Mind Mecha

Chapter 67 The Master-Servant Contract

Ruan Xiazhu finally fully believed Fan Kang's speculation, thinking that it was because of his beauty that Zhao Youcai coveted that his father went bankrupt and finally committed suicide.Feeling sad for a moment, she threw herself into Fan Kang's arms and burst into tears.

Fan Kang, who was unprepared, was stunned for a moment, not knowing where to put his hands.Putting her on Ruan Xiazhu's back looks too close, and it seems like taking advantage of others' danger, standing with her hand down will appear unreasonable, pushing her away will make people feel hard-hearted.After hesitating again and again, Fan Kang decided to push her away and keep a certain distance between the two parties, otherwise it will be embarrassing for everyone to meet in the future if they encounter places that should not be touched.

Thinking of this, Fan Kang gently pushed Ruan Xiazhu away without a trace and said in relief: "Don't cry anymore, now that Zhao Youcai is dead, let's talk about your future plans. How about I tell Qian Jucai about your situation and let him find a way to get rid of it? The family property swallowed by Zhao Youcai will be returned to you and you will be free, so you can continue to go to Taohua City to take care of the shop left by your father."

Ruan Xiazhu couldn't help but feel unbelievable when he heard Fan Kang proposed such a generous condition.Ruan Xiazhu is quite confident in her looks, and since Fan Kang is not related to him and is in a master-servant relationship, Fan Kang has no reason to give up eating the meat that has been brought to his mouth.Ruan Xiazhu stopped crying and looked at Fan Kang uncertainly, wondering if Fan Kang was telling the truth.

Facing Ruan Xiazhu's gaze, Fan Kang's expression was still so sincere and frank, and he didn't appear to avoid Ruan Xiazhu's sight at all. Ruan Xiazhu was finally sure that Fan Kang's words came from the heart and not just hypocrisy, so he began to seriously consider Fan Kang's suggestion.

After thinking for a long time, Ruan Xiazhu shook his head and rejected Fan Kang's suggestion: "In the past, the shop was run by the servant's father alone. I had no contact or experience at all, so even if I took over the shop, I didn't have the confidence to run it for a long time. In the end, it was inevitable. It is still necessary to close the door. Since the slaves are safe now, why should they be nostalgic for the life of the old lady? Although the 20-day slave life has suffered a little bit of flesh and blood, the slaves feel like fish in water, and they should be slaves by nature. "

Fan Kang couldn't help being shocked by Ruan Xiazhu's words, and secretly admired Zhao Youcai's good training. In just 20 days, he could forcibly brainwash a young lady and make her identify with his slave status from the bottom of her heart.

After Ruan Xiazhu finished speaking, he suddenly knelt down in front of Fan Kang and begged: "Fan Gongfeng is not only the slave's savior, but also indirectly avenges my father. The slave is willing to serve the benefactor as the master. I will never regret it in this life. Please accept the slave Bar."

Ruan Xiazhu's name for Fan Kang has changed three times in a row, which shows that her mentality has also changed many times at this moment. In her mind, Fan Kang is no longer just a good priest who only needs to be served, but has become a person who needs to be served. Dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to the master-servant relationship.

Fan Kang is not a saint either. A beautiful young girl is willing to be her slave. Faced with such a temptation, Fan Kang will inevitably be moved. Considering that there is still a Wang Lijun in the manor who has not completely surrendered, Fan Kang feels that it is still necessary to accept him. Go down to Ruan Xiazhu and let her be the internal response to monitor Wang Lijun.

"I can take you as a servant, but you have to sign a master-servant contract with me. If you don't want to, just pretend that nothing happened today, and you can continue to be a maid in the manor or go back to Peach Blossom City to open a shop." Fan Kang didn't say anything. Anxiously pulling up Ruan Xiazhu who was kneeling, he first explained in detail what a master-servant contract is.

