my parents were very happy."

Li Chu also laughed: "I still remember it until now. When my dad heard that I would go to school for eight years, he stopped moving when he was eating, as if he was stupid."

"How did you think you wanted to study Chinese medicine?"

"Brother-in-law, it's not that I want to study Chinese pharmacy. I wanted to major in clinical western medicine, but I didn't get enough grades, so I was transferred there. When I received the notice, I was in a daze. Thinking about it, what is the study of Chinese medicine, a pile of rotten grass roots and bark, what's the use of learning that stuff."

Wang Ziwen and Jiadong laughed when they heard what Li Chu said.

"Later when I got home, I was embarrassed to say that I was transferred because of insufficient grades, so I could only bite the bullet and say that I took this major by myself."

"Actually, that's fine, otherwise you wouldn't have met your master, and you wouldn't have learned this skill." Wang Ziwen said with emotion.

Yes, it is a blessing in disguise.But relying on the teacher's teaching alone, he can't get to where he is now.

"Brother-in-law, what are you and my sister going to do here in that house? If you fail the exam, you can go to work?" Without talking about himself, Li Chu worried about his nephew's future.

Wang Ziwen glanced at his son and asked, "Do you want to learn Chinese medicine from your uncle?"

After hearing this, Li Chu looked at Wang Jiadong with hope. It would be best if his nephew was willing to learn.

Wang Jiadong waved his hands hastily: "Dad, uncle, please forgive me, I saw that medical book in the study, good guy, it's so thick, so much, I can't learn it."

Hearing what his nephew said, Li Chu was a little bit disappointed, but he didn't say anything. He had to be interested in studying medicine, otherwise he wouldn't be able to learn it at all. It would be a waste of time to force him to study.

"Then tell me what you want to do? After graduation, I will arrange a job for you to go to work?"

"Dad, I can do anything, I will listen to you and my mother."

Li Chu thought for a while and said, "Brother-in-law, I have an idea here, and you all think about it after I say it."

Wang Ziwen nodded: "Tell me, we don't have any good ideas right now. If it doesn't work, we can only arrange work for them."

Wang Jiadong also looked at Li Chu, wanting to see if his uncle had any good ideas.

"Let Jiadong serve as a soldier. At that time, he will be promoted in the army. Whether he stays in the army or returns, it will be easy to arrange. Otherwise, he is going to work now, which is just a temporary worker, and he has to wait for the opportunity to become a regular worker. And even if you become a full-time employee, you will only be a worker.”

This kind of thing can only be said at home behind closed doors, if outsiders find out, there will be trouble.What's the matter, don't you look down on the status of workers?

Li Chu's words made Wang Ziwen fall into deep thought, and Wang Jiadong's heart moved when he heard it.

Wang Ziwen's eyes became brighter and brighter, and a smile appeared on his face: "I'm really blind, why didn't I think of letting him serve as a soldier?"

"Xiao Chu, you are paying attention." Then Wang Ziwen looked at his son and asked, "How is it? Is what your uncle said okay?"

Wang Jiadong also nodded hastily, looking more excited.

"That's fine, talk to your mother when she comes back." Seeing that his son was willing, Wang Ziwen didn't say anything more. After all, this is a better way.

When Li Qin and Ding Qiunan returned, Wang Ziwen told Li Qin about it.

After listening, looking at his son's hopeful eyes, Li Qin reached out and pulled his son into his arms, his eyes full of reluctance.

It seems that Jiadong hasn't hugged him like this since he entered junior high school, right?Li Qin thought secretly in her heart.

At this time, Li Qin was no longer the heroic and courageous female captain before liberation; nor was she the director of the street office who acted swiftly and resolutely.

She is now a mother of a child, and her child has grown up and needs to fly on his own.

Although he was very reluctant to give up, Li Qin knew that letting his son serve as a soldier was the best way for him if he could not pass the university entrance exam.

Without too much hesitation, Li Qin nodded.

Following her nod, Wang Jiayuan cried loudly from the side: "No, I don't want my brother to leave, I want my brother to stay with me at home."

Wang Jiadong, who was more than 1.7 meters tall, walked up to his sister and hugged her easily.

Wang Jiayuan hugged her brother's neck tightly and cried louder.

He hugged his younger sister Wang Jiadong and sat on the swing in the courtyard, whispering in her ear, trying to make her happy.

Wang Jiayuan's crying made Li Qin's eyes turn red.

Wang Ziwen sat aside, lit another cigarette and remained silent.

Infected by Wang Jiayuan's crying, the two little ones in the cart also started crying, and Xiao Hei was so anxious that he walked around outside the cart.

Li Chu and Ding Qiunan walked over and hugged each other.

While patting Wenhui in his arms, Li Chu said, "No, what are you all doing? It's not like you're leaving now. If the family gets into college, you don't need to be a soldier. Even if you're a soldier Go, why don't we arrange the troops in front of our Forty-Nine City at that time?"

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