The future hunter

Chapter 22: Play with the little ones


The competition in the college must be very fierce. Although Huang Wenwu has no chance to go to college, he can imagine it.

"Okay, I won't tell you too much, practice hard, don't let me cover you instead of you when we meet next time!"

Huang Wenwu said with a smile.

"Okay, let's talk next time!"

Wang Hu hung up the phone after speaking.

Afterwards, Huang Wenwu also returned to the room and entered the ancient world to practice.

After appearing on the cliff again, Huang Wenwu was not in a hurry to hunt, but flapped his wings and flew up, flying along the seashore.

He intends to investigate the situation along the coast.

Huang Wenwu didn't fly too high, only at a height of [-] meters, he could clearly see the scene on the ground.

The waves on the seaside are constant, and the snow-white waves are constantly beating against the reefs on the shore, and there are waves of rumbling slaps.

Flying and flying, another steep cliff appeared in Huang Wenwu's line of sight, which shocked him involuntarily.

Indistinctly, he had already seen some small black dots.

It's a pterosaur.

After getting close, he realized that it was a group of pterosaurs hovering in the air. There were hundreds of them in different sizes.

"Great, finally found an organization!"

Huang Wenwu couldn't help showing a smile, he flew dozens of kilometers and finally found other pterosaurs.

However, he did not fly over hastily, but approached cautiously.

Now he is not sure whether these pterosaurs will welcome him as an outsider or attack him.

So he is careful.

Soon he discovered that among the pterosaurs flying in the air, there were several small pterosaurs, so he slowly moved towards those pterosaurs.

The little pterosaurs were also very curious about him, and one of them flew to his side on its own initiative.

"Quack quack..."

I saw the little pterosaur quacking.

Miraculously, Huang Wenwu was able to understand the meaning of the other party. It was obvious that after using the creature template to transform, he obtained the basic abilities of the creature.

The other party was asking him why he was alone?

"Quack quack..."

Huang Wenwu replied, the clan members are gone, can I join you?


That little pterosaur said yes!

So Huang Wenwu carefully mixed with them, followed them, and prepared to hunt with them.

Learn how pterosaurs hunted.

The big adult pterosaurs ignored him, too, so he was lucky.

But obviously, night is not the best time for hunting. After playing for a while, the little pterosaurs returned to their nests one after another.

Huang Wenwu's idea of ​​learning how to hunt pterosaurs also fell through for the time being.

no way.

The time to enter the ancient world is precious, so Huang Wenwu can only go back to the sea to hunt first, hunting some sea crabs, lobsters and the like.


In the morning, as soon as the sky was bright, our lovely little guy got up and pushed open the door of brother Huang Wenwu's room.

Without saying a word, he rushed in.

He climbed directly onto the bed, sat on Huang Wenwu's stomach, pinched his eyelids, and shouted, "Gege, get up, let's go out to play!"

Huang Wenwu opened his eyes dumbfounded, and he realized that he had made an extremely wrong decision.

Shouldn't have told her to go out last night.

Sorry to be late.

Can't we just talk about it this morning?

It's all right now, being woken up early in the morning, Huang Wenwu had no choice but to get up, "Okay, brother, get up right away!"

He reached out to fork the little guy up, then put her on the ground, sat up himself, got out of bed and started to wash.

The little guy followed him, never leaving.

Follow wherever you go!

After washing up, Huang Wenwu carried the little guy to the living room, only to find that his parents had just woken up and were preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

It's just 06:30, which is still very early.

After finally waiting for the mother to make breakfast and eating breakfast in a hurry, the little guy couldn't bear it anymore.

She took Huang Wenwu's big hand and urged: "Gege, we are full, let's go to the playground!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Huang Wenwu smiled helplessly.

Then he bid farewell to his parents, picked up the little guy, and walked outside.

Near the community, there is a community park, where there is a small playground where many children usually play.

Huang Wenwu's goal today is also there, and he is going to take the little guy to have a good time!

It was just after 07:30, and there were already quite a few people in the community park, but at this point most people were doing morning exercises.

Children are only a minority, and they all come out to play with adults.

"Gege, over there, the playground is over there!"

After entering the park, the little guy showed Huang Wenwu the way and urged him to go to the playground.

This is just a small playground, there are not many things to play, only a few simple ones, namely bumper cars, carousels, slides and so on!

"It's coming soon, have you thought about what to play?"

Huang Wenwu asked with a smile.

"Play it all, I want to play it all!"

The little guy exclaimed excitedly.

"Okay, let's go play bumper cars first!"

Huang Wenwu hugged her and walked towards the bumper car. Because he came earlier, there were not many people, so there was no need to line up.

After paying the money, a two-person bumper car was quickly arranged, and they got in together.

Huang Wenwu is in charge of driving, and the little guy is in charge of commanding.

"Come on, the pigeons are going to hit them, over there, oops...there is a car on the right, run, the pigeons run quickly..."

The little guy bluffed and bluffed.

of course.

There were other children present, all of whom were similar, excitedly directing their driver to dodge or hit.

The atmosphere was very warm.

However, the bumper car venue is also divided, half of the area is a collision area, and the other half is a leisure area.

If you are tired from touching, or shouting tired, you can go to the leisure area to refresh, drink water and so on!

As for how long the bumper car can be used, it depends on how long you bought the ticket when you bought the ticket. The shortest is one hour and the longest is three hours.

Huang Wenwu chose the center and bought a two-hour ticket.

"Bang bang bang!"

The fierce collision is still going on, and it depends on whose reaction is faster at this time.

Huang Wenwu, as a cultivator in the middle of the black iron, needless to say, his reaction speed, he is definitely the most powerful boy in the audience!

"Come on!"

Huang Wenwu was also having fun, yelling and crashing into the bumper car ahead.

Everyone, you bump into me, and I bump into you!

"Gege is great, Goego!"

The little guy was even more excited, yelling and screaming non-stop.

However, Huang Wenwu has also been paying attention, taking her to the leisure area every ten minutes, letting her drink a little water to moisten her throat!

Two hours passed in their lighthearted play.

After resting for a while, the play continued, followed by slides and seesaws, and finally a leisurely carousel.

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