Mind Mecha

Chapter 309 Budget Is No Budget

The most valuable magic weapon must be the array inlaid in it. Even if it is the top magic weapon, it doesn't take much effort and materials to make some auxiliary parts.Seeing Fan Kang's request for such a cheap price, Qian Jude couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, and then he patted his chest and agreed: "How much can it cost to make a few parts, and it's not too extravagant to specifically ask for it." Is it done? Old brother agreed, if you have any parts you want in the future, you can come to the Bada Chamber of Commerce to build them, and you won’t be charged a single spirit crystal.”

Qian Jude followed his common sense and thought that Fan Kang was greedy for the cheap price of hundreds of middle-grade spirit crystals every year, but he never expected that the loss would reach tens of thousands.Because Fan Kang, a design genius, will invent not only a large number of magical instruments, but also increasingly sophisticated and complex structures. Three master blacksmiths are dedicated to serving him, and one of them is almost overwhelmed.Qian Jude yelled that he was cheated, but because of the problem of face, he just knocked down his front teeth and swallowed it, so he could only silently use his small treasury to fill the shortfall.

Qian Jude finally made an agreement with Fan Kang that after the engagement ceremony, he would go back to Bada City to prepare the first batch of spirit crystals, and then pay the money and deliver the goods at the Bada Chamber of Commerce headquarters on Fan Kang's way back to the manor. It needs to be verified that there is nothing wrong with the design drawings, and Fan Kang can get 40 middle-grade spirit crystals.

After negotiating the business of the spirit crystal car, Qian Jude was content to send Fan Kang away, but when he walked to the door, he suddenly asked: "There is one more thing I almost forgot. Show Master Hong, will Elder Hong promote it to the Daoist League?"

How does the current Fan Kang have a way to promote magic tools to the Daoist League? Seeing Qian Jude asking about it, he said what he had already thought up early in the morning: "How can I forget President Qian's entrustment? It's just that the master said this after reading it." Magical artifacts will cause public outrage, so they will not be promoted for you, and at the same time, I advise you not to risk the displeasure of the world to earn this spirit crystal."

"How do you say this? It shouldn't be a good thing to be able to easily know other people's cultivation. How could it arouse public outrage?" Cultivation detection magic weapon is a project invested by Bada Chamber of Commerce, but now Hong Wan Tong Tong's words called to stop, Qian Jude was naturally unwilling, and wanted to know what was going on.

"This magic weapon seems to be of great benefit to the Daomeng, but there is a high probability that it will not be released. If the Daomeng uses this magic weapon on a large scale, has President Qian thought about the qualifications of various places in the future? What will happen during the test? It is impossible to conceal the true cultivation, and all outstanding talents in various forces have been forcibly recruited by the Daoist League. They cannot vent their grievances on the Daoist League, so who will they target?"

Without Fan Kang's further explanation, Qian Jude already understood.Over the years, the Daoist League has developed a certain tacit understanding with the major forces. The compulsory recruitment system is actually facing those casual cultivators who have no background. The Daoist League deliberately turned a blind eye to the qualification test. The children of the major forces are allowed to conceal their true cultivation, in order not to do things to the extreme and cause widespread resistance.

Once the cultivation base detection magic weapon is available, this fig leaf will be taken off, and the Daoist League will have to strictly implement compulsory recruitment to maintain its dignity.

The foundations of those major forces that have lost their outstanding disciples are shaken, and they will definitely hate the Bada Chamber of Commerce that developed this magic weapon.Even if they don't retaliate directly, as long as they work together to resist, it will be enough for the Bada Chamber of Commerce to drink a pot.

Thinking of this, Qian Jude couldn't help feeling chills down his spine. After wiping off his cold sweat, he cupped his hands and said, "Elder Hong is far-sighted, and his thinking is indeed more comprehensive. Let's let this matter go. I will destroy all the experimental products and design drawings when I go back." It is guaranteed that there will not be a magic weapon flowing outside."

At this time, Qian Jude was not in the mood to greet Fan Kang anymore, and after sending him out of the hotel, he hurried back into the room, took out the magic weapon of communication and gave Qian Jucai a series of orders, asking him to deal with the spiritual crystal car and the cultivation base Matters related to detection instruments.

It was already evening when Fan Kang returned to Wanlibao. When he found Liu Jing, he found that Qian Yingying and the others had already arrived in Wanlibao, and they were making a fuss with Hou Peiqin and the others, discussing how to dress tomorrow.Fan Kang felt bored after staying for a while, so he turned to Liu Zhong's room, wondering what Hou Wanli had talked with him.

After some insinuations, Fan Kang finally felt relieved. It turned out that Hou Wanli did not reveal too much to Liu Zhong, but only said that Fan Wei was his junior brother. Because of Kang's friendship, Liu Jing will be allowed to attend tomorrow's engagement ceremony together.

"You came to me specifically to ask these questions?" Liu Zhong asked strangely.Because he knew that Fan Kang would rarely take the initiative to approach him, and today's abnormal behavior must have deep meaning behind it.

Fan Kang was a little embarrassed, and in a hurry, he took out the Chu Nian Stone with the design drawing of the Vulcan machine gun, handed it to Liu Zhong, and said: "My boy recently invented a ground-level magic weapon, and I want to give my adoptive father a review. There is something that needs to be modified. If the foster father has time, I hope to build it."

"In the future, if you want to ask for help, don't worry about mothers-in-law." Liu Zhongshi then inserted his consciousness into the memory storage stone, and carefully looked at the design drawing.

"The design is perfect, and the concept is very interesting and novel. As long as the speed of the materialized bullet can keep up, it should be shortlisted for the top-level magic weapon at the earth level." Liu Zhong's consciousness withdrew after an incense stick of time. Chu Nianshi made a pertinent evaluation and at the same time said frankly: "Just with my ability and forging efficiency, even if it can be forged, it will take a long time."

"Father only needs to build the barrel and some core parts, and I will hand over the rest to Bada Chamber of Commerce in batches for processing." Fan Kang left a copy of Chu Nianshi's design drawing and exited Liu Zhong's room, and found Lu Yuhua .

"The design of the armor should be accelerated, because the problem of the spirit crystal has been solved. Also, the armor for me and Peiqin does not need to consider the budget, and the quality must exceed that of the White Tiger armor." After greeting Lu Yuhua, Fan Kang said what he came for, and in the eyes of the latter, he looked like a nouveau riche.

Lu Yuhua did not ask where the spirit crystal came from, but grinned like a child and said: "As a master of armor design, the most favorite sentence is that you don't need to consider the budget. Don't worry, I will definitely Complete the design drawings as soon as possible, so that you can have a set of top-level battle armor that you can wear after you become a great monk as soon as possible."

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