Mind Mecha

Chapter 188 Destruction Tribulation Thunder

At this time, everyone hopes from the bottom of their hearts to witness the birth of a half-immortal with their own eyes, because this will become an important milestone in the cultivation world of Qiankun Continent, and it will be the No. 1 realm after exploring the heavenly level.After all, no one has seen the two people who survived the catastrophe before, and they have not left any relevant images or witnesses.

No.20 The seven tribulation thunders have not fallen for a long time, and Jieyun has entered a period of calm again.The people who had become accustomed to it would naturally not think that Sima Lang had fallen and the catastrophe had come to an end. They were all quietly waiting for the final thunderstorm to descend, looking forward to the moment that would be recorded in history.

Jieyun seemed to respond to everyone's expectations, and changed again after a cup of tea.It's just that this time the Jieyun didn't roll like the last two times, but quickly gathered towards the center, as if intending to concentrate all the remaining energy in the Jieyun.

After ten breaths, the dark cloud that originally covered the entire main peak was compressed into the size of a house. It is conceivable how huge the energy contained in this last thunderbolt will be.

Due to the collection of a large number of dark clouds, this group of robbery clouds has almost become a semi-liquid state, and the surface can already faintly reflect a few rays of golden light from the sun.The black calamity cloud between liquid and gas gradually became a spherical object after some wriggling, and the roaring sound became louder and louder inside.

After another ten breaths of time passed, Jieyun's wriggling finally stopped, and the roaring sound also stopped abruptly at this moment.

"Crash!" The much-anticipated thunderbolt, the last one in the three-nine-day calamity, was finally born from the calamity cloud, and landed on the main peak in the blink of an eye.

"Why is the last thunderbolt the same thickness as the first one, as thin as a chopstick. And this time the rock on the main peak was not crushed, it seems that the power of the thunderbolt is much less powerful." Good location, the human-level monk who can only wait and see behind the crowd raised doubts.

"Jieyun has gathered so much energy, there is no reason for it to be anticlimactic. There must be some mystery in it." Another earth-level monk who was with him shook his head to express his disapproval of the celebrity because he had seen the process of Jieyun's transformation clearly. A senior monk's opinion: "The color of the sky thunder just now seems to be a little different from the previous ones. It's not pure blue, but there seems to be a hint of dark red blood in it."

"You're not mistaken. I noticed it too. There is indeed a trace of blood." Standing in the front row, the head of Zixiao Pai Yue confirmed the previous person's point of view, but his eyes were still fixed on the main peak. , Watching the movement above.

Then Master Yue asked a seemingly irrelevant question: "What if the water that falls from a waterfall in one second is sprayed out by a straw in the same amount of time?"

"Master is talking about the magic weapon of the sky-level water attribute dragon going out of the sea? The usually weak water will produce a very huge destructive force after being compressed. Even the titanium black alloy armor of the mecha can't stop it. If you don't activate the defensive formation, it will be destroyed instantly It will be cut in half." The earth-level cultivator seemed to understand the meaning of the master, and guessed: "Could it be that the last tribulation thunder was also compressed, so it is as thin as chopsticks. In addition, its energy is not dispersed. , so there is no such large-scale destructive force as before.”

"Master Yue is right. According to the ancient records of the Tianyi Sect, ordinary lightning is white, and the blue lightning that only appears when you cross the catastrophe is the trial thunder. The opportunity given to monks to transform their mental and physical bodies is to resist the real thunder. This red thunder represents destruction is the real test. Only by passing the test of the red thunder can one truly touch the threshold of the immortal level. "Huang Lan seems to like to show off his knowledge very much, when he sees someone who doesn't understand the true meaning of that thread of red, he immediately goes to the side to explain everyone's confusion.

"As you have seen just now, the color of the tribulation thunder at the beginning of the Sanjiu Heavenly Tribulation was light blue, and then the color gradually deepened until it turned into azure blue, while the No.20 Seven Heavens Tribulation was a little bloody. .I heard that all the thunders in the six or nine heavenly tribulations are red, ranging from light red to bright red to destroy the thunder calamity."

So far, all the thunders from the Sanjiu Heavenly Tribulation have fallen, and the robbery clouds floating in the sky have gradually dissipated because all the energy has been released.The onlookers slowly gathered under the main peak, they all eagerly wanted to know if Sima Lang had succeeded in crossing the tribulation.Because after the last catastrophe fell, the top of the main peak opened a high-level phantom formation called the Dark Curtain with 81 eyes, which caused the peak to be covered by a layer of black mist, which could not be seen by eyes or divine sense. internal situation.

Qiu Jinghui rushed to the main peak as soon as the Heavenly Tribulation ended, but was stopped by the disciples of the Tianyi School headed by Huang Lan.Huang Lan said to Qiu Jinghui and other sect leaders who wanted to go up the mountain to see what happened: "I know that everyone is concerned about the safety of Sect Leader Sima, and I can understand everyone's eagerness to hear the Sect Leader share his experience in crossing the catastrophe, but he The old man has just passed the catastrophe and is still in a weak stage. For his health, it is not suitable to meet too many people now. Wang Shuai will go up the mountain to say hello to the leader on behalf of the leader, and will tell the latest situation when he comes back It was given to us, so please wait here with peace of mind.”

After listening to it, everyone felt that it was reasonable, so they led their disciples to wait respectfully under the main peak.On the one hand, he wanted to witness the birth of a half-immortal with his own eyes, and the other main reason was to flatter Sima Lang and Wang Shuai, because once Sima Lang survived the catastrophe, it meant that he would become a cultivator in the cultivation world. As the highest monks, the status of their master and apprentice in the Taoist League will also be at the peak of the sky, of course, they have to be courted early, so as to get a share of it.

Because the thunder calamity was over, the crowd at the foot of Tianyi Peak gathered again. Everyone gathered in twos and threes to discuss the three or nine thunder calamities and express their opinions and experiences. The scene became extremely chaotic for a while.

Huang Lan frowned slightly, and shouted to everyone: "Sect Master Sima's crossing the catastrophe is over, everyone should take advantage of the early retreat, and carefully understand the gains, so as not to waste this golden opportunity in vain. The disciples of the Dao League should also return to their duties as soon as possible." , to maintain the daily operation of the Daoist League. Here are the elders and the heads of the various sects to welcome the head of Sima to leave the customs. Let's leave now."

Wang Shuai's usual orders are often announced by Huang Lan, so he also has a high prestige in the Taoist League, and the monks naturally dare not disobey.It so happened that the mortals who were stunned by Jielei had also woken up one after another at this time, so they helped the disciples of the Taoist League to "escort" these mortals away from Tianyi Peak.

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