Mind Mecha

Chapter 313 Records Are Made To Be Broken

"Earth Fiend Formation, Ice Soul Formation, Tiangang Fire Formation, Ice Flame Bipolar Formation and Five Elements Lost Formation, the formations you have chosen have been marked." Chu Xinli said while taking out ten from the Wish Box The medium-sized formation cornerstone, together with the bottle of base solution and the five marked formation cornerstones, were thrown to Fan Kang, and then he said lightly: "You can take these materials and use them. Excellent formation mages don't need other things. Auxiliary tools. If you fail more than five times, it will be too late, so ten formation cornerstones are enough. We will end this game on time in three hours, I hope you will not let me down."

"Ah Fu took him to the studio, and then stood guard at the door, don't let anyone disturb him." Hou Wanli came to Fan Kang's side and ordered so, and then glanced at Chu Xinli, as if he had made such a sudden move on her Feel helpless.

At this time, the guests were discussing enthusiastically, guessing whether Fan Kang could pass the test.

"To make five formations, the total number of formation eyes must not be less than one hundred. It is indeed a common assessment standard of the formation master association. As long as you complete it on time, you can be recognized by the association as a formation master. But as far as I know, the association gives The assessment time is six hours, and the materials are not limited. Is the requirement set by President Chu a bit too high, is it because he is not willing to part with this array illustration book?" Lu Zhanwang pointed out that he was not optimistic about Fan Kang, He also made fun of Chu Xinli, wanting to motivate her to lower the eligibility standard.

"It seems that Principal Lu also knows the rules of the Mage Association very well. It's just that you also said that this is only the assessment standard for ordinary formation masters. Those association members who pass the assessment do not have this illustrated book as a reward." Chu Xinli As the vice-chairman of the Array Masters Association, how can he be easily irritated, and counterattacked in a few words: "The so-called law should not be passed on lightly. In order not to waste things, one must be cautious in teaching and teaching disciples. Pass on the heavenly top-grade exercises to all the students in the academy."

Chu Xinli's response left Lu Zhanwang speechless. Seeing that the atmosphere between the two was a little stiff, Hou Wanli patted Lu Zhanwang on the shoulder and said, "Principal Lu, don't worry about Fan Kang, what kind of virtue does he have?" Don't know? This illustrated book is something that he must have, but he only agreed to it after fighting for it lightly. He must have the confidence to complete it. If he is not sure, he will definitely stalk him. How can he let go so easily. "

Lu Zhanwang was immediately relieved when he heard the words, and he laughed loudly and said, "How could I have forgotten Fan Kang's character. President Chu will just wait and see the show, and Fan Kang will definitely give us a surprise."

"I also support the views of the two of them, and believe that Fan Kang can complete the duplication of these five formations on time." Qian Jude was not willing to be lonely, and cited Fan Kang's brilliant achievements in the past as an example: "Fan Kang's talent in formations It’s really not bad. I remember when he was a human-level monk and just became a formation master, he easily completed a thousand miniature Gale Formation in three months by himself, which solved the urgent need for the Bada Chamber of Commerce.”

"Complete ten miniature gale blasts every day? This number is really average, and any individual member in the association can do it." Chu Xinli said disdainfully.

"We don't need to argue anymore, we will decide in three hours." Seeing that the smell of gunpowder between the two sides was getting stronger, Hou Wanli stopped the topic in good time, and at the same time ordered the servants to bring plates of exquisite snacks to the courtyard, Let the guests take their own food to satisfy their hunger.

It's just that most of the guests were not in the mood to taste pastries. They saw that three superpower leaders with extraordinary knowledge and experience had disagreements because of an unknown junior, and they almost quarreled.This rare scene couldn't help but surprise the leaders of the big forces.

At this time, they all understood that Fan Kang would never be just a simple married son-in-law. It must not be a fluke to be favored by Hou Peiqin and get Hou Wanli's approval. It is necessary to dig deeper into Fan Kang's origin.These guests unanimously sent their juniors to infiltrate the circle of the three Hou family brothers, trying to find out information about Fan Kang, and wanted to know the origin of this strange young man.

Soon Fan Kang retired the mecha in the manor to rescue the prince Gu Zhigang and others, and the glorious deeds of defeating the bloody flying falcon Hou Yongyi in the Hou family competition and winning the champion spread to everyone's ears.The leaders of these powerful forces realized that this seemingly ordinary boy not only has a wide network of contacts, but also has excellent cultivation qualifications. They couldn't help but feel regretful about their previous contempt, so they searched in the Wish Box one after another. Want to find another gift to make up for it.

The group of Hou family juniors ate delicate delicacies carelessly, chatting about interesting topics together in twos and threes.It's just that there is one thing that most people don't do, and that is to look in the direction of Fan Kang's departure, except for Liu Jing and Hou Peiqin.

Seeing how absent-minded they were while chatting with him, Chu Fenghuang couldn't help but said: "The record holder in the association who passed the formation master assessment at the fastest speed is my mother. It took an hour and a half to complete this assessment. Now only 10 minutes have passed, and Fan Kang will never come back so soon."

Hou Peiqin turned her gaze back when she heard the words, glanced at Lu Yuhua's direction, then shook her head slightly and said, "Records are meant to be broken. Wasn't the last genius of comprehension who was hailed as once in a hundred years beaten by Fan Kang?" Powerless. He is good at creating miracles, and I believe he will not let us down this time."

Lu Yuhua, who was chatting with his father, sneezed inexplicably, unaware that he was lying on the ground again, and Hou Peiqin used it as a negative teaching material.

Liu Jing, who has a quiet personality and has always been aloof from the world, naturally has no interest in arguing, and is still staring at the distance.Her idea is very simple, she just wants to do her duty as a wife, to be the first to see herself when Fan Kang returns, to share the joy of success with him, or to comfort and encourage him in time when he fails .

At this time, two familiar figures suddenly came into Liu Jing's eyes. The one in front of him was Uncle Fu, who was wearing a black and white butler costume. Following him was Fan Kang in fancy clothes, but most of his figure was blocked by Uncle Fu, making it impossible to see his facial expression clearly.

"They're back." Liu Jing gently tugged at Hou Peiqin's sleeve, and whispered nervously.

Hou Peiqin's heart skipped a beat. Although she firmly believed that Fan Kang would break Chu Xinli's record, the estimated time was at least an hour away.Now Fan Kang came back in only 10 minutes, which is really unreasonable.

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