Rebirth Flowers Like Water

Chapter 537 I Miss You Too

Regardless of whether Sheng Tang's words were true or not, at least for Mu Xiaoyu, hearing these words was a lot of relief.

"It's not playing with my feelings, so why are you teasing me?"

"Because I like you!"


When Mu Xiaoyu heard this, she broke down in an instant and burst into tears.

In fact, when she was alone, Mu Xiaoyu had fantasized about this kind of scene many times, and she had also fantasized about the scenes where Sheng Tang said "I like you" or "I love you" to her. She was still thinking, at that time She must be very moved, and then immediately agree to come down.

But now?Knowing that Sheng Tang already has a girlfriend, hearing this again, he will feel a little shameless!


"Teacher Mu, is it shameless to like you?"

"You still like me even though you have a girlfriend, what are you doing shamelessly?"

Mu Xiaoyu said in a crying voice.

And Sheng Tang was not angry, and said softly: "Mr. Mu, liking someone is uncontrollable, even if I have a girlfriend, I can't stop liking you!"

Anyway, I'm already a scumbag, so does it matter if you don't have a face?


At this moment, Mu Xiaoyu was a little confused, but to be honest, Sheng Tang's words still touched him very much.

Just like her, after hanging up on Liu Siyu's phone, she was shocked, very angry, and finally very helpless and wronged. She was still thinking about whether to block Sheng Tang directly and have nothing to do with him...

But, she can't do it!

The more you don't let yourself think about it, the more your mind is full of him, it's him when you open your eyes, and it's him when you close your eyes, Mu Xiaoyu feels like she's in a daze.

In fact, it's not Mu Xiaoyu's fault. A girl who has lived for 25 years and six years meets someone she likes for the first time. It's hard for her to give her heart. How can she give up so easily?

And Sheng Tang's sentence moved her and made her even more angry

"What exactly do you mean?"

Mu Xiaoyu questioned, "You keep saying you like me, but you have a girlfriend? What should you do then? Do you want to be in two boats?"


It was Mu Xiaoyu who was smart, and hit the point in one sentence.

In fact, sooner or later, he and Mu Xiaoyu will have such a frank meeting. After all, his girlfriend can't be hidden. Before the prosperous Tang Dynasty, he had always avoided it, but now he has to face it.

It was a knife anyway, Sheng Tang said cheekily: "Yes, is there anything wrong?"

"Is there anything...not allowed?"

Mu Xiaoyu was laughed out of anger, and even forgot to be sad, "Do you dare to tell Xiaoyu this? Do you think she will kill you? You are not reconciled to having her alone, and you want to step on two Boat?"

Sheng Tang smiled: "Teacher Mu, what if Xiaoyu agrees?"

"Xiaoyu agrees...what do you mean?"

Mu Xiaoyu was shocked.

"I mean, why do you think Xiaoyu suddenly called you to tell you about our relationship? Why didn't you say it before? Do you think she is giving you a chance to think about it?"

"This is impossible!"

Mu Xiaoyu shook her head vigorously: "I know Xiaoyu, how could she have such an idea? Could it be that she can accept that her boyfriend is still with other girls?"

"Mr. Mu, if you don't know, it doesn't mean it's impossible. In fact, you made a mistake just now. I'm not stepping on two boats. I want to step on several boats."

Sheng Tang simply confessed.

"How many... boats?"

This time, Mu Xiaoyu was completely dumbfounded, she didn't know how true or false what Sheng Tang said.

"Mr. Mu, as I said just now, liking someone is uncontrollable. For example, I like you, or you like me, and other people also like me. I don't have any advantages, I just want to be a responsible person." I don’t want to see people who like me get hurt, so—”

"So you don't refuse anyone? As long as it's someone you like, you accept it, so how many boats do you step on?"

There was obvious sullenness in Mu Xiaoyu's tone.

But Sheng Tang still nodded seriously, thought for a while, then shook his head and explained: "Teacher Mu, I will only accept people who like me and I also like, not just anyone who likes me can get me."

"You... bah!"

Mu Xiaoyu felt a little wronged at first, but now she just got angry and scolded directly: "You are so shameless, scumbag!"

"Well, you can say that."

Sheng Tang readily accepted this title.

Mu Xiaoyu still didn't give up, and asked again: "Do you dare to say that to Xiaoyu?"

Sheng Tang smiled: "Teacher Mu, not only did you dare to say it, but I also did it in front of Xiaoyu."

Since he wanted to open Mu Xiaoyu's heart, Sheng Tang felt that he had to do something bold and show it to Mu Xiaoyu.

"You... nonsense! Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Mu Xiaoyu shook her head vigorously. The Liu Siyu she knew was an independent and proud girl who was also the legendary president of the Han University Student Union. How could she accept such a ruined thing?

Sheng Tang didn't answer, but took out his mobile phone and made a call in front of Mu Xiaoyu.

"Hey, where is Mange?"

The call was to Chen Mange, and Sheng Tang showed Mu Xiaoyu the phone and showed it to him.

Mu Xiaoyu was at a loss. In fact, she only met Chen Mange once in the hospital, but she didn't know her name, but it didn't matter because she knew it wasn't Liu Siyu.

"In my hometown, why are you calling at this time?"

Chen Mange's voice was a bit lazy, presumably there was no entertainment in her hometown in the country, she lay down early after eating.

"Because I miss you."


Hearing this sentence, Mu Xiaoyu was startled and angry. She finally saw Sheng Tang's boldness, and dared to tease other girls in front of her. The most important thing is that this girl is not Liu Siyu!

She wanted to reach out and pinch Sheng Tang's arm, but she was reluctant to let go of Sheng Tang's arm, always afraid that if she let go of this hand, there would be no chance to hug him again.

So she put her head up, and when Sheng Tang was unprepared, she bit his ear.


Sheng Tang gasped, and Chen Mange on the phone immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, it's cute to see a puppy."


Chen Mange laughed twice, and then said softly: "I miss you too, husband!"


Hearing this, Mu Xiaoyu was dumbfounded. He thought it was Sheng Tang's unilateral flirting with girls. The girl opposite must be the same as her, and didn't know that Sheng Tang had a girlfriend.

Which girl is so stupid?Knowing that he has a girlfriend, he still posted it up?

As everyone knows, Mu Xiaoyu at this time is not much different from those silly girls she talked about...


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