The admission ticket was received a few days before the exam, and Liu Hao and Xu Jingli and Xu Jingping stepped on it a little bit.

Although they are not in the same examination room as Sun Weiguo and others, the distance is not too far.So they made an appointment for the meeting place at noon, and as for the evening... just go home directly.

After the exam in the morning, Liu Hao rode a motorcycle and took the Xu family sisters straight to the meeting place - it was a state-owned hotel, the place was clean and tidy, the most important thing was that they could rest here, or read a book or something .


do not have!

Like some large state-run restaurants, guesthouses and boxes, don't count on small restaurants like this one on the street.

As for the service of the restaurant... Don't count on it, as long as the hygiene can meet expectations, it will not be easy.

There were not many people in the restaurant. When the chug motorcycle stopped at the entrance of the restaurant, the waiters inside were all attracted, so that Liu Hao and the three sat there for a while and no one responded.

On the wall hangs a small blackboard with the meals served today.

There are braised pork, kung pao chicken... there is even beef with sauce!

"Two plates of sauced beef first."

The others haven't come yet, so don't rush to order too many dishes, just get some meat first.

The sauced beef dish was served quickly. The three of them are all martial arts practitioners, and their appetites are larger than ordinary people... Well, they purely use the sauced beef as a snack. The three young men were too prodigal.

"Liu Hao, it's far worse than yours..."

Xu Jingli commented on it as she ate it. From the quality of the meat to the skill of the knife, she was judged as useless. If the chef listened to it, he would either kill her with a knife or commit suicide with the knife.In her words, the only advantage of these two plates of sauced beef is that it retains the aroma of the beef to a great extent while it is cooked.

Liu Hao secretly laughed when he heard that.

His stewed beef recipe comes from the palace. The beef is fed in the space with spiritual grass. The meat is delicious and especially nourishing for the body. Liu Hao hoarded a large amount, and only a few people can eat it.

"Liu Hao, you will have more money in the future by opening a restaurant than by singing." Xu Jingping also nodded repeatedly.

"Opening a not out of the question."

Liu Hao smiled, he really thought about it.After all, celebrity business is nothing new. On the one hand, it is to collect money. After all, no one does business to lose money; .

"If I want to open a restaurant, I will open the super high-end one. I am too embarrassed to come in without a few thousand dollars with me." Liu Hao said with a 'hehe' smile.

"Then you will go bankrupt after less than a month of driving." Xu Jingping teased.

"Is that why you can't trust me?" Liu Hao rolled his eyes.

"So you are discussing a business plan that cannot be realized in the short term?" Xu Jingli asked amusedly.


Liu Hao and Xu Jingping looked at each other and both laughed.

"It's almost done, let's order." Liu Hao said.

During this period of time, everyone is so focused on preparing for the exam that they don’t have the mind to eat anything, especially this morning, some people didn’t even dare to drink more water, lest they suddenly want to go to the toilet in the exam room, then Embarrassed.

But as long as the exam starts, most people will gradually relax, at least not so nervous that they will run to the toilet.

The exam itself is also very consuming, but at noon, I am afraid that most candidates will choose to master as much as possible and be familiar with the main points of the next exam.So Liu Hao ordered two more sauced beef, sixty big meat buns, and twelve bowls of hot and sour soup.

This generosity stunned many people, and even the waiter ran to report to the director.

"Little comrade, you can't waste the amount you order." The director is a fat lesbian, but she is kind-hearted, unlike some leaders of state-owned units who can only speak bureaucratically.

"Auntie, we are taking the college entrance examination. A few students will come over later." Xu Jingping explained.

college entrance examination?

This restaurant is near the local examination room. Even if they don’t pay attention, most of them know about the college entrance examination. It’s just that except for the examinees themselves and some knowledgeable people, most ordinary people still stay because of the misconception that “study is useless”. Among them, the director probably didn't take it seriously, but he finally knew what was going on.

She didn't make things difficult for Liu Hao and the others, but told the waiter: "Let's act faster in the back, and the portion of the soup should be ample. Let the little comrades eat well."

