Rebirth Flowers Like Water

Chapter 130 Xiaoyu Fell into the Water

The Red Leaf Valley is full of maple trees, and every autumn, the red maple leaves all over the mountains will dye the whole valley red, hence the name Red Leaf Valley.

This is the best season to come to Hongye Valley. There are maple trees covered with red leaves all around. Occasionally, a few red leaves will fall in the air, and the red leaves deposited on the ground are all under your feet. There is a kind of "people in the red". Walk, not a single leaf will touch your body" feeling.

The road chosen by Wang Yuanyuan is really good. This place should belong to the back mountain of Hongye Valley. There are basically no tourists coming, except for them.

Even Liu Siyu has forgotten the unhappiness just now. She once came to Hongye Valley, but there were too many tourists at that time, and she could only see those man-made scenic spots. scenery.

Liu Siyu walked with the girls and took out her camera to take pictures for others.

The altitude of Hongye Valley is not high, more than 600 meters, and the slope is not steep. We stop and go along the way, and it will be noon after a while. Everyone has a simple meal, and then continues on the road after a short rest.

Because they carried big bags and helped the girls carry their bags to show their gentlemanly demeanor, the boys didn’t feel tired at first, but when they went on the road again after resting for a while, except for Sheng Tang who kept exercising and was full of energy, the others obviously Somewhat powerless, the speed gradually slowed down.

The girls did not have this kind of trouble, their bags were snatched by the boys, and they all went into the battle lightly, innocently, and the road was full of their laughter.

Listening to their laughter, the boy felt a lot lighter on his back...

I don't know how long it took, Wang Yuanyuan, who was already fat and carrying a big bag like a ball, couldn't take it anymore, sat down on the ground, and shouted: "I can't do it, I can't do it, sit down and rest for a while. "

The others were also exhausted, so they took advantage of the opportunity to sit down, and at the same time did not forget to tease Wang Yuanyuan.

"Yuanyuan, my sister-in-law is here, what can't be done?"

Wang Yuanyuan was also not to be outdone when she heard this, and they exchanged sharp words, and all the girls around her had flushed cheeks, lowered their heads and fiddled with their hands, at a loss as to what to do.

Sheng Tang said: "Stop barking, bend down to pick up things."

"Pick up what?"

Everyone bowed their heads, there was nothing but Maple Leaf.

"Your integrity is lost, don't you pick it up?"


Everyone reacted with a burst of laughter, and the atmosphere went up to a higher level.


Zhang Hui stood up suddenly, and said with ears pricked up.


The others heard it too, and Liu Tao put the bag on the ground and went looking for the sound.

"Come and see!"

After a while, there were excited shouts, and the others walked over immediately.

A clear stream appeared in front of everyone, and the girls were even more excited, cheering and running over.

The stream should be formed by the convergence of mountain spring water. The water flow is not strong, and the river channel is only more than one meter wide. You can jump over it with a step. The water is shallow and clear, and you can see round pebbles at the bottom of the water.

The ground on both sides is covered with red maple leaves, and the middle is separated by a crystal clear strip. It is poetic and picturesque, so beautiful. No wonder the girls couldn't help but cheer.

"Look, there are fish!"

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Liu Tao pointed to the creek and shouted.

Sheng Tang looked at it, no, I didn't notice it just now, the silver "white stripes" as long as a finger were swimming in the water.

"Shall we camp around here? Catch some fish, and we'll have a bonfire while grilling the fish, how about?"


Sheng Tang's proposal immediately won everyone's support.

Sheng Tang commanded Wang Yuanyuan to take people to set up a tent, then took off his shoes and socks, rolled up his trouser legs, and prepared to go down the river to catch fish.

The water is not deep, just past the calf, and the sun is the most poisonous at noon in October, and the temperature of the sun is still in the stream. Stepping on a pile of pebbles with bare feet, Sheng Tang couldn't help shouting.

"I'll go, it's so cool!"

The girls on the shore were eager to try, but they still couldn't let go, and no one dared to go into the water to try.

In the end, it was Liu Siyu who took the lead in taking off her shoes and socks, and walked down behind Sheng Tang.

Sheng Tang became playful, took a handful of water with his hand, and splashed it towards Liu Siyu, who was not to be outdone, and splashed back with his backhand.

"You're showing off again."

"To each other, you also show it."


Seeing this, other people also went down the river one after another. The girls Chen Mange and Zhang Hui also joined the "battle". They were supposed to catch fish, but they turned it into a "Splashing Festival". hand surrender.

Those who did not enter the water pressed the shutter on the shore to record this scene.

Wang Yuanyuan and others who set up a tent nearby were very envious, and called it unfair, saying that we were exhausted here, but the boss was in love with beauties.

Sheng Tang choked him: "You can do it?"

After feeling Wu Dan's eyes, Wang Yuanyuan continued to set up the tent very honestly, and everyone laughed.

After playing and playing, Sheng Tang began to catch fish with his bare hands.

There were a lot of fish, but it was not easy to catch. Before the hands were close, they swam away with a "swish". After catching for a long time, they didn't catch any of them. The girls' excitement at the beginning gradually turned into disappointment.

Only then did Sheng Tang understand why the survival in the wilderness that he watched turned into a fish catching competition in the end. It is really difficult!

In the end he thought of a way, except for Wu Dan and Song Wenwen who were helping Wang Yuanyuan and Li Xiaoshuai to pack the tents, the other girls were divided into two groups and stood at the upper and lower reaches of the small river. The path of the fish was blocked, forming a closed area about three or four meters long.

At this time, if you go down in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, you will feel like you are catching a turtle in a urn, chasing the fish from the upstream all the way down, and finally all the fish gather at the feet of Liu Siyu, Chen Mange and others.

Sheng Tang walked over quickly, and finally caught a "white strip" about two fingers long. Seeing this, the girls cheered again.

After catching a few times in this way, there are already nearly ten fish lying on the shore, and the sun has slowly set in the west. Sui Shengtang thought about catching one last time, and then everyone returned to the camp.

This is the last time, something happened.

The last fish was particularly stubborn and burrowed under Liu Siyu's feet. Sheng Tang inevitably touched her calf and feet when he shot. I don't know if it was because of calf pain or tickle. As Sheng Tang moved forward, Liu Siyu kept retreating. , and finally, amidst her exclamation, she lost her balance and fell backwards.

Sheng Tang couldn't care less about catching fish, and wanted to stretch out his hand to hold her back, but who knew that the soles of his feet suddenly slipped on the pebbles, and Liu Siyu led them to fall into the water.


Now, two people are wet together

"Ah~ help, someone fell into the water~"



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