My four beautiful sisters

Chapter 335 Meeting Lin Zhiping by chance!

Chapter 335 Meeting Lin Zhiping by chance!

"Little brother, here it is!"

Liu Meili took out a few bright red bills from her jacket pocket and handed them over.

"One ticket is enough, and the ticket is more than 20 yuan."

Chen Bufan only pulled out one.

A penny stumps the hero.

Chen Bufan is currently penniless, his pocket is cleaner than his face, so he has to.

What else?

Can you still run back?

Ordinarily hundreds of miles is not too far away, but Chen Bufan's body has not fully recovered.

Running all the way is bound to relapse.

Then it's not worth the loss.

Anyway, after going back, I will contact the brothers and sisters as soon as possible, and will make up for everything in return.

As for how much to give, it must not be a small amount.

Although life cannot be measured by money, this is the only way Chen Bufan can repay.

"Little brother, can I... can I hug you?"

Liu Meili's eyes were hopeful, her face was blushing, and she was shy.


Chen Bufan stretched out his arms actively.

Liu Meili knew when enough was enough, and within three seconds of hugging, she took the initiative to distance herself, with happiness and a smile on her fat face.

"Beautiful, let's go."

"Well, little brother must call me when you arrive in the capital."


Chen Bufan made an ok gesture and gradually disappeared into the crowd.

Liu Meili looked at the thin back and gradually moved away from her sight until she could no longer see her.

She may know that she will never see her again after this walk.

Such a handsome little brother is not good enough for herself, she has self-knowledge, and her heart is like a mirror.

The acquaintance was short, but the memory left behind is a lifetime.

Chen Bufan got on the train and started slowly...

It won't take long for a few hundred miles, but only a few hours. According to estimates, it will arrive around ten o'clock in the evening.

Riding in the car was boring, Chen Bufan closed his eyes and rested his mind, not moving.

His face was slightly pale, and it was not difficult to see that he was not in a good condition at the moment.

The guests sitting next to him did not disturb, nor did they chat and fart.

Even so, it was a mess.



A cold voice came from behind, roughly two rows away from Chen Bufan.

"Who are you scolding?

Don't think that my old lady is easy to bully, and I will give you two mouths if I am in a hurry. "

A woman in her 40s glared at her and bared her teeth.

Quite unconvinced!

"A girl always speaks a little bit of morality, and makes people go away at every turn. Didn't the family teach you how to respect others?

Nine years of obligation taught you how to swear? "

The woman was arrogant and unrelenting, and became even more arrogant when she saw that the other party did not speak.

Such people are not uncommon.

The more you don't give her common sense, the more you will show her face.

The mouth is very broken, she can scold you all the way in the car, endlessly.

"It's outrageous! Look at what you're wearing. Girls have to wear girl's clothes. You're neither fish nor fowl, nor decent."

"Young people nowadays are too unruly. They don't know how to respect the old and love the young. Not only are they a money loser, but they will be a money loser that no one wants in the future."


The woman opened her beautiful phoenix eyes and coordinated with her facial features, not to mention sinking fish and wild geese, closing the moon to shame flowers, at least she is also a beauty.


Even if you say a few words, you still want to hit someone?

You call me to see?

Believe it or not, you don't have any pants left? "

There is no one who speaks so openly of blackmailers.

There is a price to be paid for fighting now, the price of money.

A slap can be thousands of dollars away.

If you get hit hard and fall to the ground, you can't afford to stay in the hospital. If you don't have a headache today, you will have a stomachache tomorrow. You pay for it.

If you don't apologize to others, and then come up with a generous sum, this matter will never end.

The girl stood up, and her height crushed women, taller than some men, close to 1.8 meters.

It is also appropriate to be a car model.

Fair skin, thin body, not bad appearance.

It is not impossible to make a seven-figure income a year by "working" for the rich with improper appearance.

The woman stared at the woman closely, flicked her short hair to the ears, and raised the corners of her mouth, revealing a trace of evil charm.

"You said you wanted to blackmail me?"

The woman's voice is soft and firm, and her voice is slightly thick.

"You can try it yourself. If you are not wrong, you kowtow and apologize to my old lady. My surname is not Ji."

"Which chicken?

Bazi's chicken? "

Don't talk shit, civilized you and me.

"Vulgar, disgusting, born so beautiful, mouth full of dung, no quality, must be a problem girl, has been played thousands of times, right?

Girls who are not self-disciplined often end badly. "

A cold light flashed in the woman's eyes, as if a certain sentence deeply annoyed and hurt her, she raised her hand and slapped her.


The loud voice caused people in the carriage to look sideways.

Chen Bufan was no exception, he looked up.

He immediately frowned, looking a little puzzled.

This woman is so familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere, but I can't remember it for a while.

By the way, I have an impression.

The more they looked, the more they looked like, and the figure in my mind gradually overlapped with the woman.

It's him!

That's right!

Lin Zhiping!

That man who has practiced the Canon of Chrysanthemums!

The man who was also crippled by Wang Doudou!

However, all the grievances and grievances have been written off, and no one owes anyone.

This old man is becoming more and more like a woman, 'naturally beautiful', take care of him, he is an absolute beauty.

It's no wonder that Lin Zhiping made a sudden move because of the phrase 'it has been played thousands of times'.

As a duck, that time was his humiliation, a black spot in his life.

It is also the darkest hour.

It was darker than lying on a hospital bed after being kicked by Wang Doudou.

Those torture methods and fancy banter are unbearable.

After settling grievances with the Wang family, Lin Zhiping was at a loss and didn't know what to do next.

The home is gone, the parents are dead, and there is no one around.

He found a tour group in a daze, and stayed outside for two months, spending money and spending money lavishly.

People have to live, and money is needed to live. This is a very real problem.

Two months of unscrupulous consumption made Lin Zhiping nervous about money.

He realized he had to make money.

I don't want to do the business of stealing, I don't want to do the work of being inferior to others, I think about it and decide to become a killer.

Yes, he is the cold-blooded murderer who has become famous in the world recently.

This name, cough cough cough!

Lin Zhiping completed several super-difficult tasks one after another, which doubled his net worth, from 50 in the first order to tens of millions in the current order.

It has more than doubled.

Yesterday he took another mission and went to the capital to meet his employer by the way.

Talk about the conditions, understand the target, and the price offered by the other party is very high.

One billion.

I originally planned to take the high-speed rail, but I couldn't buy a ticket. As for the plane... Lin Zhiping always felt that he would fall off.

I have never had a cold about airplanes since I was a child, and I have a sense of fear.

I remember when he was eight years old, his father took him to other provinces to discuss business, but he refused to go there, crying and beating him to no avail.

Take the train, just take the train, who would have thought to meet such a wicked woman thief.

The reason why Lin Zhiping scolded him was because the woman wanted to let his cell phone go.

After all, Lin Zhiping is also a master of martial arts, and he has already achieved some success in the Canju Collection, so how could he not have noticed when he stole his things?

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