Mind Mecha

Chapter 223 7 Emotions 6 Desires

Hou Peiqin's enlightenment experience can only wake up the spiritual body and gather the seven emotions and six desires. Although there is also a process of beheading corpse insects, it can only be used as a reference.Because how the corpse worm will interfere with the monk's advancement varies from person to person, and the monk needs to adapt to the situation to kill successfully.The best method given by Sima Lang is to let Fan Kang try his best to restrain these negative emotions, and use the opposite positive energy to kill the corpse insects.

Fan Kang's goal tonight is to advance to three small stages in a row and break through to the prefecture-level middle stage in one fell swoop. Therefore, he will face three corpse worms one after another, and he will also need to face three negative emotions, namely arrogance, vanity, and rage.

As long as there is any failure, Fan Kang will be affected by negative emotions for a long time and will not be able to try again to advance.This is what Xiao Tiantian said when she presided over the manor auction, why monks need the company of their families.Because only the warmth of the family can fill the monk's heart with positive energy, increase the probability of success in the promotion, or soothe the wounded soul after the failure of the promotion.

Fan Kang went through the above points in his mind, and after making sure that he had entered the state, Yiran began to understand the way of heaven.

With the help of Hou Peiqin's memory, Fan Kang was spared the long years of meditation, as long as he followed the example, he could touch the trace of heaven.Within 5 minutes, Fan Kang's sleeping spirit slowly opened his eyes, and the extreme hunger made him burst into tears.The cry resounded through the Sea of ​​Consciousness space and sent out bursts of undetectable fluctuations, which resonated with the sky within Houjia Town, arousing the seven emotions and six desires in it.

The seven emotions and six desires are the products of the emotions of thousands of living beings. As long as they are living creatures, they will inevitably have emotions.These emotions vented from creatures will not dissipate, but will be hoarded in the air, and only when confronted with opposing emotions will the two cancel each other out.

Generally speaking, creatures living in the same area will always produce various emotions. These gases representing various emotions float in the air like a rainbow because of their different densities, and they are clearly distinct from each other.Of course, ordinary people can't see the colors of the seven emotions and six desires. Only the great monks with advanced cultivation base can perceive one or two with their extremely strong spiritual sense.

Usually, various emotions can always be in a delicate balance. Even if a certain emotion is slightly excessive, it will be neutralized because it invades the boundaries of other emotions, and there will be no lack or excess of certain emotions.

But there are exceptions to everything. If most creatures in a certain area produce the same emotion in a short period of time, this balance will be broken, causing a large number of single emotions to accumulate in this area, and thus the infection will enter this area. of other creatures.

For example, on some large-scale battlefields, there are two negative emotions of fear and killing desire, but there is no emotion of fearlessness and kindness to offset them. Over time, this battlefield will become a Shura field, allowing the weak who enter the range Incomparable fear will be generated, and the strong will be red-eyed, and will be thrown into the permanent killing until death.

A monk absorbs the seven emotions and six desires to nourish the spiritual body. Naturally, he cannot absorb only one emotion, otherwise the spiritual body and his own personality will be infected, and in severe cases, he will lose himself and become a slave to that emotion.

Naturally, Sima Lang would not harm his apprentice. He had observed the surrounding environment earlier in the morning. There were a large number of troops stationed around Houjia Town. With his superb cultivation, he could feel a large number of emotions and desires floating in the sky.In addition, it is neither a war nor a famine year. Most of these emotions are positive energy, which is suitable for Fan Kang's spiritual body to absorb.

If you can see these emotions and desires with the naked eye, you will find that a large amount of colorful mist gas is converging from the air into strips of light of different colors and rushing towards Fan Kang's head.The spirit body in Fan Kang's consciousness sea space is swallowing the gas with its mouth open, and at the same time, it has a satisfied look on its face.

Sima Lang, who protects Fan Kang, has a superb cultivation base, and he can naturally feel that all kinds of emotions are pouring towards Fan Kang. He is overjoyed, but he can't help but feel worried. It is impossible to kill three corpse worms in a row.

Hou Peiqin seemed to see Sima Lang's anxiety, and comforted him: "Master, don't worry, as the saying goes, children from poor families are in charge of the family early. After so many years of hard work, Fan Kang has already honed extraordinary perseverance and will. The first eight corpses will surely It can be killed once."

Three corpses and nine insects, as the name suggests, there are a total of nine corpse insects that need to be killed.But Hou Peiqin said that it was no problem for Fan Kang to kill the first eight, as if she was sure that Fan Kang would be carried in the hands of the ninth corpse.Sima Lang had never seen such a consoling person before. After being stunned for a long while, he gave Hou Peiqin a weird look, and after understanding what she meant, he couldn't help but stroked his beard and laughed loudly: "It seems that you know Fan Kang better than the old man. Whether you can kill the ninth corpse worm at once depends entirely on you."

"This matter depends on the master's more discipline. How can I help him?" Hou Peiqin was sure that Sima Lang understood what he meant, but expressed incomprehension of Sima Lang's answer.

Sima Lang said with a smile: "It's better to be sluggish. If you let a person who loves meat eat vegetables and radishes every day, his desire for fat meat will be even more difficult to restrain. It's better to let him eat delicious meat every now and then. His ability to resist temptation will increase greatly. As a teacher, there is nothing you can do to help him, and the responsibility to make him have a good meal will fall on you."

The negative emotions represented by the three corpses and nine insects are arrogance, vanity, rage, negativity, laziness, resentment, appetite, desire to kill, and lust. Hou Peiqin said that Fan Kang was sad at the last level, mocking him for his unhealthy thinking, and complaining to Sima Lang. I hope the master can discipline me severely.Unexpectedly, Sima Lang joked about himself in turn, and said it very seriously, as if it was true.If he hadn't couldn't help laughing at the end, Hou Peiqin might have believed it.

Hou Peiqin pouted and said resentfully: "Master, you are so disrespectful that you make such a joke. What if he hears it and takes it seriously, then he still pesters me every day."

Sima Lang laughed loudly when he heard the words, and after whispering something to Hou Peiqin, he focused on observing Fan Kang's promotion again.But this time, I was not as worried as I was before, and I felt a lot more relaxed.

On the contrary, Hou Peiqin blushed after hearing what Sima Lang said.This time it was her turn to dream and fidget, but she was not worried about whether Fan Kang would be able to advance smoothly today, but whether to follow what Sima Lang said.

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