Mind Mecha

Chapter 318 Realization Mold Method

"Could it be that your inspiration came from moon cakes?" Chu Xinli whispered in disbelief.

Fan Kang couldn't help but secretly felt amused by Hu's excuse, and at the same time solemnly nodded: "Three months ago, when I was rushing to work for the Bada Chamber of Commerce, the progress was not satisfactory at the beginning. , Even when I was eating mooncakes, my mind was full of formations, thinking about how to improve efficiency. Suddenly, I realized that the size of the mooncake in my hand was about the same as the cornerstone of the formation, and the patterns and characters engraved on it were like loops. So I had a whim and tried I used molds to make formations, and finally figured out this method after trial and error."

In fact, Fan Kang himself didn't know that what he made up was vaguely in line with the development of history.Mold was first born in food processing, and it has been used in industry after years of development. Whether it is plastic, ceramics or metal, all plastic materials can be shaped by mold, and it is one of the fastest methods for mass production.Therefore, Fan Kang's impromptu excuse was extremely reasonable and watertight, and Chu Xinli agreed to the former's statement without arousing the slightest doubt.

It's just that Chu Xinli didn't understand why all the formation masters in the comprehension world were eating the same mooncakes, but Fan Kang was the only one who got the inspiration.In the end, it could only be attributed to Fan Kang's talent, but he didn't know that it was because he stood on the shoulders of giants that he was able to save tens or even hundreds of years of exploration.

It was no longer necessary to activate the Five Elements Lost Tracking Array. Chu Xinli returned the cornerstone of the array to Fan Kang and said, "Have you chosen a name? If you want to promote this technique, you need a name that is catchy and easy to remember."

"Let's call it the Manifestation Mold Method." Fan Kang chose a name casually, and then asked: "Senior, don't revise it any more, can you give me some pointers?"

Chu Xinli shook his head slightly: "All the hard work of the formation masters is in manipulating one style, and there are very few who are good at realizing it. I am no exception to this, so I can't give advice. Just spread it out as it is, and I will spread it widely." And let me tell you, this embodiment mold method was invented by you alone."

Fan Kang was very anxious when he heard the words, and hurriedly said: "The younger generation is not well-known, and I am afraid it will be hard to convince the public. It is better to promote the name of the senior. The younger generation does not want to be famous in the world of self-cultivation, but only wants to practice quietly. .”

"Today's young monks are all sharpened their heads and want to be famous in order to get more attention and get more cultivation resources. Those who go against the grain like you must not worry about cultivation resources, and what's special about it? The reason." Chu Xinli exposed Fan Kang's thoughts, and then looked at the other party playfully, which made Fan Kang's heart shudder.

Just when Fan Kang wanted to make up an excuse, Chu Xinli chuckled and said, "It seems that I guessed it right. But you can rest assured that I won't be so uninterested in inquiring about secrets that others don't want to reveal, and you don't have to either." I took the trouble to make up an excuse. In my name, I will promote the realization mold method, and I agree to this."

"This method can only be used for copying or mass production. If there is no real object as a reference, it is necessary to constantly adjust the mold, which will take more time and energy than manipulating a model, so it cannot completely replace the traditional production method. Array A mage must choose one of manipulation and materialization as a specialization direction, and it is impossible to climb to the top of both." Unbearable to see the other party's playful gaze, Fan Kang talked about him.

"There must be a lot of experiments before it is widely spread in the association, so don't worry about it." Naturally, Chu Xinli would not keep teasing a junior, and continued after looking away: "So many people today know that you have a unique set of techniques. , I don’t have the face to take it as my own, so your name will still appear in the embodiment mold method, and I can only promise to minimize your contribution in this method as much as possible.”

"It's enough." Fan Kang thanked again, and then just stood there, neither intending to leave the room nor saying a word.

Chu Xinli guessed Fan Kang's thoughts with a slight roll of his eyes, and said with a chuckle, "I won't accept your favor in vain, so feel free to ask if you have any ideas. In addition to getting the due rewards from the association, as long as you are within your ability I will try to satisfy you."

"The junior is welcome." Fan Kang finally waited for this sentence, and said impatiently after a symbolic polite sentence: "The junior has only one wish, and I hope that the honorary membership will be for life, and there is no need to complete it every month." For the required number of missions, the frequency of traveling to and from the association once a month is a bit too high."

"All members of the association must maintain a spirit of diligence and research, and do not support idlers, let alone allow anyone to rest on their laurels. This rule has existed since the establishment of the association, and even the president cannot take the lead in violating it. With my power, at most This assessment cycle can be extended to half a year, that is, eighteen tasks of the same level can be completed within six months." Chu Xinli flatly rejected Fan Kang's first request, and the latter was disappointed and casually asked about the branch of the Array Masters Association the address of.

"Dragon City."

"It is only one word away from Longding City. Is there any relationship between the two?" Fan Kang suddenly remembered that he had heard from Lu Yuhua that the Youlong Gang was stationed in Longding City, so he asked quickly.

"It's separated by a mountain." Chu Xinli replied: "A thousand miles west of Fengtian City is a mountain range that runs from east to west and is about [-] miles long. It is called Qinglong Mountain by the locals. There are large and small cities in the east and west directions, the larger city in the east is Longshou City, and the smaller city in the west is Longding City."

It turned out to be "酚", but it was replaced with the word "定" because it was indecent.Fan Kang felt amused in his heart, and then continued to ask: "Is there a teleportation hall between these two cities?"

After getting an affirmative answer, the corners of Fan Kang's mouth could not help but curl up slightly.Seeing this, Chu Xinli smiled and said, "It seems that the problem has been solved. But I'm still ashamed of your request for such a small amount."

After speaking, Chu Xinli took out a handful of dice-sized metal lumps from the pocket of his coat, and stuffed half of them into Fan Kang's hands: "This is the second-generation wishful box I newly developed. The one you carry on your back is five times bigger. At present, there are only twelve in the entire cultivation world, and even the members of the Taoist League have offered generous terms to buy the wish-fulfilling box from me, and they want to know the treasure embedded in it. Formation structure."

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