Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 137 The Big Curtain

It was almost twelve noon when Li Chu left the ministry after attending the meeting on Monday.

At the meeting, the leaders first affirmed the feasibility of this proposal.

And also praised Li Chu, saying that he has made his own contribution to the standardized operation of the industry.

After discussion, a preliminary plan for how to standardize the next step was determined.

As for the specific implementation rules, this will be formulated after the research of experts.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Li Chu is considered to have retired.

Pushing the bicycle and walking slowly, the scene of the meeting just now appeared in Li Chu's mind.

He really didn't expect Chief Wu to come to this meeting in person.

When he saw it for the first time, he was in a daze, but after he calmed down, his heart was surging.

Although I remember seeing my predecessor when I was a child and being hugged, it didn't affect him being so excited that he stuttered a bit when he spoke.

What made him even more unexpected was that Chief Wu specially met him in the office of the ministry leader after the meeting.

Someone should have reported Li Chu's file in advance, otherwise, how could the chief who manages everything every day remember a kid from 20 years ago.

He didn't say much during this interview, but he just encouraged Li Chu, which made him a little bit embarrassed.

Li Chu, who was pushing the cart, thought that Chief Wu died of an illness later, probably because he was diagnosed with cancer and insisted on working while sick, so he passed away early.

Although he has now joined the health care team, it is not his turn to intervene in the daily physical conditioning of these chiefs. He can only wait for the opportunity to see if it is possible to change the history a little bit in the future.

Don't think about these things anymore, he can only be himself first, and slowly figure out the rest.

Riding on the car and driving home at full speed, the figure is getting farther and farther away.

In May, Sijiucheng is sunny and full of spring.

Early in the morning, Li Chu and Ding Qiunan waved goodbye to the two children sitting in the cart at the gate of the courtyard.

Ding Qiunan has been back to work in the hospital for a month, and now Aunt Wang comes to help them take care of their children every morning.

The two separated when they arrived at the hospital, and went to their respective jobs.

When Ding Qiunan left the children to go to work on the first day, she cried so much that the two children played happily with Aunt Wang.

But she was so angry that she kept saying that they were two little heartless people.

Originally, Li Chu planned to let Ding Qiunan take the child at home until he was one year old, and then go back to work.

Because at that time the child can enter the nursery of the hospital, they can bring it when they go to work, and pick it up after get off work, without bothering Aunt Wang.Unexpectedly, the plan did not change so quickly.

When he was on duty on February 2 this year, he heard that the center had held an enlarged meeting.

Li Chu didn't care about this meeting, because working here, there were meetings and conferences almost every day.

He did not expect that this week-long meeting would have a huge impact on the future development of New China.

Since mid-March, the situation seems to have suddenly become a little strange.

Uncle Wang called him to the office on purpose one day, reminding him to keep a low profile and keep a low profile from now on.

He also asked him to stop everything except seeing a doctor and going on duty.

Don't say things that you shouldn't say to outsiders, whether you are friends or colleagues.

At the same time, he also told him that it is best to let Ding Qiunan go back to work, and Aunt Wang will take care of the child.

Uncle Wang told Li Chu in every detail, and even said that if you do more, you will make more mistakes, and if you don't do it, you will be fine.

In the end, he also told him all the items that were determined in the last meeting, five of which were aimed at cities and the other four were aimed at rural areas.

Uncle Wang's words also made Li Chu realize that this is the prelude to entering a great era.

The leaders who worked out those plans probably didn't expect that a sports meeting would develop like that in the end, and they were even used by those who wanted to.

Li Chu's heart beat violently. The comfortable life these past few years made him forget about it.

Not daring to waste any more time, after returning from Uncle Wang, Li Chu told Ding Qiunan.

Ding Qiunan has been married to Li Chu for so long, and has never seen him so serious. Even though she was reluctant to bear the child, she obediently agreed.

When Li Chu came to the consulting room, Nurse Wang had already cleaned up.

After saying hello to Nurse Wang, she changed into a white coat and made a cup of tea, then sat behind the desk and began to read the newspaper.

This has become the norm for him these days.

Whether it is writing notes or researching kidney disease, he has now stopped.

The leader of the medical school also came to him, wanting to see when his fourth notebook would be finished, but he dismissed it because he didn't have enough accumulation to continue writing.

As for the research on kidney disease, he will not go to other hospitals at all now. If there are patients in this field in their hospital, he will still participate in the treatment.

During this period of time, there were relatively few patients, so Li Chu leisurely flipped through the newspaper to pass the time.

"Xiao Li, come out for a while."

Director Liang's voice came from the door, and Li Chu put down the newspaper and went out.

Director Liang led him to the pool platform in the middle of the courtyard before stopping.

After lighting a cigarette, Director Liang said, "It was announced at the meeting just now that Dean Yang has been transferred."

"Where did the transfer go?" Li Chu felt that it was normal for a leader at Dean Yang's level to be transferred, so he asked casually.

"A health center in a town below Tong County."

Director Liang's words made Li Chu's eyes widen. Are you kidding? Their hospital is a subordinate hospital, and Director Yang's rank is at the bureau level. What is the rank of the dean of the township health center? Is there a rank?

"How is it possible, Director Liang." Li Chu said in disbelief.

"Do you think it's unbelievable? I think so too, but the fact is like this." Director Liang said with a wry smile.

After taking a puff of cigarette, Director Liang continued: "After the meeting, I heard from them that someone sued Director Yang for being too bureaucratic."

After listening to Director Liang's explanation, Li Chu remained silent.

Dean Yang is not a business dean, and he is not too young.

He knew that he didn't understand business, so he divided the work with several vice presidents and never intervened in the management of business.

The old man usually likes to use an official accent when speaking.But after contacting him a few times, Li Chu felt that he was a pretty good person, but he didn't expect to be sued this time.

Director Liang threw away the cigarette in his hand, and patted Li Chu on the shoulder: "Xiao Li, remember, just do what you are supposed to do in the future."

Director Liang left after speaking, instead of going back to the office, he walked towards the hospital gate.

Li Chu stood where he was, watching Director Liang walk out of the hospital gate before returning to his consulting room.

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