After reaching the [-]th floor, the climbers who stood side by side with him were struggling one after another.

Even use hands and feet to crawl on the steps.

It seems that the pressure will be less.

And when someone discovered this situation, they all lowered their bodies.

It seems that the less pressure you can feel this way.

But even so, their climbing speed is still getting slower and slower.

Many people were lying on the steps and could not move.

Mark, who saw this scene, just smiled lightly. After all, these people still haven't realized the truth.

In fact, where is the pressure?Just the pressure they think they are.

When they believed that the pressure existed, the pressure actually appeared.

It's like a force that appeared out of nowhere, able to crush them.

What Mark does is to keep his heart clear, his heart is as clear as ice, and the sky is not shocked.

So climbing is like walking in a garden.

With light steps, even the climbers next to him widened their eyes, saying how is this possible?

Someone tries to stand up.

But he was soon bent over by the heavy pressure, and had no choice but to continue crawling.

For them, they are like climbing an unattainable mountain.

Although they have reached the 800th floor, the last 100-plus floors make them daunting.

Mark's actions quickly attracted more people's attention.

Before, he was still behind the testers of the Reverse Moon Church, but in the blink of an eye, he had climbed up to more than 800 floors.

When they came to their senses, Mark had reached the 900th floor.

If the previous 800 floors were still luck, then the 900 floors can explain a problem, has another master made a move?

And is it comparable to Hong and Guan Ming?

However, the real masters all looked dignified, and they could clearly feel that Mark who climbed the ladder was not a master.

However, he was so relaxed, not only did he not wear any equipment, nor did he activate any messy shields.

Just simply climb up, yes, simply climb up.

at last

mark stopped

He stopped on the 970th floor.

As we all know, there is no pressure after the 980th floor, and some people can't help but sigh.

"Have you finally stopped? Otherwise, it would be too scary."

But Mark didn't stop because of pressure. He took the gossip and feng shui compass given to him by his master and made a survey here.

Then go back 100 floors and go back to the 800th floor.

In a blink of an eye, he ran back again.

These 100-storey stairs are like ordinary stairs to him, and he can jump repeatedly.

Then he seemed to have discovered something, and his face became surprised.

"Sure enough, as Master said, this pressure is related to the surrounding Feng Shui and the five elements, and it is integrated with the Qi mechanism here, and will respond completely to the spiritual changes of the climbers."

"This is why illusory imaginations can turn into real pressure. This is the true principle of the test ladder. I finally understand!"

After understanding all this, Mark remembered Chen He's words. It turned out that Master had already seen through the essence of these steps.

He no longer hesitated and ran up to the nine hundred and ninety-ninth floor in two or three steps.

When the last step is on the ladder, look back, where is there any ladder?

Even the stairs are imagined by people, but they are just ordinary hillsides.

But in everyone's imagination, the ladder appeared, then it really appeared.

I have to go back and tell Master about this news.

So he came down from the 999th floor under the gaze of many people.

People were going to gather around and ask him what method he used.

As a result, a puff of smoke rose and he disappeared.


When Mark appeared again, he had already returned to the team.

"Okay, Marco, you've made a big splash this time!"

The fat man walked over with a smile, and patted him on the shoulder kindly, with a good expression on his brother's face. www.cascoo.

"Tell brother, how did you do it?"

"It's simple, just imagine that the ladder doesn't exist, and it doesn't exist!"


The fat man was dumbfounded.

"Fart, I just went up and climbed about 100 floors. I emptied my mind and imagined that it didn't exist, but when I opened my eyes, this ladder still exists? Your trick is useless at all! "

Mark shook his head: "That's because you still feel that it exists subconsciously. Of course, the pressure of this ladder still exists. Not only that, but the influence of the outside world on you is the most important factor."

"What do you mean by that? Do others still exert influence on me?"

At this time, Chen He came over: "It's the power of will. Have you heard of a saying? In fact, the whole world doesn't exist, but when someone thinks it exists, the world becomes real."

"This ladder has one meaning. When everyone's willingness is concentrated, an established fact will be established. This fact will affect others. When others also recognize this fact, this influence will become greater and greater. In the end it became unwavering."

As he spoke, he pointed to the stairs.

"What do you see there?"

Everyone looked up: "Aren't those three stairs? What else?"

Chen He spread his hands, with such an expression on his face.

Mark next to him said: "In fact, there is nothing, no ladder, and no pressure. These are all imagined, or in the words of Master, it is the power of will!"

"After my testing and investigation, the person who created this ladder knows how to use the power of will, am I right? Master?"

"Ruzi can be taught!"

"So when you are climbing, you must not only keep your heart pure, but also ignore the results of the will of the people around you, so that you can ignore the pressure and the ladder."

"You can even take advantage of the characteristics here and let this pressure send you up!"

"Let him send us up by himself, how is this possible?"

Chen He's words made others gasp in amazement. If others heard it, they would definitely call Chen He crazy.

Chen He explained: "The principle here is very similar to the principle of building Qiankun Tower and Nether Earth in the age of the nations."

Mark returned the Fengshui compass to Chen He: "And handed over a small notebook."

"Master, this is the result of my test. Although it may not be very accurate, it should be close."

Cheng He glanced at it.

"Sure enough, as I expected, there are three special points!"

"One is on the first floor at the foot of the mountain, one is on the 500th floor on the mountainside, and the other is on the 980th floor."

"Master, I'm afraid not everyone is like us cultivators who can control their hearts and ignore the influence of the surrounding environment."

When Mark said this, he took a special look at the fat man.

The fat man was immediately annoyed: "What do you think I am doing? I have also been working hard to cultivate recently, okay? It's just that the progress is relatively slow."

"Is there any way to solve it?" Bai Meng next to him seemed to hear something, and couldn't help asking.

Chen He pointed to the testers who were climbing the stairs: "The three major forces are not stupid, and they have also seen through the essence of this place, so whether it is protective clothing, special armor, or gray ghost power hoods, they are all for isolation from the outside world." , to minimize the influence of the outside world on oneself.”

"However, what they do is treating the symptoms rather than the root cause. The focus is on people, and whether the thinking of the testers has been affected."

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