Mind Mecha

Chapter 90 The True Formation Master

Ever since he came into contact with the cultivation civilization of the Qiankun Continent, Fan Kang wanted to get a glimpse of the whole picture, wishing to dabble in every side job.Fan Kang's biggest dream in the past was to create a set of battle armor and magic weapon for himself. From design to production, every part and formation of a set of battle armor and magic weapon was completed by himself.It wasn’t until today after hearing Liu Zhong’s advice that I suddenly realized that it’s better to specialize in one or two kinds of sidelines than to try every kind of sideline. Discuss with each other equally, learn more knowledge, and explore this unknown cultivation civilization at the fastest speed.To paraphrase a sentence from the previous life: polymaths may not know everything, but they must know everything.

"You're right, I understand. From now on, you'll have to worry about forging, and I'll concentrate on researching formations and magic weapon designs, and strive to become a great master as soon as possible." The sideline producers in Qiankun Continent all have a unified title, It is divided into four levels: teacher, master, master, and grand master.Taking array masters as an example, those who can make one to nine eye arrays are called array masters, those who can make ten to 39 eye arrays can be called array masters, and once the number of array eyes reaches forty, they can be called array masters. Grandmasters, and the minimum number of eye formations required for Grandmasters is eighty.The level division of other sidelines is the same as that of the formation master, and only those who can produce items with the same level as the eighty-eye formation of the heavenly level or can use it can be called a grand master.

Liu Zhong was very relieved to see that Fan Kang had figured it out. He took the Chu Nian Stone and walked straight to the monk's building, planning to build a burst rifle as soon as possible so that Fan Kang could have a handy magic weapon.Fan Kang, who hadn't slept all night, didn't feel sleepy at this time, and he also walked into the monk's building and began to try to make a human-level nine-eye formation.The old and the young are busily busy in the two studios in the monk building.

Since Fan Kang invented the unique method of making the formation, the step of making the circuit is as easy as finding something out of a bag. For Fan Kang, the nine-eye formation is a mold with several more circuits, and the spiritual will consume a little more.Once the circuit is completed, all that is left is to make nine formation eyes. The basic technique of dissolving the formation eyes with the base solution on the foundation stone of the formation will not fail even a novice who has just become a formation master.After 10 minutes, the human-level nine-eye formation was completed, which meant that Fan Kang had become a top-level formation master and was qualified to challenge for the title of formation master.

The reason why Fan Kang didn't rush to find Chu Fenghuang was because he had heard from Fan Ting that it was very difficult for a formation master to earn spirit crystals in the formation formation association.Because there are too many formation masters who can create human-level formations, people who need it don't have to go to the formation master association, and you can find a formation master to solve the problem by looking for any force.Therefore, the human-level tasks issued by the association cannot increase the price. Generally, it is only about double the cost of the materials. The formation master may waste a piece of material during production, and if he loses more than two materials, he will lose money.But formation masters are different. It is difficult for ordinary small forces to cultivate formation masters, while formation masters of large forces are busy with the tasks issued by their forces, and have little time to help others make earth-level formations, so I want to If you want to make an array above the ground level, you must go to the Array Master Association to issue expensive tasks.The Array Masters Association generally sets the price of prefecture-level missions to be more than ten times the cost of materials. Fan Kang plans to ask Chu Fenghuang to help him accept the missions after he truly becomes a Master of Arrays.

In order to cope with different situations when using formations, it is often necessary to add another formation to one formation. This advanced formation composed of multiple formations is called a composite formation.There are almost no compound formations in human-level formations, because the functions of formations below ten eyes are too simple, just like Gale Formation, which can only convert energy into a single element and spray it out. Great power only needs to use one more formation of the same level.Someone once wanted to combine the eight-eyed fire formation and the two-eyed gale formation into a composite formation, and wanted to increase the intensity of the fire through strong winds.As a result, since the total number of formation eyes increased to ten, the formation level was raised to the prefecture level, and the difficulty and cost of production soared.However, the sad thing is that no one bought this composite formation after it was successfully produced, because the same effect can be achieved by using the fire formation and the gale formation at the same time, and the cost of the latter is only one-tenth of the former.

Only more complex formations with more than ten eyes need to add another formation of the same level to become a composite formation, so the number of formation eyes in a composite formation generally exceeds twenty, and only less than twenty eyes can be made in the formation master association. [-]. A formation with a single function will be called a quasi-formation master, and only those who can create a composite formation are eligible to be called true formation masters.

The difficulty of making an earth-level composite formation lies in the need to make multiple loops with different widths.Because a spirit crystal formation eye is often connected to two or more circuits, in order for the combined two formations to exert corresponding power, the diameter of these circuits must be adjusted according to the amount of energy required.If a formation with a higher level does not get enough energy, the formation cannot be activated normally. On the contrary, if a formation with a lower level gets too much energy, the energy will not be converted in time and the circuit will be broken.

Generally speaking, the formation masters use the original method used by Fan Kang to slowly polish the circuit. The formation master needs to use powerful spiritual thoughts to manipulate the base solution into hair strands in order to cope with the wide and narrow circuits. To reach this level, the formation master's own cultivation base generally needs to reach the prefecture level to be competent, so generally speaking, a human-level monk cannot become a true formation master.But Fan Kang is an exception. First, Fan Kang is proficient in using the six forms of spiritual thoughts, and his control of spiritual thoughts is already qualified. Second, Fan Kang has a unique technique to be lazy. There is no need to polish the circuits one by one, as long as the precise mold is realized The circuit of the compound formation can be dissolved in one go.

Fan Kang knew that one bite would not make him fat, so he was not in a hurry to try the compound formation with twenty eyes, but planned to challenge the earth-level formation with less than twenty eyes and a single function first.The first one selected by Fan Kang was a prefecture-level sixteen-eye formation called Feisha Zoushizhen. According to the records in the Nianshi, this formation has the same effect as the Gale Formation, but its power is ten times that of the Gale Formation. It can emit extremely strong winds.The successful design of the continuous-fire rifle made Fan Kang extremely optimistic about the future of firearms. In the future, when he becomes a prefecture-level monk and wears a battle armor, the continuous-fire rifle will have insufficient lethality. It is necessary to produce more powerful firearms. Magical weapon, and increasing the bullet caliber and bullet flying speed is the most direct way, so the Flying Sand Walking Stone Formation was selected by Fan Kang as the first ground-level formation to try to make.

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