Mind Mecha

Chapter 338 Spiritual Sharing

Relying on a prefecture-level high-level formation to kill a standard mecha, such a record can't help but make people jump for joy.The children of the major forces gathered together and complimented each other, as if they had forgotten the main task of going deep into the vast desert.

"Abandon the mission and all withdraw to Badal City. Tianhu Warrior will be responsible for breaking the mech. By the way, disassemble the mecha on the spot and take away the valuable parts, and destroy the rest." Hou Yongyi did not show too much excitement, and issued a series of instructions.

"Follow the order!" General Tianhu immediately acted methodically after receiving the order, digging up and dismantling Wang Jian's mecha.

Hou Yongyi got a sand sled, carried the fainted two people on it, and then pulled Fan Kang up: "You have almost exhausted your spiritual power after running for so long. Although you can't meditate on the sand sled, it can also save you a lot of time." Put down some mental strength to hurry."

Hou Yongyi found a hemp rope, let two prefecture-level monks pull it, and walked eastward slowly.

After setting off, Fan Kang thought of Sima Lang who stood up at the critical moment, worried that he would exacerbate his injury by using too much mental power, so he hurriedly sent a message to greet him.

"It's okay." Sima Lang's slightly tired voice came from the Shenshen Tree: "Although the mental power is only [-]% left, it doesn't affect the injury, and it will recover after a period of meditation."

Fan Kang, who was relieved, then took out the contact magic weapon, and wanted to ask Ma Jinjue about the situation.But before the other party could respond, a sound of breaking through the air came from far away.

A sky-level augmentation formation hit Wang Jian's mecha, and the tragedy that Hou Xiuping and others encountered before happened again.Dismantling the mechs, the unsuspecting Tianhu warriors all fell into the sky-high flames in the blink of an eye.

"There's another mech!" The retreating earth-level cultivator was stunned by the sight before him, and then someone in the crowd suddenly shouted.

Seeing the power of the heaven-level formation at close range, and knowing that there is no other gravity formation on the side to deal with the second mecha, the disciples of all major forces immediately became a mess, and finally fled in all directions.In the blink of an eye, except for Hou Yongyi, there were no other earth-level monks beside the sand pry.

"Father is right, these guys are really a mob!" Seeing this, Hou Yongyi couldn't help cursing in his heart.Seeing that the remaining number of people is definitely not the opponent of the mecha, they can only pull up the sand pry and retreat in the direction of Badal City.

It didn't take long to hear the roar of the mecha running, and a standard mecha of the Qiankun Empire came to the place where Wang Jian fell, holding the magic weapon of the Wind Rider across both hands.The single red eye on its round head swept around, then ignored the scattered earth-level monks, and went straight to chase after the pry that Hou Yongyi pulled.

After seeing it from a distance, Hou Yongxiao couldn't help but smiled wryly and said: "Being chased by two mechas in one day is an experience that few prefecture-level monks in the entire carrier country have enjoyed. Do you think it will become a legendary story? ?”

Hou Peiqin tapped the third brother's helmet with her right hand, and said angrily: "It's only if we can go back alive, otherwise we are just a bunch of unlucky people. Are you talking about how we can escape?"

Hou Yongxiao let out an exaggerated cry of pain, and then said flatteringly to Fan Kang: "I see that my brother-in-law's face is ruddy, and he doesn't have a single drop of sweat on his body. Obviously, he still has enough mental strength. Please trouble yourself to use the means of escaping just now."

In my impression, I always thought that Hou Yongxiao was a careless and greedy fat man, but I didn't expect him to notice a clue in his roughness and subtlety, which made Fan Kang and Hou Peiqin look at each other with admiration.

"You guessed right, there is indeed a bit of mental power left." Fan Kang nodded first, then shook his head and said: "It's just that the remaining mental power can no longer activate the trick just now, so Next, we will see if the second brother can surpass the speed of the mech."

Hou Yongyi knew that the situation was serious, so he used the control method to the extreme to increase the speed of the sand sled sliding as much as possible.The Scarlet Flying Falcon is thanks to the special battle armor with enhanced speed. Even pulling a sand sled is much faster than ordinary monks at the earth level. the distance between each other.

"We are locked, turn left quickly!" Just as everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Sima Lang's voice suddenly sounded in Fan Kang's mind.It turned out that he used his powerful mental power to scan and found that the mecha behind him was holding the Wind Rider to make an aiming action, and he made the warning after judging the landing point of the cornerstone.

"Left! Quick!" Fan Kang, who was sitting on the sled, had no time to think and yelled directly at Hou Yongyi. Although the latter didn't know what to do, he subconsciously followed suit.

The moment the sand pry turned around, the standard mecha one mile away shot out a sky-level augmentation formation.The foundation stone drew a smooth parabola in the air, and landed on the original sliding track of the sand skid after two breaths.Thanks to Fan Kang's reminder and Hou Yongyi's timely turning, he escaped the fatal blow within a narrow distance.

"Interesting, no wonder Wang Jian fell into their hands. I'll try him again to see if it's a coincidence or something." Ni Cong, the pilot of the mecha and a heavenly monk, let out a light sigh, and then pointed at the sand pry Three array cornerstones were launched in a row along the route of travel.

Compared with the previous blow, the landing points of these three formation cornerstones are different. They are respectively aimed at the left, middle and front positions of the sand pry. The only way is to brake suddenly.But the sand pry was pulled by an earth-level monk with a hemp rope. Even if Hou Yongyi could stop suddenly, his divine sense and the strength of his armor might not be able to stop the huge inertia of the sand pry.

"Use wind to cannon to intercept the cornerstone of the formation!" Sima Lang in the Yangshen tree instantly judged the situation, and used a spiritual skill called spirit sharing on Fan Kang.

Fan Kang only felt that the scanning range of his mental power had suddenly expanded nearly twenty times. Not only could the flight trajectories of the three cornerstones be clearly seen, but even their flying speed seemed to have slowed down.

Fan Kang seized the opportunity and quickly took out the wind cannon and fired at the three cornerstones three times.The cannonball collided with the cornerstone of the formation in mid-air, and the power of the amplified formation burst instantly to form three purple fireballs, like three small suns hanging in the dark night sky.

Fan Kang and his magnificent technique made Ni Cong return without success again, which shocked Hou Yongyi, while Hou Yongxiao nodded his head lightly, as if he was used to it.

"This is impossible! Although the Wind Rider is a low-level magic weapon at the sky level, the flight trajectory of the cornerstone of the formation is definitely not something that an earth-level monk can capture, let alone intercept it in mid-air! It's hard to do, could it be that the person on the sand pry is a certain general from the carrier country?" Ni Cong growled in the mecha, his face full of disbelief.

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