Mind Mecha

Chapter 242: Four Waves of Attacks and the Victory

However, this effect is enough for Fan Kang, and none of the magic weapons floating around Fan Kang have been used yet.

Needless to say, the three Fenglai Cannons that are the same as Lu Yuhua, the breath of Fire Dragon, Wind Dragon, and Thunder Dragon are three similar in appearance to Fenglai Cannons, but they are carved with red, green and light blue dragon heads on the muzzles. The medium and short-range attributes magic weapon.The fire dragon's breath can emit hundreds of thousands of degrees of high temperature, burning everything that comes into contact with it.The breath of the wind dragon can release a violent gust of wind, which can uproot small trees and blow down weak wooden huts.And the thunder dragon's breath can release tens of thousands of volts of voltage, and any living thing will be electrocuted into coke the moment it touches it.

The Bahuang Sword is a set of eight flying swords. Contrary to the high-temperature property of the Liuhe Sword, after being cooled by the ultra-low temperature array, the temperature on the surface of the blade reaches a terrifying minus [-] degrees, and it can be touched in an instant. If things are frozen, even titanium black alloy cannot resist such low temperature. Once it is cut by a sword blade, it will start to collapse from the atomic level, making the battle armor as brittle as a biscuit, and it will be tortoise after a little impact. crack.

As the name suggests, the cow hair flying needle is a set of [-] flying needles as thin as cow hair. These flying needles are so light and small that they can be blown up by a breeze.The user needs to skillfully use the splitting style, attach the split spirit to each flying needle, and control the flying needle to fly in the wind.Once these flying needles penetrate into the gaps of the enemy's armor, they will pierce the skin and enter the monk's blood vessels, making people feel heartbroken, convulsed, and incapacitated.

I saw Fan Kang's mind moved, and he controlled the Bahuang Flying Sword and Lu Yuhua's Liuhe Sword to fight into a ball in the air.So far, Lu Yuhua's offensive has been completely contained by Fan Kang, and there is no way to attack Fan Kang anymore.

"You've exhausted all your tricks, now it's my turn." After speaking, Fan Kang secretly used the six moves of Divine Sense to the limit, and lightly said "go" to Lu Yuhua with his right index finger.

The first to attack was the Thirty Flying Needles. Due to the protective formations surrounding the ring, Fan Kang could only artificially create strong winds in the absence of natural wind.Fan Kang hit all the flying needles towards Lu Yuhua by continuously using the first impact style, and let the distraction attached to the flying needles control the flying needles to fly against the wind.

Seeing a large number of flying needles that are barely visible to the naked eye glowing coldly under the reflection of the sun and flying forward, Lu Yuhua was very aware and stopped running immediately. After standing still, he made an independent movement of a golden rooster, letting his body spin at a high speed like a spinning top Get up, and use this to create a whirlwind to blow away the flying needles.

This method really worked. Most of the flying needles were blown to this side, and they couldn't get close to Lu Yuhua at all.Even if one or two flying needles could occasionally break through the whirlwind, they were all blocked by the battle armor, and Fan Kang's powerful flying needles returned in vain.

However, Fan Kang's offensive did not end there. He chose the magic weapon of the cow-hair flying needle, which is easy to crack, because he guessed Lu Yuhua's behavior.Just imagine, it is difficult to find the flying needle with the naked eye. Even if you can barely see it with a mental scan, it is difficult to get the accuracy of the long-distance magic weapon. When the melee magic weapon is swung, it will inevitably generate wind pressure. It is estimated that the magic weapon has not touched the flying needle. The needle will be blown away by this wind pressure.In the confined space of the arena, if you want to defend against the flying needle, you can only use the wind attribute magic weapon to wrap yourself in the wind wall to completely defend yourself.And Lu Yuhua's Ruyi Box is still 50 meters behind him. Even if there is a magic weapon with wind attribute, he can't use the manipulation method to get it in time. .But in this way, Lu Yuhua lost his mobility, and he became a good target standing still.

"Brother Lu, be careful!" Fan Kang shouted and activated all the remaining magic weapons, and greeted Lu Yuhua. The breath of the three dragons was the first to bear the brunt.

As the saying goes, the wind helps the fire. The breath of the fire dragon, which was originally an earth-level high-level magic weapon, was helped by the breath of the wind dragon. The flames spewed out immediately formed a fire tornado. Both the temperature and the attack area doubled, sweeping the sky and covering the earth Most of the arena.

Lu Yuhua was shocked when he saw this, and quickly activated all the defensive formations in the White Tiger Armor. Suddenly, a dazzling colorful light curtain enveloped Lu Yuhua's body, resisting the monstrous flames.But Fan Kang's third wave of attack came again. The roaring thunder and rolling electric arc instantly submerged Lu Yuhua. At this time, the colorful light curtain covering the white tiger's battle armor had begun to shake violently, obviously reaching its limit. Can't stand any other shocks.

Seeing that the barrier on the white tiger armor was crumbling, Fan Kangyi launched the last wave of offensive. He yelled "Fubo!" Then he manipulated the three wind cannons and sent all thirty shells towards Lu Yu. poured away.

The reason why Fan Kang called Fu Bo was to remind him that it was time to save Lu Yuhua.Because the latter can neither dodge nor defend against the thirty shells, and once hit, it will be life-threatening.And Fan Kang didn't want to destroy the White Tiger Armor, after all, it was about to become his trophy, so he changed his surname to Fan from then on.

From the moment Fan Kang launched the flying needle and began to fight back, everyone in the audience was already sighing, and then they exploded when they saw the arena filled with wind, fire, and lightning.

At this time, Lu Zhanwang no longer doubted Fan Kang's strength, knowing that he could indeed use so many earth-level high-level magic weapons at the same time.When he saw Fan Kang's final blow, Lu Zhanwang was even more frightened. In his desperation, he forgot that there was Fu Bo, a heavenly monk, in the arena. He took out a magic weapon in the shape of a long sword from the box, rushed out of the auditorium, and planned to attack the trapped formation fiercely, intending to rescue his precious son.

Fu Bo's experience is so rich, and his vision is so vicious, he has already judged that Lu Yuhua is in danger without Fan Kang's reminder, and immediately pushed the control to the limit, and hovered all the [-] high-speed cannonballs on Lu Yuhua's body. before.

"The competition is over, Fan Kang won." Fu Bo announced the result of the competition and controlled the cannonball to land slowly, then came to Fan Kang, pointed to the crazy-looking Lu Zhanwang outside the trapped formation and said to Fan Kang: "Please put away the law!" The weapon stops attacking, and the old slave is about to open the trapped formation, and if it is delayed any longer, I am afraid that the formation will be dismantled by Principal Lu."

Fan Kang glanced at Lu Zhan, who was outside the trapped formation, put away all the magical weapons as he said, and then sincerely admired: "Fu Bo's manipulation method is so powerful, it is an understatement to make the offensive of the earth-level high-level magic weapon Is it resolved, is this the strength of a heavenly cultivator?"

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