God's Salvation Plan

Chapter 100 Do You Regret

The No. 31 bus wobbled around the road, and Li Qiqi sat in the front single seat by the window and looked out the window.

The window glass reflected his upturned mouth, and the passengers standing behind him looked at him suspiciously.

So she manually pulled the corners of her mouth down again, holding her expression and looking out of the window intently.

"Huh?" Li Qiqi, who was sitting quietly on the seat, suddenly opened the window and looked out the window intently.

She seemed to see Li Yuanshan sitting on a simple seat in front of a Haode convenience store.

Sitting opposite him was another uncle who was about his age, each with a bottle of wine in front of them, talking.

Except for a bag of peanuts and squid, there are no other appetizers on the table.But there were a lot of cigarette butts in the ashtray made of plastic cups.

It wasn't such a big deal.

It's just that recently Li Qiqi began to gradually report the itinerary to Li Yuanshan. After she finished speaking half an hour ago, Li Yuanshan replied.

"It just so happened that Dad went out to talk about work, and he will come back later at night."

The person who said he was going to talk about work, sitting in front of the convenience store at this moment, returning his clothes and borrowing alcohol to relieve his sorrows, it is hard not to make people suspicious.

Fortunately, the next stop of the bus was not far from this Haode convenience store. Li Qiqi jumped off the bus with a flowerpot in his hand.

Seeing that Li Yuanshan didn't notice him, he took out a black baseball cap from his schoolbag and put it on his head, and tiptoed over.

The beer bottle in front of Li Yuanshan was already empty, he grabbed a handful of peanuts and listened to the complaints of the person in front of him.

The man sitting across from him, who seemed to be out of spirit, was Tan Zhuguo, a colleague who worked with him in the textile factory back then.

This person resigned with him at the beginning, a week later than him.

But the reason is different, I am because of the salary increase and change of career in comics.It was because Tan Zhuguo didn't want to be transferred, and because he didn't agree with the leaders at the time.

"I told you not to mess with him at the time." Li Yuanshan took out his lighter, and Xia Ye was windy, so he lit the flame several times before he could light a cigarette. ?”

Tan Zhuguo waved his hands after hearing this, and swallowed half a can of beer in one gulp.

Then he said, "Oh, Brother Li, although we are not in the same position, but at that time your salary was cut, and it will be my turn sooner or later. What's more, I entered the factory with you, and you have left. What's the point of being alone!"

Tan Zhuguo has an honest personality, even a little naive.

When I was young, I came here from my hometown in Northeast China, and since I entered the factory, I have followed Li Yuanshan. Because I am five years younger than him, I always have to call him "Big Brother, Brother Li".

At the moment when he spoke excitedly, Li Yuanshan turned the chopsticks upside down and tapped him on the forehead.

"Does work make you feel interesting?" Li Yuanshan began to tear the squid again, "You resigned on such an impulse, what will your family do?"

Tan Zhuguo re-opened a can of beer and handed it over. In the silent summer night, there was a loud sound of beer opening, which was drowned out by the noisy sounds on the street.

Li Qiqi hid in the coffee shop next to the Haode Convenience Store, sat under a huge parasol to cover her figure, and continued to listen to the complaints of her uncle and her father opposite.

"I'm fine. I don't have a family yet. At most, it's because my parents can't explain it to me." Tan Zhuguo got drunk and said to Li Yuanshan, "Brother, it's you. It's because of a conflict with my sister-in-law and divorce because of work. , besides the alimony and the money that has been handed over for so many years, I see that you care so much about your sister-in-law and Qiqi, do you regret it?"

With a Northeast tone, it's easy to get tongue-tied when you're on alcohol.

After Tan Zhuguo finished speaking, there was no reply for a long time.

Li Qiqi pricked up his ears and heard his father sigh: "What is there to regret?"

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