Mind Mecha

Chapter 370

Fan Kang's eyes were red, and his face hidden under the helmet gradually distorted and ferocious, like a bloodthirsty Rakshasa.

Knowing that this is a manifestation of the fluctuating Dao heart, and worried that Fan Kang would not be able to restrain his growing murderous intentions, Hou Yongyi quickly shouted: "Quickly calm down, don't give birth to demons."

Shocked by the power of the Vulcan machine gun, Jin Quanyi also persuaded after waking up: "They have no fighting spirit and will no longer pose a threat to us. Let them go if they have the virtue of good life. The most urgent thing now is to deal with the mechs." , it is important to find a suitable heaven-level magic weapon."

This remark hit the key point, and Fan Kang's bloodthirsty spirit was diluted by one word.Fan Kang, who regained his sanity a little, immediately sat cross-legged on the spot and meditated on the magical skills, put all distracting thoughts behind him and began to restrain his mind.After Hou Peiqin landed and asked about the situation, she was naturally worried, so she stayed by the side to protect her husband.

Hou Yongyi was relieved, and after a glance with Jin Quan, the two left silently. They found a complete magic weapon of the Wind Rider and several heaven-level destroying arrays in the ruins of the spirit crystal car, and began to take care of the people who were still trapped in the quicksand. Mecha.

The two worked together to reload and aim respectively. After a lot of work, Han Xuan finally let Han Xuan ride a crane to the west.When they returned to Fan Kang's side, the latter's mood had calmed down.

"I didn't expect the negative energy on the battlefield to be so strong. I almost lost my Dao heart and added a heart demon. It's really dangerous." Fan Kang's trip this time was to find an opportunity to loosen the shackles, but it almost backfired, making the road of cultivation even more difficult. Can't help but feel very depressed.

Seeing this, Hou Yongyi smiled and said: "It's inevitable that this is the first time you go to the battlefield, and I have encountered even worse ones. Don't worry too much, just be careful next time."

After showing her true face, Hou Peiqin complained: "Even if you have killed the corpse-killing insect, you can't be negligent. After all, our cultivation base has improved too fast in the past two years, and it is inevitable that we will be unstable. We need to be vigilant at all times. and enter."

Fan Kang took off his helmet and first accepted the instruction humbly, then turned his face and asked solemnly: "Didn't you be told to stay in Longding City? How dare you sneak here? Do you want to learn my Fan family's family law?"

Hou Peiqin groaned when she heard the words, pretended to be scared and acted coquettishly begging for mercy, but complained in her heart: "I used family law to tease people again, but I don't see you actually practiced it once."

Ignoring the two men playing with their guns, Hou Yongyi thanked his benefactor: "Friend Daoist Bo Yuntian, I will report this righteous act to my father truthfully. If the Eternal Fortress can escape this catastrophe, there will be a generous gift. Now invite fellow Daoists Pick a load of supplies at will, and you have the right to talk about it."

But at this time Jin Quanyi's attention was not on the yellow and white things at all, he was looking at the young earth-level monk in front of him with great interest.

At this time, a group of casual cultivators, members of the Wandering Dragon Gang, and the remnants of the scouts who were dispersed slowly gathered around Fan Kang. The former wanted to share a piece of the pie, while the latter two were gearing up, waiting for Fan Kang's order. Transport the loot.

Fan Kang felt a little uncomfortable being stared at so closely by a man who was not close to him for a long time, so he stepped back half a step to widen the distance between them. reminder.

Jin Quanyi, who realized that he was impolite, smiled awkwardly, and then asked straightforwardly: "I just heard from this friend that you have killed the zombies, and your cultivation has reached the peak of the late stage of the earth level. I don't know if you are Guigeng this year, Have you practiced the art of retaining the face or taken the treasures of heaven and earth that make youth permanent?"

"The younger generation is not a female cultivator, so how can you care about your appearance?" Fan Kang shook his head and told his age truthfully.

"What! Reached the peak of the late prefecture level before the age of 19?" Jin Quanyi's eyes widened and he exclaimed, his tone full of disbelief, and he quickly looked at Hou Peiqin's expression and Fan Kang's appearance again , trying to find evidence that they lied.

The question and answer between the two naturally spread to the ears of the casual cultivators, causing a burst of whispering.Because their subconscious reaction was exactly the same as that of Jin Quanyi, they suspected that Fan Kang had falsely reported his cultivation level or age.

Everyone would have such a reaction as early as Fan Kang expected. After all, more than [-]% of monks at this age are still working hard to hit the human-level Dzogchen, but Fan Kang has surpassed their entire class. Such a fast cultivation speed even It's not unprecedented, it's unprecedented.

However, Fan Kang's style of dealing with things has always been low-key, and it is in his appetite to be suspicious of others, so naturally he will not argue with others, as if he can believe it or not.He also vaguely guessed Jin Quanyi's next question, so he took the initiative to ask: "Senior, I want to know the school of the younger generation and the exercises that I have practiced?"

Seeing the other party nodding his head in a hurry, Fan Kang told the panacea excuse again, and took the lead in blocking Jin Quanyi's mouth.Jiu Funnel had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, and asked Fan Kang's name and the purpose of coming here.

Fan Kang did not hide this, and truthfully revealed his identity and the relationship between Scarlet Flying Falcon and himself, but concealed the idea of ​​inciting casual cultivators, and instead came here to help at the request of the Tianhu Army.

Jin Quanyi asked about the beauty of the Vulcan machine gun and the inner and outer armor, but Fan Kang laughed and didn't answer, only calling it the secret of the Youlong Gang.

Sure enough, everyone had never heard of the name Youlong Gang, and there was another commotion.

Hou Yongyi was afraid that the night would be long and dreamy, so he coughed dryly and said, "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, the best way is to quickly divide the supplies and disperse."

All the scattered Xiuqi claimed it was true, so they sat down and shared the spoils.In the end, it was agreed that the supplies would be divided into ten shares, Jin Quanyi and Sanxiu would each share one share, and the remaining [-]% would go to the Youlong Gang and the scout troops who had made the most contributions.

The scattered cultivators who survived by chance, Yu Fan Kang and Zhiwei of the two heavenly monks, naturally had no objection, and gradually dispersed after looting everything they deserved.Fan Kang found Qian Jude, borrowed a large number of spirit crystal cars and wishful boxes, and returned with a full load.

Fan Kang and everyone were celebrating in Bada City, but at this time the mecha army of the Qiankun Empire received contact from the remnants of the supply force.

"Tell me again!" Feng General Chen Youdao, who once thought he had heard it wrong, but after repeated confirmations, roared angrily when he learned of the defeat.

I can't blame him for not being able to control his emotions in this matter. Although the counter-ambush strategy has achieved great results, nothing that happened afterwards went smoothly.

At first, he was greedy for the number of Pale Knight's kills and led the whole army to pursue them. In the end, he not only let the cooked duck go, but also watched his wingmen get injured by the prey.Now, due to the lack of sufficient guards, the supplies were robbed by casual cultivators. Such low-level mistakes will inevitably be held accountable after the war.

At this time, as the son-in-law of the eldest princess of the Qiankun Empire, Chen Youdao, who wanted to gain unworldly military achievements and be promoted to a dragon general, was as big as a fight. The casual cultivators of the school were sent to Jiuyou, so that they would never be reborn forever.

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