Mind Mecha

Chapter 351

Before the rest of them had time to comment, Lu Yuhua had already signaled that the competition had officially started.

At the same time that Lu Yuhua's hand fell, Thunder Hammer, Lightning Chisel and Flying Sword appeared in front of Fan Kang out of thin air at the same time. Through manipulation and splitting, he swung the Thunder Hammer while letting the tip of the chisel hit Tang Bao, while the Flying Sword It was flashing and flying towards Yunfu, forcing him to take a defensive position.

At this time, Tang Bao had just lifted up the magical weapon, and before he had time to aim, he found that the opponent had locked on him, which shows that the two are not the same in terms of proficiency in manipulating the first style.

Fortunately, Tang Bao has quite a lot of combat experience, and he didn't panic too much after being locked. He also knew what magic weapon was in the opponent's hand to judge how to deal with it later.

But when he saw clearly that what Fan Kang was holding was a top-level lightning-attribute magic weapon at the prefecture level, his expression changed drastically.Because his battle armor was not inlaid with too high-level barriers, he couldn't defend against this thunderous blow at all.Tang Bao could only choose to avoid the sharp edge temporarily, and concentrate his spiritual thoughts on the speeding magic weapon, trying to avoid the opponent's first blow before slowly drawing it.

However, the ability of his divine mind to operate is too ordinary, even though the acceleration magic weapon has been maintaining the critical point of motion and stillness, before he can move his body, a bolt of lightning as thick as a bowl is approaching.

At the critical moment of life and death, Tang Bao didn't dare to fight with his life, so he had no choice but to open the golden light protective array.The golden mask disappeared after successfully blocking the lightning, which also meant that Tang Bao lost at the speed of light.

On the other side, the situation of Yunyu was not much better. The twelve flying swords kept flashing and staggering in a small area, making it impossible to fathom the trajectory of the flight.Yunyu blocked left and right for a while, and then the defensive circle became smaller and smaller. In the end, he could only surround his body with flying swords, and blocked the leaping flying swords by constantly rotating rapidly.

The magical instruments are still those used two years ago, but the level of Fan Kang's manipulation has improved by more than one level.Not only was he able to use two minds at once, but he also used the power of the two sets of magic weapons to the limit at the same time, and he seemed to be able to easily suppress the monks of the same level without even using his natural ability from his relaxed appearance.

After Tang Bao's defeat, Fan Kang's offensive became more violent. The flying swords of the two sides collided frequently in the air, and the sound was as dense as rain hitting plantains.At this time, Yunyu has tried his best, but Fan Kang is still able to do it with ease. Even Liu Jing and Ruan Xiazhu, who are not enough in cultivation, can see that if Fan Kang is willing, he can use other magical weapons to attack from the side. You must lose immediately.

But Fan Kang didn't do this, because before defeating Tang Bao, he competed for the speed of magic weapon activation. From the eyes of others, there is a certain element of sneak attack, so he may not be able to convince the crowd, so he needs to use Yunyu as a training partner to show himself Strength.The more embarrassing this gang leader is, the more he can show his superior strength, and the easier it will be to control the Youlong Gang in the future.

After making up his mind, Fan Kang further increased the speed of the flying swords, and the twelve leaping flying swords quickly shuttled around Yunyu. At first glance, he could only feel that there were sword shadows everywhere, which made people frightened.Yunyu, who was on the scene, complained even more, so he could only concentrate on scanning his mental power, and rotate his flying sword to the extreme.But even so, it's just hard support, and in three to five breaths, he will be forced to take a step back.

After 3 minutes, the fugu's head was already sweating, and the spinning speed of the flying sword also began to decrease, which was a sign of exhaustion of energy.Seeing that he had been forced to the corner of the ring, Fan Kang manipulated the thunder hammer and lightning chisel to launch the final blow.

When the wrist-thick thunderbolt hit Yunpu's face, all the leaping swords flashed away, and returned to Fan Kang's surroundings to defend them.Due to Fan Kang's precise manipulation, there was almost no gap between an attack and a retreat. As a result, the cloud puffer had no time to take any defensive measures, and could only deploy the golden light protection array at the last moment to save its life.

After a blinding light, You Long gang members hurriedly looked at Yun Yu.Although the gang leader was unscathed, all the flying swords protecting his body were broken.If it weren't for the golden light protective array, I'm afraid that if you don't die, you will lose three layers of skin.

Fan Kang played with two monks of the same level without moving his feet, and even made the opponent easily win without any counterattack. Such a record made all the elders of the Youlong Gang dumbfounded.At this moment, they all calculated in their hearts what would happen if they were on the court.In the end, they only came up with four words, and it was absolutely difficult to win.

Seeing that the battle was over, Fan Kang put the magic weapon and battle armor into the wish box and walked off the ring, but he didn't appear to be elated, but stood silently behind Lu Yuhua.The latter was also noncommittal about Fan Kang's performance, as if everything was expected.This move only made people feel that Fan Kang's performance just now was just easy, and that Lu Yuhua was even more unfathomable.

At this time, Yunyu also understood Fan Kang's intention of wearing the giant spirit armor but only using long-range magic weapons. He took off his helmet, wiped his sweat, and came to Fan Kang with a wry smile: "Whether it's magic weapons Quality, six-style proficiency or intelligence, Fu Guogong is far superior to me, and I am convinced of the defeat. This is to call the helpers to open the incense hall, and announce that Mr. Lu is the new leader of the Youlong Gang."

A Fan Kang is so powerful, plus Lu Yuhua is in charge, I am afraid that all the elders present are pinched together, and they are definitely not rivals between the two of them.What's more, the two sides have already made a bet, and if he loses the game in full view, how can he have the face to occupy the throne of the gang leader, Yunyu can only accept the bet and surrender the power obediently.

The Youlong Gang has declined, and it can only be a small gang in a small corner, so it is very easy to gather the gang members. In less than half an hour, a total of 53 people from the whole gang have been assembled.Yunyu first announced that Lu Zhanbo, the principal of the Royal Military Academy, would become the Supreme Elder, and then proposed to abdicate the position of gang leader to Lu Yuhua.

Seeing that all the elders had no objection, the rest of the gang members were naturally powerless to change this proposal, and Lu Yuhua successfully became the new gang leader of the Youlong Gang.

The new official took office three times. After Lu Yuhua took office, he announced several orders and personnel arrangements one after another.He first abolished the elder parliamentary system and changed it to a centralized system.The various elder positions were abolished, and only one chief protector and one chief supervisor were set up under the sect leader. Fan Kang and Hou Peiqin were appointed to manage personnel and resource allocation respectively, and all power was concentrated in the hands of these two.

The second order is that Yun Yu and all the elders are all reduced to ordinary gang members, and a gang competition will be held seven days later.At that time, Fan Kang and Hou Peiqin will be the examiners, and all the gang members must compete for positions based on their real talents and learning.

The third is to set up a meritorious value system, and the gang members can obtain different meritorious values ​​according to their contributions to the gang, which can be exchanged for high-level magic weapons, internal and external battle armor or various rare skills.Of course, most of these rewards come from Fan Kang, and this iron rooster will naturally not make a loss-making business, and the contribution of the helpers will definitely be far greater than the income.

After the issuance of a series of orders, the Youlong Gang's momentum has been greatly boosted, and they are all gearing up, actively preparing for the future competition and obtaining merit points.

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