Rebirth Flowers Like Water

Chapter 535 You Don't Dare

Sheng Tang was about to turn on the light when a gentle voice interrupted him.

Mu Xiaoyu opened her eyes and reached out to block Sheng Tang's hand.

Then he snatched his mobile phone, pressed it, the screen of the mobile phone went out, and the room returned to darkness.

The darkness brings quietness, and you can hear a needle drop in the room.

He could smell the faint fragrance of Mu Xiaoyu's body in his nose, and thought of Mr. Mu, who was usually dignified and intellectual. At this time, he didn't have much clothes on him, and lying beside him, Sheng Tang was quite agitated.

Mu Xiaoyu's hand was still on Sheng Tang's, and she repeated it again.

"Don't turn on the lights."

"Okay, if you don't turn it on, don't turn it on, Teacher Mu, let's drink some water."

After Sheng Tang finished speaking, he was going to get a water glass, but he sat by the bed for too long, and when he moved suddenly, his arms felt numb.


"what happened?"

Mu Xiaoyu immediately asked.

"It's okay. My arm is a little numb and I can't move it..."


Mu Xiaoyu was silent for a moment, and then said: "Sitting for so long, can you not get numb? Why are you so stupid, don't you know how to lie down for a while?"

Sheng Tang smiled "hehe": "Teacher Mu is lying on the bed, how dare I lie here again?"

"Is there anything else you dare not do?"

Mu Xiaoyu asked back, then suddenly reached out and grabbed Sheng Tang's arm.

"I'll give you a rub."


Sheng Tang was stunned, was it because the darkness gave her courage?In this situation, it is a bit ambiguous to do so!

Of course, Sheng Tang would definitely not refuse, so he quickly sent his arm over, feeling Mu Xiaoyu's soft little hand.



Sheng Tang yelled not because he was so comfortable, but because Mu Xiaoyu was gently massaging him, but suddenly exerted force and pinched his arm fiercely.

"Teacher Mu, what are you doing?"

Sheng Tang didn't dare to let her rub it, so he quickly pulled his arm out.

"Pinch you."


Mu Xiaoyu's clean answer made Sheng Tang feel a little speechless.

"Why pinch me? Teacher Mu, aren't you repaying your kindness? Do you think it's easy for me these two days? Pretend to be your boyfriend to visit your house to pay New Year's greetings, make uncles and aunts happy, and have to drink with them, and then pretend to be your boyfriend Go to the party, give you face, and send you home when it's over-how kind to you!"

Sheng Tang complained dissatisfiedly. At the end, he seemed to have found the reason: "Mr. Mu, you won't be angry because you don't have many clothes on, right? Actually, I wanted to take off your down jacket for you, but you kept shouting hot, I just helped you take off your sweater and thermal pants—only these two, and you didn’t lose them all, so why blame me?”


"It's over."

"come here."


Sheng Tang hesitated and said, "If you have anything to say, you can just say it, let me go and do what?"

"Come here and I'll tell you again."

After finishing speaking, Mu Xiaoyu snorted again: "You don't think that what I'm wearing... can do anything to you, do you?"

Sheng Tang was right when he thought about it. How could he be afraid of a woman when he was a big man?Besides, if Mu Xiaoyu really did something to him, he would take advantage of it!

Thinking about it this way, Sheng Tang is looking forward to it...

So she leaned over, and when he got close to the bed, Mu Xiaoyu sat up suddenly, taking advantage of the faint light of the opposite building, Lightning made a move, and put her arms around Sheng Tang's neck, Sheng Tang was startled at that time: Is it really a rhythm to take advantage of?

After Mu Xiaoyu put her arms around his neck, she pressed her mouth to his ears, and the warm breath blew on his ears a little itchy, thinking about how he would resist if Mu Xiaoyu was "violent" to him in the Tang Dynasty When the talent was not so blunt, but it didn't affect the result, Mu Xiaoyu bit his ear.

"Hey~ Teacher Mu, are you a dog?"

Fortunately, Mu Xiaoyu just took a bite, and Sheng Tang bared his teeth in pain, not feeling the joy at all.

"Let you talk nonsense!"


"Is it reasonable to fake it?"


Sheng Tang was confused, and asked, "Teacher Mu, you made me pretend to be the first!"

"I made you fake it, but you acted so real, not only my parents believed it, but everyone else believed it too!"


Afterwards, Mu Xiaoyu sighed, and said leisurely, "But you can only be a fake..."


Now, Sheng Tang was even more confused, because Mu Xiaoyu seemed a little sorry to hear what Mu Xiaoyu said.Could it be that she was also emotional?

"Hey, why don't you talk?"

Seeing that Sheng Tang didn't say a word, Mu Xiaoyu was a little dissatisfied, her arms were still around Sheng Tang's neck, and Sheng Tang's body was already half lying on the bed, and the posture of the two of them was a bit weird.

At this time, Mu Xiaoyu added some strength to her hands.

"Teacher Mu, you're like this..."

Sheng Tang was hugged by Mu Xiaoyu's neck, not only didn't feel any discomfort, on the contrary, he enjoyed it very much, because the harder Mu Xiaoyu exerted himself, the closer his head was to her chest, the warm and soft touch really made people feel uncomfortable. linger.

But he didn't dare to enjoy it any more, it's easy to be overwhelmed if it goes on like this!So he had no choice but to say: "You are forcing me to make mistakes by hugging me like this!"


Mu Xiaoyu was obviously stunned for a moment, and the strength in her hands also loosened, but then she hugged Sheng Tang tightly again, and Sheng Tang was so frightened that she didn't dare to speak anymore, for fear of saying something wrong, she drank milk again.'s too close!

Mu Xiaoyu's voice became a little colder, and she said provocatively, "Are you still making mistakes? You've made quite a few mistakes. Do you still care about this time?"


"Hehe, I have nothing to say, I'm sorry you don't dare!"

Shocked by this sentence, Sheng Tang couldn't sit still any longer. He reached into the quilt and pulled Mu Xiaoyu up and put him on his lap.

At this time, Mu Xiaoyu was holding Sheng Tang's neck, and Sheng Tang was holding Mu Xiaoyu's waist with one hand, and her leg with the other, in an extremely ambiguous posture.

The light outside the house was dim, and Sheng Tang couldn't see the expression on Mu Xiaoyu's face, and Mu Xiaoyu was only wearing a flesh-colored autumn dress. Under such a dim light, she seemed to be naked.

Sheng Tang felt that his mouth became even drier.

"Teacher Mu, do you still think I dare not?"

At first, I thought that Mu Xiaoyu did some impulsive actions just now with the strength of alcohol. It is time to wake up and get off him. Who knows that Mu Xiaoyu didn't let go of his hand, but looked at him He said, "You dare not."


This time, Sheng Tang was on the verge of riding a tiger. He was thinking about whether to teach her a lesson and let her know that she was very tough. The next word Mu Xiaoyu said scared him off.

"Because you were afraid that Liu Siyu would know, so you didn't dare."


Hearing this sentence, Sheng Tang was stunned.


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