The future hunter

Chapter 252: Heavy Blockade

The human race had already started preparing for the dark abyss a long time ago, and even sent many teams to explore it.

The information of many common dark creatures has been recorded by the human race, what skills they have, what weaknesses they have, and so on.

As long as it has appeared, it is basically clear.

"Seeing that everyone has prepared so well, I am relieved. If there is no accident, the dark creatures will launch an invasion soon!"

Huang Wenwu said seriously.

Zhang Tianfan said in a deep voice: "That is necessary. It may be hard to say in the end, but the problem is not big in the early stage, and the king of our human race is not a vegetarian."

"That's good!"

Huang Wenwu nodded, feeling relieved.

Afterwards, everyone stopped talking about this topic, and started chatting about the next plan and so on.


Auntie also prepared the meals.

People eat and chat.

After eating and drinking enough, everyone, led by Zhang Tianfan, came to the entrance of the dark abyss, which has been heavily defended.

In order to block the invasion of dark creatures, the human race has made a lot of preparations, and the entire entrance and exit have been circled layer by layer.

Various metal baffles are arranged layer by layer, which can block the impact of dark creatures.

Needless to say, a large number of spiritual weapons.

The human race's scientific research capabilities are indeed inexhaustible, and the speed of infrastructure construction is ridiculously fast, and large-scale deployment has been completed in a short period of time.

Nine layers of defensive checkpoints have been arranged to block the entrance of this dark abyss, and the defensive checkpoints are constantly being added outside.

The final plan is a 36-story defense level!

Although the major forces in the central region also attach great importance to the portal of the dark world, they only send a large number of disciples to guard it.

There are almost no such infrastructure blockades as the human race.

After Zhang Tianfan led the crowd around, he said proudly, "How about it, isn't this defense pretty good!"

"It's okay, but it's not enough. Those defensive steel plates are almost dead objects. It's better to arrange a defensive formation, it will be perfect!"

Huang Wenwu looked at it and said aloud.

of course.

He has already prepared the formation, which is a top-level guardian formation exchanged from the treasure house of Taiyi Academy, as long as it is handed over to the human race.

But Zhang Tianfan didn't know: "It's hard to make a good formation. Even if you do a normal formation, it's useless. Now it's purely physical defense!"


They also know their shortcomings in this regard, but they can't help it. The human race has just entered the Ten Thousand Races Realm not long ago, and their background is too poor.

"Uncle, don't worry, I've already obtained the formation for you. These are all the knowledge to record the formation. You can leave it to professional people to study!"

Huang Wenwu said aloud.

Although he has a system, he can use killing points to improve the cultivation of the formation, but there are too many places that need killing points.

He couldn't use killing points to learn everything.

The most important thing is that the human race cannot rely on him alone, and needs to cultivate corresponding talents. Only when all flowers bloom within the human race can it last forever!

So he didn't have the idea of ​​doing everything.

Zhang Tianfan immediately took the formation book happily, his hands trembling slightly, he was extremely excited: "Great, you really helped me a lot!"

During this period of time, the higher-ups of the human race held more than one meeting to discuss formations, and tried every means to create some advanced guardian formations.

But it is difficult.

Although there are many alien races in Dongshan Ridge, these alien races do not have any defensive formations. Although the Fire Race was once a powerful clan, many inheritances have been lost.

Those small and medium alien tribes basically don't have such a thing as a guardian formation.

The higher-ups of the human race convened a meeting of the various alien races in Dongshanling more than once, hoping that they would provide protection formations and the like.

But no, not in the hands of various alien races.

So the formation was put on hold for the time being, and they could only frantically build infrastructure and use physical methods to stop the invasion of the dark beasts.

Huang Wenwu smiled slightly and said, "I am also a human race, this is what I should do!"

Zhang Tianfan patted him on the shoulder in relief: "Good boy, I won't tell you any more, I'll gather relevant personnel to do research, and you can go shopping as you like!"

"Well, uncle, go to work!"

Huang Wenwu nodded.

After watching Zhang Tianfan leave, Huang Wenwu, Zhang Ziyun and others entered the entrance of the abyss, ready to hunt below.

During this period of time, the human and alien races sent a large number of teams, and the dark creatures under the dark abyss were hunted down a lot.

The area under the dark abyss is not small. There are many underground caves. So far, there are two vortexes connected to the dark world.

There must be more that haven't been discovered.

At the beginning, Huang Wenwu took Huo Xuanjin to explore only one place, and only found a dark vortex. Later, the human race discovered another one.

Speaking of this, I have to mention Huo Xuanjin, a follower.

The reason why Huang Wenwu didn't take him to Taiyi Academy last time was because he had his own chance to join the Sun Temple.

Just don't know when he will come back.

Gossip less.

Not long after arriving at the bottom of the dark abyss, Huang Wenwu and others encountered a group of dark creatures, a ferocious-looking dark wolf.

It is a relatively common dark creature with a large number.

"let me!"

The moment she saw these dark demonic wolves, Li Yuyao rushed up excitedly. These are just the demonic wolves of the first stage of transcendence, just for her to practice.

After rushing out of the crowd, Li Yuyao activated her skills to hide, and disappeared in place, like a flash, and appeared among the wolves the next moment.


The figure flashed, and a dark demon wolf was directly wiped on the neck, blood splashed out, the demon wolf bared its fangs, and fell down unwillingly.

Li Yuyao's figure kept flashing in the pack of demon wolves, one after another of the demon wolves fell down, and the whole pack of demon wolves became chaotic.

A total of more than 30 dark demon wolves were killed by Li Yuyao alone before they could get close to Huang Wenwu and the others.

After the battle, Li Yuyao said triumphantly, "How about it, Brother Xiaowu, my strength is not bad!"

Huang Wenwu smiled slightly and said, "It's pretty good, but we have to keep working hard, so we can't be proud!"

"Don't worry, I will work hard!"

Li Yuyao said happily.

After that, the few people continued to explore forward, and killed many dark creatures one after another, basically all of them were of the extraordinary rank, and occasionally encountered the eternal rank.

There are many caves in the underground abyss, extending in all directions, and there are countless strange plants, just like the underground world in science fiction movies.

Magical landscapes can be seen everywhere, and it's not very dark.

It's just a pity that there are more dark creatures, which makes it full of blood, and a good place has been ruined.

Coupled with the existence of the passage in the dark realm, dark elements are constantly flowing in this direction, making this originally good underground world full of dark elements.

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