The master-servant contract is not a paper contract, but a spiritual technique that only monks can use.A long time ago, when the monks on the Qiankun Continent were still using the Six Forms of Divine Sense as their means of attack, they developed many spiritual power techniques for various purposes. Among them, the most famous and shocking one was the master-servant contract.

The master-servant contract is an advanced skill in the six forms of divine sense, which is mainly divided into one form. The monk splits a part of his divine sense and uses ingenious techniques to enter the depths of the target's mind and connect with the opponent's mind. Once successful, he can play The role of monitoring the target is not only to know what the target is thinking, but also to kill the target in an instant regardless of the distance and any obstacles.

Of course, the master-servant contract cannot be cast casually, it needs to meet three conditions to be successful.The first is that the target’s cultivation level cannot exceed the level of the caster. The second target must be willing to become a slave. When performing the master-servant contract, you must completely let go of your mind. Once there is a slight resistance, the split divine sense will not be able to connect with the mind smoothly.The third requirement is to be able to skillfully use the six forms of spiritual thoughts, because all six forms are used when making a contract.

The most difficult of the above three conditions is the second and third conditions.People have their own beliefs. When freedom, dignity and even privacy no longer exist, this person is often willing to choose death.So the second condition seems simple, but it is actually very difficult to find a willing servant.The difficulty of the third condition may seem difficult, but it was the simplest condition 400 years ago, because at that time, all monks practiced the six forms of divine sense and were very proficient, and any late-level monk could successfully perform it. Requirements of the master-servant contract.It's just that there are too few monks on the mainland who spend time practicing the six forms of divine mind, so it becomes a difficult condition.

400 years ago, the master-servant contract was extremely popular among monks, and almost every monk would accept some servants as their confidantes.The monks of all ranks will try their best to force the monks who are lower than themselves to become their servants and even seize the target's family members as a bargaining chip for threats.At that time, some tragedies of killing families often occurred on the mainland. The reason was that a certain mortal or monk refused to be a slave, and the monks with high cultivation bases annihilated all their families in a rage.

It was not until the founding of the Daomeng in 210, that the first-generation Daomeng leader ordered that the mainland monks be prohibited from using the master-servant contract, and all the memory stones that recorded the method of performing the master-servant contract were destroyed. The contracted monks are all shot to death.After nearly 100 years of strict investigation and blockade, the skill name and cultivation method of master-servant contract have gradually been forgotten in the mainland, until now most of the monks do not know that there is such a spirit skill.

One of the two memory stones that Sima Lang gave Fan Kang before returning to the Qiankun Ring recorded many spiritual skills that human-level monks could use, including the method and introduction of the master-servant contract.Fan Kang knew that if he wanted to overthrow the Dao League, he had to develop his own power, and to make others submit to him, he would inevitably need to disclose some secrets to strengthen the other party's determination to submit, so he was always worried about how to keep the secrecy work well.After discovering this skill in the memory stone given by Sima Lang, Fan Kang immediately realized that the master-servant contract was helpful for keeping secrets, so he had studied this skill carefully, but he hadn't fully mastered it yet.This time, I just want to use the prestige of the master-servant contract to deceive Ruan Xiazhu, to see if she is sincere.

After Fan Kang introduced the master-servant contract, he stopped talking, pulled up Ruan Xiazhu who was kneeling, and waited quietly for her to make a decision.Ruan Xiazhu's face changed when he knew that the master-servant contract was such an inhuman skill. After being helped up by Fan Kang, Ruan Xiazhu stood still, considering whether to accept the master-servant contract.With the passage of time, Fan Kang's face gradually became gloomy. After thinking for so long, he couldn't make a decision. Obviously, Ruan Xiazhu was not willing to become Fan Kang's servant in order to repay his kindness as she said.

"This master-servant contract is a bit inhumane. Can you keep a little bit of the slave's privacy and not use the contract? The slave is indeed willing to serve the master as a servant. Please don't be suspicious." As expected by Fan Kang, Ruan Xiazhu, who hesitated for a long time, did not agree. Fan Kang uses a master-servant contract.

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