Mind Mecha

Chapter 360 Lightning Ambush

Hou Yongyi successfully broke through the shackles half a year ago, and his cultivation was raised to the early stage of the Heavenly Level. Since he has not yet been equipped with an exclusive mecha, he still serves as the scout captain of the Tianhu Army, and is fully responsible for the collection of intelligence in this battle Work.

"Continue to investigate, and report the latest developments of the enemy army every three to ten minutes from now on. In addition, tell the scouts to be careful of your own safety." After Hou Wanli finished speaking, he turned off the contact magic weapon, and then slammed the handsome case He ordered Hou Yongzhong: "Pass down the order, everything will be carried out according to the plan, and you will be in charge of the on-site command."

"No!" After receiving the order, General Hou Yongzhong turned around and walked out.

Looking at his son's back going away, Hou Wanli was inexplicably terrified, so he stopped him and told him: "When you go, remember not to be greedy for gains, and if you find something impossible to do, retreat immediately."


Bada City, located on the edge of the vast desert, is one of the largest trading cities in the shipping country. Every day, a large number of merchants and monks shuttle around the city, conducting various transactions.

It's just that today is different from the past. Before the sun rose, the area north of the teleportation hall was blocked by the Bada Chamber of Commerce's law enforcement team, and even the North City Gate was closed.

Fortunately, the northern area of ​​the city is only a storage area, and the Bada Chamber of Commerce issued an advance notice yesterday evening, so those shops in need had already moved their goods overnight, and it did not cause much impact on the order of the city.

When the first ray of dawn shone on the east wall of Bada City in the early morning, a man wearing the military uniform of General Huwei of the Carrier State was reporting to Hou Yongzhong who had just arrived in a granary belonging to the Bada Chamber of Commerce. Standing behind him was an extraordinarily large white special-made mecha with an anthropomorphic face, and two huge jumping backpacks were installed behind it.Such obvious features make people know it is Hou Yongzhong's exclusive mech Pale Knight at a glance.

"All the mechas and the required supplies have been moved into the granaries before midnight, and they will be ready in an hour."

Hou Yongzhong nodded slightly and asked, "How is the secrecy work done? Are you sure it hasn't been discovered by any outsiders?"

"There is no abnormality found in the hidden pile, please rest assured, Chief." General Huwei gave a standard military salute and added: "We deliberately started the moving work in the middle of the night. It has never been closed, and in addition to the fact that there are false arrays and a large number of hidden piles in the northern part of the city, it must be foolproof."

Hou Yongzhong nodded again, and then ordered: "Tell mecha pilots, let them stand by their respective mechas after the preparations are completed, and seize the time to recover their mental strength."

After General Huwei took the order to leave, Hou Yongzhong sat cross-legged on the spot, recalling the tactical arrangement of the campaign in his mind.

According to the information provided by Fan Kang, the strategy formulated by Zhenguo General Hou Wanli is to dispatch all the mechas of the Tianhu Army to ambush the army of the Qiankun Empire in the vast desert, with the primary goal of destroying the unactivated mechas of the enemy. .

Since it only takes one hundred seconds for the mecha and the driver to synchronize their mental power, this battle must be a blitzkrieg, and it must be completed within 2 minutes from launching an attack to clearing the target.If you can't completely annihilate or eliminate more than [-]% of the targets, once the enemy's mechs are successfully activated, the Tianhu troops will fall into complete passiveness.Because the total number of mechas that Hou Yongzhong brought was only one-eighth of that of the Qiankun Empire.

The key to launching a blitzkrieg lies in how to hide from the spiritual power scan of the opponent's heavenly monk. After all, it is very difficult to perfectly hide a huge mecha in the desert.In the end, Hou Wanli set the ambush location near Bada City, the only way to enter Weimu Canyon, and asked Qian Jude to cooperate accordingly and provide a building to hide the mecha.

Now that the preparations for the ambush are ready, only the last and most critical finishing touch is left.This battle is related to the safety of the Eternal Fortress, and will even affect the national destiny of the carrier country, so we must go all out to hit it with one blow.

With the determination to win, Hou Yongzhong entered into the meditation, recovering the mental power lost due to manipulating the armor to go on the road.

The Tianhu troops are waiting for work in Bada City, while on the other side is the transport convoy of the Qiankun Empire, which is busy all the way and is about to travel out of the vast desert.Hundreds of modified spirit crystal vehicles galloped in the desert, turning over the sand dunes, leaving behind ruts of different depths.

"If you don't change direction, the convoy will pass near Bada City in three or ten minutes. It's better to take a short detour to avoid the eyes and ears of the people in the city for safety." On a spirit crystal car in the middle of the convoy, a Said Minghu Jiang, pointing to the map that was spread out.

"Bold! Before departure, the dragon general issued a death order, requiring the convoy to strictly follow the established route. Don't tell me you're going to disobey!" Another tiger general beside him couldn't help scolding.

"However, I will not change the route even if there is no order from the dragon general." Realizing that the opponent is of the same rank as himself, the latter coughed awkwardly and explained in detail: "First of all, there is no garrison of the carrier country in Bada City. How could people from the Bada Chamber of Commerce have the guts to attack such a large-scale convoy apparently escorted by monks. Secondly, this place is not far from the curtain canyon. There is not enough time to dispatch troops and generals."

After explaining the reason, Tiger will send an order to the entire convoy through the magic weapon in the car: "The convoy's direction remains unchanged and the speed is increased to the maximum. There will be a new order when it reaches the entrance of Weimu Canyon."


The time was approaching noon, Hou Yongyi, who had completed the investigation mission, returned to Badal City. After reporting the last convoy movement to his elder brother, he went to the north city wall. He found Fan Kang by using the contact magic weapon as agreed, and briefly introduced the ambush plan and the current situation. .

After hearing this, Hou Peiqin's hanging heart was finally let go, and Hou Yongyi simply continued to activate the contact magic weapon, allowing Fan Kang and others to appreciate the historic moment when the Qiankun Empire's mech troops suffered heavy losses.

Realizing that the northern area of ​​Bada City suddenly became lively, Hou Yongyi quickly adjusted the direction of the contact magic weapon, aiming the warping space at the ten huge granaries belonging to the Bada Chamber of Commerce.

Twenty pairs of 25-meter-high wooden gates opened one after another, and a large number of soldiers in military uniforms and ten steel giants came out of them. The most eye-catching one was the pale knight who was a head taller than the rest of the standard mechs.

They were fully armed and lined up neatly under the north city gate. Following Hou Yongzhong's order, they activated the jumping backpacks on their backs at the same time, crossed the city wall in unison, and rushed straight into the vast desert.

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