God's Salvation Plan

Chapter 63 Make a note of this bet

Tan Xiaohe blinked when he heard this sentence, and turned his one-yuan coin around at his fingertips.

"Let's say it first, if you ask me to promise you to help you cheat in the exam, it won't work."

"It's much simpler than this," Li Qiqi paused before adding, "It's very simple for you."

After speaking, he grabbed the coin that was dancing at his fingertips.

The movement was swift and violent, even the coin and the fingertips were pressed in the palm of the hand.

Feeling the warm touch of Tan Xiao and her fingertips for a moment, Li Qiqi avoided it as if she had been electrocuted, and turned her eyes away to stare at the dripping air conditioner. She felt her ears were a little red.

He even stuttered when he spoke: "Then, then I will start."

Tan Xiaohe didn't say a word, he kept stirring the finger that had just held the coin, and even forgot the other hypothesis if he didn't scrape it out, should he also ask Li Qiqi for a wish.

Li Qiqi hung up a corner carefully, the first word was different from the previous nine!

"Ahhhh!" Li Qiqi jumped up from the steps and threw the scratcher in the air, "Ten yuan!"

The old man who was listening to the military radio poked his head out of the window and gave Li Qiqi a thumbs up.

"Congratulations! Little girl, good luck!"

Li Qiqi couldn't help grinning, and was so excited that he patted Tan Xiao and his schoolbag wildly.

"Look! I'll tell you it works! Ten bucks! Ten bucks!"

Spending a hundred dollars and winning ten dollars, the two of them laughed like idiots.

When he was laughing happily, he looked up, and Li Qiqi saw the yellow street lights in the old street falling into a dim light, which was reflected in the distance, stretching Tan Xiaohe's shadow for a long time.

Li Qiqi kept standing side by side with him, and Li Qiqi moved a little distance to the left.The two side-by-side shadows overlapped and slowly sank into the alley.

Li Qiqi lowered his head to examine the shadow carefully, turned sideways and couldn't help laughing, she was so close to her idol!

Li Qiqi went to redeem the prize, and carefully laid out the brand new ten yuan and put it in the transparent book cover of the language document.

"I've made a note of this bet!" Li Qiqi patted his schoolbag and said to Tan Xiaohe.

Even so, Li Qiqi seemed to have forgotten the bet in the next week, and never exchanged it.

The two sat side by side at the same table in peace and harmony. When the bell rang for the end of the second get out of class in the afternoon, monitor Ren Jingyao went to the blackboard and asked the group leaders to hand out the papers left over from the last math class.

"In the next small self-study class, Teacher Jin asks everyone to check the wrong questions in the last exam first."

Li Qiqi looked up and heard the sound of running at the door.

It was the big boy named Yao Qingshan that she saw on the school team bus, followed by another boy wearing a basketball school uniform.

In addition to the season, the sports students of Sihai No. [-] Middle School also need to take cultural courses. They have to do daily exercises in the last two classes and self-study classes in the afternoon.

"Hurry up! The coach said that we need physical training!" Yao Qingshan's voice resounded throughout the corridor.

Li Qiqi felt that when he passed by the third class, he specially turned up the volume.

This premonition is correct, Yao Qingshan did deliberately wink at the door of their class, looking at Tan Xiaohe.

Tan Xiaohe was unmoved, and was sitting at the desk to accept the test paper passed in front of him.

"Hurry up, don't be late! We are not like some people who quit the basketball team and lived a very leisurely life." Yao Qingshan raised his voice again.

Li Qiqi flicked his pen, opened the back door, took the broom, and began to sweep in the direction of Yao Qingshan in the name of sweeping the corridor.

"What are you doing! You are sick!" Yao Qingshan cursed and raised his fist.

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