Mind Mecha

Chapter 235

The two quickly walked out of the gate of the Wanlibao city wall and came to Houjia Town. Before going far, Fan Kang saw a circular building that looked like a Roman arena standing in the north of Houjia Town. It's the venue for the competition.

"This is the Hou family's arena. Whenever there is any dispute between the Hou family's children and they need to compete, they will come here. After making a bet and paying a certain price, they will come here under the witness and protection of the heavenly monks. The loser must keep his promise, otherwise the heavenly monk who witnessed the competition will take action and force the loser to complete the bet." This matter has nothing to do with confidentiality, so Hou Peiqin stopped passing on the message and introduced it in a normal way The function and rules of this building.

"This is where the third family rule of the Hou family is fulfilled. It seems that my father-in-law is also a martial artist, advocating the belief that strength is the first, so he is willing to build such a majestic building in the center of the Hou family. But having said that, You and Jing'er teamed up to tease me, and I will let you have a taste of the Fan family's family rules when you go back." Fan Kang took a rough look at the size of the arena, which was probably only a little smaller than a football field, and the seats in the auditorium If there is no ten thousand, there are eight thousand, which is enough to accommodate all the townspeople of Houjia Town, I can't help but sigh with emotion.At the same time, he remembered Liu Jing's bad idea, and couldn't help complaining.

In the past two days, Fan Kang mentioned the Fan family rules several times, and each time he said it very ambiguously, so that Hou Peiqin not only didn't feel scared when he heard it, but became shy like a reflex, and at the same time, his heart was beating wildly, fantasizing about violating the Fan family rules. What exactly is the punishment of the family rules? Fan Kang couldn't help but be dazzled by the way she bit her white teeth and blushed.

"What are you looking at? Could it be that there is something dirty on my face?" After being stared at by Fan Kang for a long time, Hou Peiqin finally couldn't bear it anymore, and hurriedly turned her face away and spat softly.

Fan Kang asked knowingly, and joked with Hou Peiqin: "Why are you blushing? Could it be that what you just said aroused your ambiguity?"

"There's no blush, it's just an illusion caused by the setting sun on the face." Hou Peiqin hurriedly argued after being exposed, and then walked quickly to the arena and urged: "Go in quickly, father and the Lu family should already be there It's been a long time waiting inside."

Fan Kang laughed loudly when he heard the words, the tension before the competition was finally swept away, and he walked towards the arena.After all, this was Fan Kang's first battle after becoming a prefecture-level monk. It was impossible to say that he was not nervous, but he used this method to relieve his nervousness, let his spirit relax, and adjusted to the best state.

"Brother Fan really knows how to use time. He didn't arrive at the agreed time until the last moment of his practice. Isn't that called getting ready for battle?" Lu Yuhua couldn't help but mocked Fan Kang when he saw Fan Kang's late arrival.

"How dare you be sloppy when you meet Brother Lu, who can easily win a one-on-two against monks of the same level. Of course, you must be fully prepared before you dare to come here to show your shame. Even if you can't win, try to stay for a while, At that time, he will be qualified to be a lecturer at the Royal Military Academy." Fan Kang ignored Lu Yuhua's sarcasm and praised his heroic deeds, but the meaning was that the lecturers in the Royal Military Academy were not good at combat. High, which is quite sloppy.

The faces of Lu Zhanwang and Lu Yuhua immediately changed after hearing this. Fan Kang said that he was not only questioning Lu Yuhua's combat effectiveness, but even implying that the two lecturers were specially arranged by Lu Zhanwang. Kang, then everyone present will think what Fan Kang said is true, and Lu Zhanwang's prestige will be severely hit.

It was the first time Hou Wanli had heard of Lu Yuhua's record. Seeing that Hou Yongzhong and Hou Yongli were unusually calm, it seemed that he had already known about it, so he hurriedly asked.

Hou Yongxiao truthfully told Hou Wanli the information he learned from Lu Zhanwang, and then praised: "Lu Yuhua not only has excellent cultivation aptitude, but also has extraordinary actual combat ability. Fan Kang just became a prefecture-level monk. Dare to challenge him, it is tantamount to hitting a pebble with a pebble. In my opinion, they will be able to decide the winner in a short time, and it will never delay our dinner."

"You foodie, you know how to eat and drink all day long. If you get fatter, you won't even be able to wear the standard battle armor. Let me see how you pass the level of appetite corpses." Seeing that Fan Kang was demoted to nothing, Hou Wanli suggested Huo Lai pointed at Hou Yongxiao's life-buoy-like stomach and cursed: "The battle between monks is very fast and dangerous. If there is a slight negligence or the difference in cultivation level is too large, the judgment will be judged. The strength is not endless. If the earth-level monks can fight each other for 10 minutes, it is already a stalemate, and it will not delay your dinner anyway."

Hou Yongxiao, the eldest son of the Hou family, is a greedy cat who likes to pursue his appetite, and Hou Wanli lacked restraint during the years when he was injured, so much so that he became a fat man after eating.The cultivation level is the same as that of Hou Yongli, both of which are at the middle stage of the prefecture level, and the appetite corpse worm that Hou Wanli said is the third from the bottom, and Hou Yongxiao will only encounter it when he advances to the middle stage of the prefecture level.

"Although Lu Yuhua's record is good, it's hard to say whether there is any water in it. After all, his father is the dean of the college, so it is easy to find two lecturers to set off Lu Yuhua. Are those two lecturers deliberately releasing water? It's still just a pretense, and you'll know when Lu Yuhua makes a move. As for the time when he led the team to win the runner-up in the All-Continent Monk Student Exchange Competition, he participated as a lecturer, and he didn't make any moves during the period. This only shows that his ability to arrange tactics is not bad. Shangjia, I am afraid that only he knows what the actual combat ability is." Although Hou Yongzhong did not like the friendship between Hou Yongxiao and Lu Yuhua, he still had a deep brotherhood and couldn't bear to see him being scolded by his father to help him out.

"Besides, I am born to be useful, and it is not a bad thing to study the way of diet. He takes care of the three meals a day of the Tianhu army. The sergeants are very satisfied with what they eat. The morale of the army can last for a long time and his Hard work is inseparable, and it is also a credit. As for killing corpse insects, we don't have to worry about it. Let me ask which monk has no hobbies and personality flaws, and there will always be corpse insects that are more difficult to kill. Just try it a few times, and I believe that with the third brother's cultivation aptitude, he won't be trapped at the prefectural level for too long." Seeing that his father still had something to say, Hou Yongzhong hurriedly continued to distinguish for Hou Yongxiao, and Hou Wanli knew this after he calmed down. It was not the place to blame his son, so he put down his raised finger and finally died down.Seeing this, Hou Yongxiao cast a grateful look at his eldest brother, and dared not speak for Lu Yuhua anymore.

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