Mind Mecha

Chapter 24 8 Dacheng

Peach Blossom City and Yangliu City are indeed remote and sparsely populated, and the teleportation formations on both sides were not filled with 30 people until the whole hour.The formation manipulator in the uniform of the Daomeng was very punctual and let everyone enter the teleportation formation on the hour. The 23 people followed the instructions and walked to a metal plate of unknown material one after another, waiting for the formation to open.

While waiting for the teleportation, Fan Kang learned about the operation of the teleportation array while chatting with the people around him.There is a metal plate on each side of the complete set of transmission array. When the transmission array is opened, the two metal plates will exchange positions, and at the same time, the objects on the metal plate will be taken away together, so as to achieve the purpose of transmission.

Since several god-separating stones are inlaid on the back of the metal plate, the monks cannot see how the teleportation array is laid out.If someone wants to watch by force, the law enforcement team on duty will use force to subdue the person and escort him to the Taoist League for trial. One can imagine the end.

In the past, there was a heavenly cultivator who wanted to watch the teleportation array forcibly because of his advanced cultivation. As a result, the law enforcement team directly notified the headquarters of the Daoist League with a contact magic weapon. The heaven-level monks didn't even have time to record the structure of the teleportation array in the memory stone, and they were frustrated.Since then, the monks on the mainland have realized that there is no chance to use the teleportation array, because the Daoist League is always on guard.

After everyone stood on the metal plate, the operator took out a yellow spirit crystal and put it in the hole where the slot was exposed on the edge of the metal plate.Fan Kang took a look and found that this spirit crystal was much darker in color than the medium-grade spirit crystal Sima Lang gave him. Presumably, this medium-grade spirit crystal had been used several times, and its energy was no longer saturated.

With the insertion of the spirit crystal, a faint yellow light appeared from the edge of the metal plate, presumably the teleportation array had been activated.After two breaths, the brightness of the yellow light reached its peak. Fan Kang felt his feet sway slightly, and just after he adjusted his center of gravity, a strange voice came from his ears: "Willow City has arrived, please get out of the teleportation array quickly, and continue to use the teleportation array." Please go to the corresponding teleportation formation to buy tickets and line up." Fan Kang looked up, and the voice came from a strange formation operator who also wore the uniform of the Daoist League.Hearing his tone, Fan Kang knew that the teleportation was over, and he was already in the teleportation hall of Willow City.

Fan Kang marveled at how convenient the transportation in the Qiankun Continent is. Willow City is 120 miles away from Peach Blossom City, and normal walking may take two to three days.Now it only takes one gold coin to save time and effort to arrive safely, which seems like a fantasy.

After Fan Kang walked out of the teleportation array, he continued to line up and teleport.Fortunately, I passed by a big city afterwards, and it didn't take long for one side to be filled with thirty people.An hour later, Fan Kang arrived at the destination of Bada City.

The place where the eastern part of the carrier country borders the Qiankun Empire is a vast desert. A long time ago, in order to connect the teleportation arrays all over the continent, the Taoist League built two places at both ends of the desert, at the farthest distance that a prefecture-level teleportation array can connect. A teleportation hall serves as a communication bridge for the teleportation array.Merchants traveling between the two places began to stay and trade around the two teleportation halls, and gradually two large cities were established on the edge of the vast desert.

The city in the east of the vast desert within the territory of the Qiankun Empire is called Sitong City, and the city in the west of the desert within the territory of the carrier country is called Bada City.

The city was named Bada City because at that time a huge chamber of commerce, the Bada Chamber of Commerce, was established near the teleportation hall in the western part of the vast desert.With the establishment of the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce, business travelers between the two countries used to call this area Bada, and gradually the name Bada City spread.

After more than 100 years of construction, Octopus City has become the largest trading city in China, and the Stone and Octopus Chamber of Commerce has also become the leading chamber of commerce in the whole mainland by virtue of its geographical advantage.They have assumed the trade bridge between the two countries, provided a large amount of taxation for the two countries, and also shouldered the important responsibility of exchanging goods, so the kings of the two countries gave the Bada Chamber of Commerce and the Stone Chamber of Commerce the permission to trade across borders, Some personnel from the two chambers of commerce are allowed to freely enter and exit Sitong City and Octopus City without going through immigration inspection.

With this privilege, the power of the two chambers of commerce gradually surpassed that of the frontier army and became the dominant players in the vast desert.The successive presidents of the Chamber of Commerce have served as the city lord of Bada City continuously, and even the daily guards of the city are in charge of the Bada Chamber of Commerce.The border garrison troops of the carrier country can only be stationed outside the city, and cannot interfere with the affairs of Bada City at all.Although many military ministers impeached the Bada Chamber of Commerce on the grounds that it was easy to tolerate traitors, they were all opposed by the successive kings of the carrier country. The reason was that the Bada Chamber of Commerce had never accumulated military power. A giant magic weapon, armed with a battle armor to assist the city defense.There is not even a mecha in the entire Chamber of Commerce, such strength does not pose the slightest threat to the military.

Bada City is a city built in a radial manner, the outermost circle is the residential area, accounting for half of the total area of ​​the city.The middle area is divided into three parts, and the place near the northern teleportation hall is the warehouse area, which is used to store trade materials.Various shops have been opened in the east, and ordinary transactions are completed in this area.To the west is a trading area exclusively open to monks, where you can buy all kinds of spiritual crystals, magic weapons, formations and even battle armor.

Knowing the division of Bada City on the city map at the entrance of the teleportation hall, Fan Kang decisively walked to the monk trading area. It is the best choice.

Fan Kang spent another gold coin as an entrance fee at the door, and finally entered the monk trading area. Before he had time to look around, he found a shop that looked relatively large and had a lot of people. Exchange it for middle-grade spirit crystals.After all, there was only one gold coin left in Fan Kang's pocket, and he couldn't do anything without trying to get some money.

The shops in Bada City are still very honest in doing business, because the Bada Chamber of Commerce is well-run, and there will be law enforcement teams patrolling the monk trading area non-stop. Once they receive a report from a monk, they will decisively take action to investigate.Once the store is found to be fraudulent and cheating, it will face a huge fine and need to compensate customers ten times for the loss.

Soon Fan Kang successfully exchanged for thirty low-grade spirit crystals.As for why they didn't convert them into gold coins, it was because the store clerk reminded Fan Kang that the minimum amount of currency in the monk trading area was low-grade spirit crystals, and gold coins were generally not accepted.

Fan Kang, who had money in his hands, was not in a hurry to purchase the materials needed for the formation, but wandered around.On the one hand, he intends to shop around to save money, and on the other hand, he intends to inquire about the strength of the Bada Chamber of Commerce.

After comparing the prices of what Fan Kang needed in several shops, Fan Kang was disappointed.Due to the low price of human-level formation materials and production tools, and the fact that they are too common and can only be used for distribution, all shops have tacitly unified the prices. The price is the same in any store.

Now that there is no need to compare prices, Fan Kang plans to buy some memory stones to increase his knowledge after calculating the total value of the items he needs.After all, Sima Lang couldn't teach himself often, and he still had to learn these basic things by himself.

In the end, Fan Kang chose a shop named Xiaolingtong to buy memory stones. After a while, he collected a bunch of memory stones that recorded the introduction of mainland common sense, ores, magic tools, and formations.Because these memory stones only recorded well-known content, the price was very low, and I bought more than ten yuan for a low-grade spirit crystal.The store owner saw that the tasteless goods that had been in the warehouse for many years were taken advantage of and bought in large quantities, so he happily took two blank memory stones and gave them to Fan Kang.

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