The future hunter

Chapter 218: The Power of Illusion

However, Huang Wenwu was not in a hurry to make a move. Instead, he took out the howling wolf bow and the specially made Wujin arrow, and then hid aside to look for opportunities.

"Quack quack..."

The chirping of the mountain eagles kept ringing, the huge wings kept flapping, and terrifying gusts of wind shot towards the wild fox.

The two wild raccoons rushed left and right, constantly dodging the strong wind, and at the same time spit out light balls, shooting at the mountain eagle.

The battle between the two sides was very lively.

at last.

Huang Wenwu seized the opportunity, and at the moment the mountain eagle swooped down, he drew his bow to the full moon, and the Wujin arrow turned into a stream of light and shot out.

The mountain eagle that was swooping had no time to dodge.

He didn't expect that there would be someone lurking next to him, so he was hit by the sudden arrow, and the arrow sank directly into his chest.


After the mountain eagle let out a scream, it fell to the ground and made a loud noise.


Several big trees were directly knocked down.

But in the next moment, Huang Wenwu was dumbfounded. The mountain sculpture unexpectedly forced out an arrow, and then flapped its wings to fly.

The body that was supposed to be seriously injured actually healed in the blink of an eye.

Huang Wenwu was dumbfounded by that terrifying resilience, and before he had time to think about it, the mountain eagle that flew up again had already rushed towards him.

Before it got close, the terrifying momentum had already crushed it.


Huang Wenwu let out a loud cry, and drew out his saber directly. He shot out, and the hunter drew out his saber to slash.

It was as if the sky had been torn apart.


With a loud noise, the mountain eagle disappeared.

The scene in front of him also changed for a while. Not far away, two wild raccoons were looking at him with smiles. Everything just now was actually an illusion.


This is the test of the two wild raccoons.

I saw one of the wild raccoons speak: "Human, congratulations on passing our test, you can come and play with my doll anytime in the future."

Huang Wenwu stared wide-eyed and asked, "Is it just an illusion arranged by you?"

"Not bad!"

Both wild foxes nodded.

This surprised Huang Wenwu, because everything just now was so real, so real that he was ready to go all out, without any doubts.

Only now did I realize it was fake.

After the shock, he was also grateful.

If he had been spotted by these two adult raccoons in the first place, and then attacked him, I am afraid that he would not know how he died.

After the shock, there was another burst of happiness.

This wild raccoon's illusion is so terrifying, when he signed a contract with those two little wild raccoons, wouldn't he have two more powerful helpers.


In the following time, Huang Wenwu simply practiced near the wild raccoon's den, and played with the two little wild raccoons when he was not practicing.

He was not in a hurry to sign a contract with the two little wild raccoons, since they couldn't run away anyway.

Time just passed by day by day.

Huang Wenwu's strength is also completely stable at the extraordinary level, and the strength of his physical body has been further improved, and he is already approaching the eternal-level invincible physical body.

While cultivating, he was also constantly looking for wild beasts to fight.

This Great Wilderness Mountain is extremely huge, within the range of 3000 meters to 4000 meters above sea level, there are countless powerful wild beasts.

So he hunted and killed a lot of desolate beasts every day.



After Huang Wenwu had breakfast, together with Zhang Ziyun and others, he inspected the Lingtian, and found that the Lingmi was growing well, so he stopped taking care of it.

Zhang Ziyun has class today, but he doesn't, but he also happens to have something to do.

He intends to go out for a trip.

His Dragon Tooth Saber had been broken for a while, and the materials had been prepared recently, and he had also inquired about the master who was good at forging.

Today he intends to ask the other party to build a sword.

The materials include the Mother of Ugin, the Essence of Bronze, and volcanic spar. Any one of them is a top-level material that can cause countless people to scramble for it.

He was also curious about what kind of magic weapon would be made out of such materials.

Huang Wenwu came out after riding the purple gold beast.

Forging Section.

This is a forging department in Taiyi Academy, the most famous one is Master Iron, who is said to have created the king's magic weapon.

Many people want to ask him to make weapons, but it is not easy to ask him to do it, you must have top-level materials.

And Huang Wenwu's target this time is Master Tie, he believes that his material will make the other party's heart beat.

10 minute later.

Huang Wenwu came to the forging department riding a purple gold beast. After entering the door, he saw many students queuing up, all of whom came to forge equipment.

Those who come to the forging department are all for customizing equipment, otherwise they can just spend credits and exchange them in the school's treasure house.

of course.

In the past, customizing equipment also cost credits, and more credits are required, after all, customized services are more high-end.

There are several service windows, most of which are full of people queuing up, and there is only one window that is empty, and that is the window for making an appointment with Iron Master.

Huang Wenwu came directly to this window: "Hello, please make an appointment with Master Tie!"

In an instant.

People who lined up at other windows looked over curiously.

After all, there are not many people who can invite Master Tie, and they are all curious as to who it is that dares to come to Master Tie.

"Please show me the materials first!"

The waiter at this window said with a smile on his face.

of course.

This is a professional smile. As for what he thinks in his heart, most people can guess it, and most of them are probably waiting to see the joke.

Because he has seen too many similar jokes.

Many students got some precious materials and wanted to ask Master Tie to help them, but Master Tie had never seen any materials!

So many people are disappointed.

Huang Wenwu didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out the prepared sample, saying: "This is a material sample, you can show it to Master Tie!"

"it is good!"

The waiter didn't refuse either, because this was his job, and it was an enviable job with a fairly good income.

Of course he won't mess around.

"Tsk tsk tsk, someone came to find Master Tie again, probably for fun again, and it's a new face, do any of you know him?"

"Freshman, I don't know him!"

"Don't talk too early, maybe they really have top-level materials in their hands!"

"How is this possible? Real top-level materials are hard to come by, and it is really, really hard to get them."

"Look first before talking, don't talk too early!"


Those students who also came to customize the equipment started to discuss, but in fact, most of them were jealous.

Because they only dared to come to Master Tie's students to customize equipment, but Huang Wenwu went directly to Master Tie, so it's normal to be jealous.

If Master Tie didn't answer, then Huang Wenwu would inevitably be laughed at.

It's just that before the final result comes out, they won't laugh too blatantly, so it's just a whispered discussion for the time being.

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