The future hunter

Chapter 238: Happy Teaching

Before he knew it, it was the afternoon. Huang Wenwu checked the injured people and planned to let them go to rest.

Huang Wenwu said aloud: "Sister Ziyun, take them back to the temporary station to rest first, prepare dinner by the way, and I will kill them alone for a while!"

"Well, then be careful."

Zhang Ziyun looked at the wounded and did not delay, Li Yuyao was better, Man Ha'er and Tie Wa were seriously injured.

"Sorry, we're lagging behind!"

Man Ha'er and Tie Wa were a little embarrassed. As old students, they were supposed to lead the newcomers, but now they became a burden to the newcomers.

"Okay, don't think too much, go back to the temporary camp to recuperate, this area has been wiped out, I'm not a big problem!"

Huang Wenwu shook his head and said.

"Let's go!"

With a big wave of Zhang Ziyun's hand, she took the wounded back first.

Huang Wenwu rode on the Zijin beast and continued to explore in the jungle, holding a howling wolf bow, like a seasoned hunter.

It's just that he said to Zhang Ziyun and others that he was hunting around, but in fact he rode the purple and gold beast farther and farther.

There are not many ferocious beasts in the vicinity, so how could he continue to waste time in this area.

So he goes straight in.

Sure enough, as he expected, he soon encountered a large group of fierce beasts, which were the blood-toothed beasts he had encountered before, and there were quite a few of them.

There are as many as eight heads.

The bloodfang beasts I encountered before were at most three.


Accompanied by roars, those blood-toothed beasts scattered and surrounded them at an extremely fast speed, like streaks of blood.

Whoosh whoosh!

It's just that they are fast, Huang Wenwu is faster, and he shot a few arrows in an instant, and the hunter's multi-arrow skill was activated, and the arrows hit a blood-toothed beast.


After the blood-toothed beast hit by the arrow rushed tens of meters, it couldn't control its figure and hit a big tree, knocking the tree down directly.


An approaching blood-toothed beast swooped up, Huang Wenwu leaned over to avoid the blood-toothed beast's pounce, and the blood-toothed beast flew across the sky.

Huang Wenwu shot an arrow straight sideways.

This arrow directly hit the backyard of the bloodthirsty lizard, and entered from behind, the bloodthirsty lizard immediately let out an extremely shrill scream.

Rolled continuously after landing.

The blood-toothed beasts around also launched attacks one after another, waving their sharp claws and pounced towards Huang Wenwu at an extremely fast speed, like streaks of blood.

However, the speed of the purple-gold beast was even faster. It carried Huang Wenwu on its back and kept dodging, easily dodging the attack of the blood-toothed beast.

Huang Wenwu shot arrow after arrow.

I saw a blood-toothed beast leaping up, opening its bloody mouth and about to bite it, but Huang Wenwu's movements were faster, and he shot an arrow directly at the mouth.

The arrow sank into the huge mouth, instantly killing the Bloodfang Beast!

Arrow after arrow, each arrow is extremely precise.

These blood-toothed beasts wanted to rely on their speed, and flew towards Huang Wenwu continuously, trying to pounce on Huang Wenwu, but the purple-gold beasts were even faster, and they easily avoided it every time.

And Huang Wenwu took the opportunity to shoot arrows!

In less than 1 minute, this wave of blood tooth beasts was eliminated.

After tidying up the corpses, Huang Wenwu continued to shuttle through the jungle on his purple-gold beast, only to find that the beast was just an arrow.

At this moment, he is like a brilliant archer.

Huang Wenwu hunted frantically in the jungle riding a purple-gold beast. His figure was like a streamer, and one after another of the beasts fell under his arrows.

In just three hours, more people were killed than in the few hours with Zhang Ziyun and others.

Harvested almost [-] killing points.

at dusk.

When Huang Wenwu returned to the temporary camp, Zhang Ziyun and others had already prepared dinner and made barbecue and big bone stew.

Zhang Ziyun also showed a smile when she saw Huang Wenwu came back safely: "Xiao Wu, it's just in time to come back, come and eat!"


Huang Wenwu nodded, and also sat down to eat.

After a few hours of rest, Man Ha'er and Tie Wa's injuries have recovered more than half of their injuries under the treatment of the healing medicine. After tonight, they should be fine.

Several people chatted while eating.

Huang Wenwu said: "When I'm full, I plan to continue hunting. You should rest in the camp. There should be no ferocious beasts coming tonight."

Zhang Ziyun was a little worried: "Will it be too dangerous at night?"

Huang Wenwu smiled slightly: "Don't worry, don't you know my strength? Even if you can't beat me, you can run away. There will be no problem."

Zhang Ziyun thought about it, and said aloud: "Why don't I go with you, the three of them rest here, it shouldn't be a big problem!"


Huang Wenwu nodded.

Zhang Ziyun looked at Li Yuyao, and said aloud: "Then Yuyao, you should practice in the temporary camp, and contact me anytime if there is any situation!"


Li Yuyao nodded, looked at her injured arm, and knew that she was lagging behind, and planned to hurry up and practice after she was full.

Man Ha'er and Tie Wa thought the same way.

Since I can't help you for the time being, then practice hard and don't waste time.

After half an hour.

Huang Wenwu, who was full of food and drink, rode on the Zijin Alien Beast, took out the bow and arrow again, and then looked at Zhang Ziyun: "Come on!"

Zhang Ziyun was not pretentious, she jumped up and landed on the back of Zijin Alien Beast.

Zijin Alien Beast exerted strength with its four hooves, and disappeared into a stream of light. Zhang Ziyun also hugged Huang Wenwu tightly to avoid being thrown away.

The hunt begins again.

Originally, Zhang Ziyun came to help, but it turned out that she didn't need her help at all. Huang Wenwu's bow and arrow were enough!

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

Accompanied by the sound of the arrow piercing through the air, one after another of the ferocious beasts fell, the arrows penetrated so terrifyingly that they sank into the ferocious beasts' bodies.

That lethality is definitely off the charts, very few can survive three arrows!

Zhang Ziyun couldn't help but enviously said: "Xiao Wu, your archery skills are too strong, how do you practice, can you teach me?"

"Okay, you sit in the front and I'll teach you now!"

Huang Wenwu reached out and hugged Zhang Ziyun to the front, the two exchanged positions, then handed the bow and arrow to Zhang Ziyun, and began to teach her how to archery.

So Zhang Ziyun nestled in Huang Wenwu's arms and started riding and shooting.

"When archery, keep your hands steady and your mind calm. In addition to controlling the speed and position of your own arrows, you also need to predict the target's trajectory!"

Huang Wenwu slowly imparted his experience.


Zhang Ziyun nodded, also studying seriously.

Others were cautious in the secret realm of beasts, but the two of them were extremely chic, as comfortable as a couple of gods.

Apart from being a little shy at the beginning, Zhang Ziyun calmed down and studied hard, making rapid progress.

With such an archery master as Huang Wenwu to guide him, it is difficult to make progress quickly!

Time passed quietly while the two were teaching and learning. Although the hunting efficiency was much worse, Huang Wenwu didn't care at all.

Compared with the killing points, it is more enjoyable to have a beauty in her arms.

After teaching them hand in hand, he hugged Zhang Ziyun's waist tightly and let Zhang Ziyun try to shoot alone, which was also getting better.

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