"Thank you, Auntie." Liu Hao and the others also quickly thanked.

The bridal sedan chair was carried by everyone, since the other party showed their favor, of course they had to follow.

The leader ordered that it is different. Of course, the buns cannot be free, let alone more, but the soup base of the hot and sour soup is thicker, with more shredded meat, thicker eggs, and more soup...Three Personal thanks again.

They pinched the time just right, and not long after the steamed buns and soup were served, Jiang Man, Sun Weiguo and others came in laughing and joking, and it was obvious that everyone was very excited.

"Haozi, when did you guys come out?" Sun Weiguo had a loud voice, and everyone in the hotel heard his shout.

Liu Hao's face immediately turned black—what's this called?Where did it come from?

Probably Sun Weiguo also realized that he had made a slip of the tongue, and explained again: "Don't look around, I'm talking about coming out of the examination room, not coming out of the prison."


Laughter erupted in the restaurant.

"Don't explain yourself, you bastard, just sit down and eat."

Qian Ni, who was next to her, blushed slightly, and stretched out her hand to tug on Sun Weiguo's sleeve.

At this time, some young people who looked like candidates came in to eat, but most of them ordered dishes with clear soup and little water, and a few people joined forces to order a hard dish.

The table occupied by Liu Hao and the others was the best and most secluded. After eating, a dozen or so people would either read books or ask each other questions, or rest. As for the subjects that were tested in the morning... Hehe, did you take the test in the morning?

Many of the other examinees who were eating in the restaurant were there to inquire about their respective morning situations, and even checked the questions there, arguing over whether they were correct or not, so that they blushed and their necks were thick.

Does it make sense?

Although Liu Hao didn't review, he closed his eyes and fell asleep there, thinking that those people have time to argue, so it's better to memorize two questions.


"Celebrate the end of the college entrance examination! Cheers to our future...!"

Liu Hao raised his wine glass high, and the white foamy beer showed a transparent golden yellow in the glass.


One arm after another was raised high, and the young faces were full of excitement.

The exam is over. With the strong memory of several academic masters, most of the exam questions of each subject have been restored. After comparing the standard answers, Liu Hao can responsibly announce that basically all of them can be admitted. the University.

On the day after the exam, Liu Hao took the lead in celebrating for everyone, venting the tension of the past few months.

The situation of the exam is ever-changing. Although they have made sufficient preparations, how they do well depends on their performance in the exam room.

There is no karaoke at this time, but it does not affect people's enthusiasm for singing. A young man took out an accordion as if by magic, and a few girls sang "Let's Swing Our Double Oars" together. The songs of this era are a bit poor , Many songs have not been allowed to be sung in the past few years, and new creations have not come out. This is one of the reasons why Hong Kong and Taiwan songs became popular in the late 70s and early 80s.After the rise of creators in the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan gradually fell silent. This is the truth!

"Everyone did well in the exam this time." Liu Hao said with a smile, he did not join the chorus.

"The difficulty of the exam this time is not too great." Jiang Man said with some gratitude, fortunately she persisted.

"Yeah. We're lucky."

Xu Jingli said: "Our unit has some educated youth assigned to the factory. After the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination came, I told them and advised them to review and prepare for the exam together, but they refused...I'm afraid they can't imagine that they refused. What, they will definitely regret it in the future."

Liu Hao smiled: "Opportunities always exist. Whether you can seize them or want to seize them is a question."

"Some people do have difficulties."

Jiang Man sighed: "Some people have difficulties at home, and finally got a job, so they are not willing to give up; some people are afraid of changes in policies, and they will never let go of what they catch."

"That's not a reason."

Xu Jingli disagreed: "It's the consciousness in the brain that is at fault. There is a pregnant woman taking the exam in my examination room, and some people have children... Just like Guan Siyun and Qian Yuanchao, they still have children, but they still have children. Come to test."

"I'm very glad that I'm not married and have no children." Jiang Man said, and glanced at Liu Hao, which made him sweat profusely.

"Well. You should be glad indeed."

