Sheng Tang didn't follow, because Mu Xiaoyu had been sitting on his lap just now, Mu Xiaoyu swayed for a while, and the two of them had a passionate long kiss in the end, which caused some obvious pain in Sheng Tang's body. The change.

Although there were not many people in the school at this time, if someone saw it, Mu Xiaoyu's reputation would be completely ruined. He simply stayed in the room for a while and called Li Qiang.

Li Qiang, Ah Feng, and Ah Bing were all busy, because they lived not far from Han University. Ten minutes after Sheng Tang made the phone call, Ah Feng drove Li Qiang and Ah Bing in a van.

If Shengtang is here, Li Qiang is his driver. If Li Qiang is with Ah Feng and Ah Bing, then the two of them are Li Qiang's driver, so that Li Qiang can also enjoy a sense of being a boss.

Li Qiang got out of the car and saw Sheng Tang standing in front of his original Taoyuan Bookstore with a look of surprise.

"Brother Qiang didn't expect that, after going around in circles, you still returned to the old place?"

Sheng Tang said with a smile.

Li Qiang nodded. He was detained for beating someone, and the school also kicked him out. No one dared to take his Taoyuan Bookstore. The various stickers and shelves in it were all used by him before. Looking at it now, Some emotion.

Sheng Tang pointed to these four stores and said: "Sanwei Bookstore is going to set up a company. The school gave us all these four stores. This place belongs to us now. This place can be used as a warehouse or an office. You can come here when you have nothing to do."

These four stores are big enough, and there are two floors above and below, which is equivalent to eight stores, and the space is indeed enough.

Li Qiang is also very happy, not only because he has returned to the original place of work, but also because Sheng Tang said that by establishing a company, everything will be on the right track, and they will definitely earn more, which proves his original vision: Follow Boss Sheng, that's right!

Then Sheng Tang asked the three of them to hire someone to clean the place thoroughly. The walls and the floor should be cleaned up, cleaned up, and the walls and floor can be redecorated.

Li Qiang immediately made a promise, saying that there is no need to invite anyone, and the three of them are also idle, and they can do it by themselves.

Sheng Tang didn't say much, he threw down a piece of Zhonghua, and then went to the administrative building to drive. When his car drove out of the school, Mu Xiaoyu by the window shrank back, holding a mobile phone in his hand, and the address book was wandering in Liu Siyu's Above, finally put down the phone.

"How did I meet such an enemy?"

Mu Xiaoyu shook her head with a wry smile.


Sheng Tang started from the school and went straight to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

Because it was the first day of work today, many people came to work on this day like Sheng Tang. Sheng Tang didn't get up early, and he was delayed for a while at school. It's 10:30.

The parking spaces outside were basically full, and Sheng Tang walked back and forth twice before parking the car. At this time, he finally understood why the boss needed a driver. In this case, if he took Li Qiang with him, he would not need a driver at all. So much effort.

Stopped the car and hurried into the office hall, there were many windows, but most of them had a sign of "suspended service", a few people next to Sheng Tang were still scolding, Sheng Tang moved closer to listen Two sentences.

"These people are really hard-working! Things that can be done in a while have to be dragged on until the afternoon again!"

"It's not even 11:30. You see, these people are getting ready to eat. How many of them are doing practical things?"

"Hey, it's like this now, just know it yourself, but don't say it out loud!"


Sheng Tang also heard a general idea. There may be many people queuing early in the morning, but it may be the first day of work, or these staff members are already like this, and the efficiency is low, resulting in most of the people queuing up. line up.

Some people are popular, but they have already left. Sheng Tang also understands that even if there are complaints in their hearts, few people dare to speak out, because everyone is here to do business. , there is no place to cry.

Sheng Tang originally wanted to find Tang Wenjuan directly, but on the way here, he received a text message from Tang Wenjuan, telling him to come and wait a while, she has a meeting in the morning.

Anyway, the materials are complete, Sheng Tang directly arranged a number, if it can be done at the window, it will save Tang Wenjuan trouble, at most, let her help to keep an eye on it when the time comes.

There were quite a lot of people in the lobby, but with the closing of many business windows, many people left cursing, which caused Sheng Tang to line up for half an hour, even though he drew a late number. When it was time to start, it was his turn.

Seeing that the person in front had finished, Sheng Tang hurried to the window with the materials, but then something happened that made him angry.

When Sheng Tang passed, the fat female clerk inside——Sheng Tang said it very euphemistically, maybe because she just finished her work, she turned her head and chatted happily with the other male clerks inside, discussing what should be served at noon. Instead of eating beef soup, you should eat sauerkraut fish. People can't help but sigh, it seems that apart from genes, there are still reasons for people to be fat and thin.

Sheng Tang looked at the time. It was just 20:[-], and there were still more than [-] minutes before the end of get off work. The time for submitting materials and reviewing should be enough, so he was not in a hurry, and took out all the materials in the file bag. Handed it in through the window.


Sheng Tang shouted.

I don't know if I didn't hear it, or if I didn't want to talk about it, the female clerk didn't even look back, and continued to talk to the male clerks with a smile.


Sheng Tang doubled the volume again, and the female clerk turned around and looked at Sheng Tang with some disgust, but after seeing Sheng Tang's appearance, she was a little surprised in her eyes, but her tone was not very serious. Okay: "Wait."

After finishing speaking, the female clerk stood up holding the water glass, went to the water dispenser at the back and started to fetch water. During this time, she was still chatting and laughing with other male clerks. At this time, Sheng Tang was already angry.

There were still people queuing up behind him, so he didn't plan to line up at this time, and even gave Sheng Tang a hand.

"Little brother, let's go, it seems that we can't finish it, go out for a meal, and come back in line in the afternoon."

Sheng Tang shook his head and said with a smile: "It's all in line, and it will be over in a while. Come back in the afternoon, and I don't know when it will be!"

"It can't be done!"

The man wanted to say a few more words, but he glanced in and saw the female clerk came back, so he shook his head and left without saying anything.

Sheng Tang pushed the materials in again and said, "Hi, this is my material."

Who knows, the female clerk pushed him back directly.


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