Mind Mecha

Chapter 365 Continuous Reversal

Sanxiu and the spirit crystal convoy were fighting fiercely, but two miles to the east were the scout troops led by Hou Yongyi.They had already left the north city gate before the casual repair, and they were rushing at full speed at this time, intending to outflank the spirit crystal convoy from behind.

"I didn't expect that the casual repair team that was assembled temporarily could also fight decently. It seems that we don't need to make a move." A scout beside Hou Yongyi said with a relaxed face after observing the battle situation using the condensed style.

"That's because Jin Quanyi withstood most of the pressure." Hou Yongyi looked at the center of the Lingjing motorcade with deep eyes, frowned and said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid that there are heaven-level great monks in the Qiankun Empire motorcade." Sitting in the town, once the shot is made, the outcome will be unpredictable."

As soon as Hou Yongyi finished speaking, a shadow suddenly appeared under the feet of the casual cultivators, as if the sunlight from above their heads was blocked by something.Everyone looked up subconsciously, but saw a huge stone like a skyscraper appearing in midair out of thin air, lying down and falling straight to the ground.

It was Wang Shuang who made the move, a great cultivator who is good at materialization and the peak of the early stage of the heavenly level.He cooperated with the Condensation Form to gather his spiritual thoughts at a height of nearly a thousand meters, intending to smash all the casual practitioners into meat paste with a single blow from falling rocks.

Although the Hunyuan gourd is powerful, it also has its limits, and naturally it cannot swallow such a huge monster whole.Knowing that there was nothing to be done, Jin Quanyi hurriedly put away the magic weapon, and the suit on his body looked extremely shabby, with many paints peeled off and the rusty armor speeding up to the limit, twisting his waist, he changed his direction, and went Rush to the side.

Seeing this, the casual cultivators knew that the wine funnel could no longer protect them, and also knew that they could not destroy the boulder by their own means, so they could only follow suit and scatter, and the originally neat formation collapsed instantly.

"Boom!" Five seconds later, the boulder slammed into the sand with a gust of wind, causing a wave of sand ten meters high.Standing at the end of the line, the 22 prefecture-level monks without battle armor were hit by a boulder when they couldn't dodge in time, and most of the rest of the casual cultivators who hadn't run far were also overturned by the sand waves and buried in the yellow sand for a while, unable to move .

This earth-shattering blow not only caused the soldiers and officers of the Qiankun Empire to applaud loudly, but also made the human-level monks under the city wall terrified, and even the great monk Jin Quanyi had the idea of ​​retreating.Those casual cultivators who were still able to move even screamed and fled in all directions. The robbery team that was originally united in one mind fell apart in an instant, and the battle situation reversed sharply.

She exhausted all her strength in this blow, Wang Shuang, whose face was already as golden as paper under the mask, suppressed the feeling of dizziness and discomfort, and gave an order in a deep voice: "A group of grass bandits dare to attack our military prestige. They are really seeking their own death. Together with the Those who watch the excitement under the city wall will be killed together, and no one will be allowed to escape."

"No!" The eagle generals who received the order walked out of the enchantment under their feet one after another, manipulating various magic weapons to quickly approach the scattered cultivators buried in the sand, intending to deal with them before chasing the rest of the robbers.

The casual cultivators who only exposed their heads in the sand struggled desperately but to no avail. They could only watch helplessly as the ferocious eagle approached step by step like the haunted ghosts in the palace of the king of hell, their eyes filled with despair.Without exception, they are all regretting why they are so rich and stupid, and they want to participate in this dangerous activity.

Just when a large number of casual cultivators were about to fall, there was a sudden burst of explosions behind the eagle generals, followed by Wang Shuang's anxious shout: "We have been tricked! The remnants of the Tianhu army are attacking the spirit crystal!" Car, hurry back to defense!"

The eagle generals hurriedly turned their heads, only to see a group of monks wearing Tianhu battle armor appearing out of nowhere behind the convoy, using various magic weapons to wantonly destroy the spirit crystal vehicles, there are already fifteen spirit crystal vehicles The car was engulfed in flames.

Hou Yongyi manipulated the magic weapon of the Wind Rider, and shot three ground-level destroying arrays in a row, destroyed the cabs of the three spirit crystal vehicles, and then continued to approach the remaining targets. Time consuming, our goal is simply to stop the supplies from reaching the Vim Valley and instead destroy the cab of the psicar."

"Demand!" The scouts were so excited after a successful blow, they all turned the direction of the magic weapon in their hands, and aimed at the cab of the spirit crystal car.

Seeing that the second batch of spirit crystal cars were about to be lost, the eagle generals couldn't help but rush back, even forgetting to make up for the scattered repairs buried in the sand.

But they had to stop just after taking two steps, because a colorful light curtain blocked their way, which was the defensive barrier that the eagle generals had arranged to protect themselves and the spirit crystal car.

When the eagle generals arranged the barrier, they didn't use the split method to leave a trace of spirituality on the cornerstone of the formation, so when they walked out of the barrier, they lost control of the formation.And the monks in the enchantment couldn't close these formations for a while because of their different god patterns.

Due to underestimation and negligence, there was a short period of vacuum in the defense forces around the spirit crystal vehicle.Hou Yongyi was overjoyed when he found out, and led the scouts to pour out their firepower unscrupulously. The second batch of [-] spirit crystal cars suddenly became broken copper and iron, and the situation reversed again.

Seeing this, Wang Shuang, whose mental power was almost exhausted, couldn't help but get angry. With a roar, he was about to activate the forbidden technique of burning the source of spirit, but he heard a roar from the west.

The loud noise attracted everyone's attention. I saw a khaki-colored mecha bowing and gliding towards the convoy. It looked like one of the Qiankun Empire's standard mechas that had chased Hou Yongzhong earlier. I don't know why. But turned back.

"It's our army's mech. General Chen Youdaofeng must have sent him back to protect the supplies."

"It's too late for him to come back. General Chen is really exhaustive." The eagle generals couldn't help cheering.

Although 38 spirit crystal vehicles have been lost, with the remaining quantity, they can still load all the supplies. While completing the supply task, they can also intercept and kill the Tianhu troops and the daring rogue cultivators who have left them devastated.Thinking of this, the morale of the eagle generals was boosted one by one, and they ignored the barriers blocking the road, and instead dispersed to the north, south, south, east, and south of the convoy to block the retreat of the scout troops and the scattered cultivators.

"Seeing that you can make great achievements but fall short in the end, is it really the Heavenly Tigers' army?"

"Anyway, there is no way out, so it's better to fight them. Buy more time to destroy some spirit crystal vehicles, and minimize the amount of supplies delivered to the eternal fortress." Showing a sense of decadence.

The mecha came very quickly, and the tiger general in the cockpit had already seen the battle situation thoroughly, so he manipulated the left hand of the mecha to remove the melting ax hanging from the waist on the right, and when he came close, he used a move Sweeping thousands of troops swept away the ground-level defensive barriers around the spirit crystal car.

This battle has gone through twists and turns, and now the Qiankun Empire has the absolute upper hand.

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