Mind Mecha

Chapter 197 A decisive decision

But the final result was not satisfactory. Since the two were the cornerstones of the large-scale formation that were released almost at the same time, and both were very familiar with the formations they had, Wang Shuai's first heaven-level formation was also in the fireball. The moment the activation was completed, the sky-high water flow rose from Wang Shuai's surrounding feet, forming a thick cover to protect him tightly.

This is a heaven-level fifty-eyed water-attribute defensive enchantment called Sea Dragon's Nest. Although the number of eyes is five less than that of the Purgatory Killing Array, it has an advantage in terms of attributes.So the result is self-evident. Although countless fireballs fell and sizzled the water cover, the boiling water vapor filled the entire interior of the dark curtain. Although the momentum was amazing, Wang Shuai inside the cover was not damaged at all, even I didn't feel a trace of heat.When the energy of the fireball was exhausted, the high-grade spirit crystals in the sea dragon's lair were all turned into powder because of the evacuation of energy. The two heavenly formations were evenly matched, and the first round of attack and defense ended in a draw.

Afterwards, the heaven-level formations deployed by Sima Lang and Wang Shuai were activated one after another, and a fierce formation duel took place on the top of the main peak of Tianyi Peak.All kinds of colorful light curtains and lights come and go, filling the interior of the dark curtain, which can be said to be a joy to play.

During this period, Sima Lang wanted to mobilize the heaven-level destroying formation many times to attack the Ziyan trapped formation, trying to break through the formation and run out of the range of the dark curtain.But Wang Shuai has been on guard. All kinds of fireballs, wind blades, and lightning were blocked by Wang Shuai with the same offensive before they touched the wall of the formation. No matter whether it was the curtain of darkness or the formation of purple flames, they were all safe and sound.

So far, the battle situation has entered a stalemate. Sima Langkong has the advantage of cultivation, but he can't make full use of it because of the god-separating stone.Now his only chance of victory is that Wang Shuai's heavenly formation will be exhausted before the time limit for reversing the universe expires. Otherwise, he will fall into a situation of eternal doom. The protection disappeared after being beaten by Wang Shuai.

But this idea is just Sima Lang's wishful thinking, Wang Shuai has made sufficient preparations for this day, and there will never be such a low-level mistake.I saw that the two sides continuously took out new heaven-level formations from the Qiankun Ring and Ruyi Box one after another, and at the same time manipulated the activated formations to attack and defend.Both sides are waiting for the moment when the opponent's spiritual power or heavenly formation is exhausted, and the battle has completely turned into a war of attrition.

When the two sides exhausted the energy in the No. 30 heaven-level formations, the time limit for turning the world has finally arrived.Sima Lang's mental strength began to drop sharply, he had to slow down his offensive after a muffled grunt, and began to switch from offense to defense.

Wang Shuai was overjoyed when he noticed the abnormality, and hurriedly activated all the extinguishing formations that had been activated, and launched a volley at Sima Lang's mental body, just taking advantage of his illness to kill him, intending to finish his work in one fell swoop and eliminate Sima Lang in one fell swoop mental body.

Seemingly knowing that he could no longer clean up the door, Sima Lang wailed and made a decisive decision.In the face of Wang Shuai's Qiankun strike, he took the initiative to cancel all the defensive barriers, and communicated with the activated destroying formation with his spiritual thoughts, locking the attack target on himself.

After Sima Lang finished all this, he held the Qiankun ring high above his head, and shouted to Wang Shuai: "As a teacher, I have no ability to stop you, a traitor. The only thing I can do now is to destroy your ambition, so that you cannot become the number one in the mainland." A monk. I believe that sooner or later there will be a genius monk in the world of comprehension who has the ability to sanction you and smash your dream of dominating the world."

Naturally, Wang Shuai knew the meaning of Sima Lang's words, and he quickly manipulated the destroying array in shock, trying to change the direction of the attack.But Sima Lang grasped the timing very well, he deliberately waited until halfway through Wang Shuai's attack before revealing his intentions, even if Wang Shuai was the master of the formation in such a short time, he couldn't make the attack turn in the air, he could only watch He watched twelve kinds of energies of various attributes bombard the Qiankun Ring and Sima Lang's spiritual body.

The energy enough to destroy the five-star fortress hit the target and made an earth-shattering sound, and brought up a lot of dust and storm.A large amount of turbulent energy flow was rolled up in the dark curtain, causing Wang Shuai's scattered mental power scanning to be torn into pieces by the energy flow and the storm, forcing him to withdraw all his spiritual thoughts and activate the power of the defensive barrier. to the maximum so as not to be affected.

The violent energy flow and storm lasted for more than two minutes before it gradually calmed down. Wang Shuai, who walked out from the protection of multiple barriers, looked at Sima Lang's place for the first time, but only found a patch of potholes on the ground And all kinds of gravel, there is nothing left.

Although he had a premonition that the Qiankun Ring might have been destroyed, Wang Shuai launched a mental scan with a glimmer of hope and searched carefully on the peak.

Ten minutes later, Wang Shuai stopped scanning, pointing at Sima Lang's body which was not damaged at all due to the protection of the barrier, and cursed: "You old guy would rather let the Tianyi faction be lost than pass it on to me, why is that! You You keep saying that you are worried that I will be corrupted because of absolute power, but you are also the leader of the alliance and the head of the sect. Why do you refuse to give me a chance? For the benefit of tens of millions of souls! Why should I believe in other people's slander and take away what I deserve?"

After a long time, Wang Shuai gradually calmed down after being tired of scolding. Knowing that the matter was a foregone conclusion, he had no choice but to think about how to explain this matter to the Tianyi faction and members of the Taoist League.

Looking around, Wang Shuai couldn't help but rejoice that he had pre-arranged the purple flame trap. This top-level formation with 81 eyes at the sky level could not break through even the energy flow and storm generated by the twelve sky-level destroying arrays, and even made this trap It can't be done even if there is a crack in the array.Thanks to it, the curtain of darkness was able to maintain its normal work, so that the monks at the foot of the mountain did not even know that such a fierce battle took place on the top of the mountain.

And the top of the main peak was already in a mess due to the Three or Nine Heavenly Tribulations, so just a little treatment can cover up the traces of the two fighting, and Sima Lang's body will not arouse suspicion, because the person who was struck to death by the mortal lightning It's just that the whole body looks scorched black, even if there is any abnormality, it will be considered to be caused by Tianlei's difference.

After thinking about what to say after going down the mountain, Wang Shuai, who finished cleaning the battlefield, recovered Ziyan's trapped formation, left the main peak, and returned to the foot of the mountain to deliver the bad news to everyone.It wasn't long after that that Qiu Jinghui entered the curtain of darkness. After crying bitterly, he solemnly buried Sima Lang's body, and kept vigil in front of the grave for seven days. After fulfilling his disciple's filial piety, he reluctantly left the main peak.

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