Xu Jingli said with a smile: "In the final analysis, it is financial strength and family. In fact, I think that if the conditions are right, you can get married, have children and go to college without delay."

"It didn't take long, it's only three or four years, I can afford it," Liu Hao said.

"That's right. Even if you don't marry for the rest of your life, it's better to pay for the happiness of the rest of your life through blind marriage."

Jiang Man was furious when he thought of the irresponsible blind date at home two days ago: "In the final analysis, a man is just a spice in a woman's life, not a necessity."

"Well said, Sister Man, let's toast to...these dispensable condiments!" Xu Jingli suddenly felt that it was 'to my liking', and raised her glass to touch Jiang Man.

This is drinking hi!

Liu Hao shook his head helplessly.

"Liu Hao, I heard that college students have to live on campus, even if they live in the local area. Why is that?" Jiang Man asked with a strong breath of alcohol.

"Maybe it is to strengthen the collective consciousness of the students?" Liu Hao guessed.

He went to college, but he really didn't think about why he had to live in a dormitory. In his era, it seemed that he could rent a house outside when he was in college. Many college couples did this. Of course, In the end, most of them broke up at once. Whether it was intentional or helpless, they became the spices in each other's lives.

"I've asked."

Xu Jingli said: "I usually live in the dormitory, but I can go home on Sundays. If I have something to do, I can also go home, but I have to ask for leave in advance."

"What are you going to learn?" Jiang Man asked.

"Qinghua." Liu Hao and Xu Jingli said almost simultaneously.

Liu Hao added: "I originally wanted to apply for Beijing Film and Television, but these universities that focus on film and television arts have not started enrolling students this year. Anyway, Qinghua also has a major in film and television. I plan to go to the United States after finishing my studies at Qinghua. After further study, I will be a director and make films in Hollywood in the future.”

"I want to study business administration and start a business in the future. If necessary, I will go to a foreign country to have a look."

Xu Jingli turned to look at Jiang Man: "Sister Man, what about you? What major are you going to study?"

"I want to be a doctor. I have helped in the Corps Hospital and I like it very much." Jiang Man said.

She likes the feeling of saving lives and healing the wounded. When she was in the Corps, she received systematic first-aid training. She was originally going to work there, but the quota was later filled.

But now she felt that was a good thing.Otherwise, she is likely to miss the college entrance examination.

"We should learn foreign languages ​​well."

Xu Jingli suddenly said: "Nowadays, foreign countries are more advanced than us in many aspects. We must master at least one foreign language in order to be able to absorb a lot of foreign knowledge and enrich ourselves. It would be embarrassing to study in a foreign country without knowing what the teacher is talking about.”

"Well. Foreign languages ​​are my weakness. Which foreign language should I learn?" Jiang Man asked.

"Of course it is English. If you have spare capacity, you can learn another Japanese."

Liu Hao said, "You don't have to overwhelm yourself with a lot of art."

"Liu Hao, how many foreign languages ​​do you know?" Jiang Man asked suddenly.


Liu Hao took a look at Xu Jingli: "Not too many...four schools, English, French, Japanese, and Russian."

"French, English."

Seeing Jiang Man's eyes looking at her, Xu Jingli gave her the answer without asking her questions.

"I didn't ask you again."

Jiang Man poured himself a glass of beer sullenly, "I shouldn't have asked you, it was purely for me to torture myself... Tell me, is there any trick to learning foreign languages?"

"Yes, I have."

Xu Jingli was obviously drunk: "Recite words, the more the better, and then talk, talk more, if you want to be better, read various original works, the more the better."

"Then you teach me?" Jiang Man asked.

"If you have time, you can. But if you want to enter the medical school, you mainly rely on self-study." Xu Jingli said.

This night, I don't know how many people awakened, a few people knew that they had been favored by fate, and many more people were anxiously waiting for the favor of fate.

In fact, most of them know that they have lost this opportunity, but they still hope.


Someone knocked on the downstairs door suddenly, Liu Hao and Xu Jingli looked at the flickering red and blue lights outside, with puzzled looks in their eyes.

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