"Oh, Director Zhang, the educated youth who helped yesterday is a girl. It's not appropriate for a female educated youth to let her be the driver, right?"

No wonder Section Chief Liu didn't consider Feng Huizhen, mainly because there is still a big difference between men and women in this era.

Among all the drivers, there is really no female driver.

When Director Zhang heard this, his eyes widened and his face sank.

"Section Chief Liu, if you say that, I have to say something about you. Your ideological consciousness is not good. Men and women are equal, women can hold up half the sky, men can be drivers, why can't women be drivers?

Women can carry rocks and sand just like men.Why can't you be a driver?

And let me tell you about today's situation, you should seriously reflect on it.Not only you, Xiao Liu, but also the rest of you.A skilled talent like a driver cannot be trained only one.

Cultivate more reserve talents.We are going to increase other equipment in the future, and you all know that we also want to buy two excavators.

Someone must be able to drive an excavator, right?

There can't be only one of these talents, one radish and one pit can't happen again.If something like this happens again, where can I find someone?

Comrades, you must remember to plan for the rainy day. Our future projects will be very large, and we cannot always come up with impromptu solutions every time we encounter problems. "

Director Zhang's earnest words made everyone bow their heads.

They really did not cultivate reserve talents, which is also a lesson.

"Director, don't worry, I have already understood what happened today. I am narrow-minded. Men and women are equal. What gay men can do, lesbians can also do.

Don't worry, I will definitely train some talents this time. "

Chief Liu gritted his teeth, no matter what, the lesson this time is enough.

Their team is the top priority in the entire construction site, so the excavator will definitely be assigned to them when they come back.

When the time comes to cultivate such talents, we also need to prepare in advance.

If they come a few more times like yesterday, they won't have to do this project.

Feng Huizhen and the others are shoveling sand.

After working for more than three hours in the morning, I was sweating all over, but obviously the work on the third day was much better than the previous two days.

Everyone has adapted to this rhythm, and no one complains of being tired, let alone suffering.

At this moment, Captain Liu came over.

"Feng Huizhen, come here."

Zhang Xiuyun hurriedly took the shovel from Feng Huizhen.

"Go quickly, the captain is calling you."

Feng Huizhen hurried over, "Captain Liu, what's the matter?"

By the way, he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Captain Liu couldn't help laughing when he saw Feng Huizhen who looked like a cat.

After talking to Feng Huizhen in a low voice, Feng Huizhen couldn't help nodding, with a look of joy on her face, and that smile was even brighter.

"Captain Liu, don't worry, I promise to complete the task."

Feng Huizhen's eyeballs rolled, and of course she had to take some advantage of such a good thing.

"Captain Liu, since you want to train backup drivers, can I choose this candidate?"

Captain Liu poked Feng Huizhen's forehead with his hand and smiled.

"How much mind do you have, little girl? Okay, okay, let me tell you, you can't choose more! On average, you can only choose four at most.

And you have to teach well, you must let each of them be able to leave the teacher, and the excavator will come back in two days.

When the time comes to learn from that old master, we will have to train other talents.

Don't get all your good friends here all at once.As long as you work hard, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future. "

When Feng Huizhen heard the excavator, her eyes immediately rolled again, which is a good thing.

There are too few ways for educated youths to earn money, and it seems that building aqueducts here is a job that happens every year.

Not only to build water canals, but the country will vigorously develop infrastructure in the future.

The reputation of an infrastructure madman is not something to brag about.

It seems that what you have learned can really come in handy.

"You girl is rolling your eyes around, what the hell are you thinking?"

Don't look at Section Chief Liu seeing Feng Huizhen for the second time, but the girl in front of her is not restrained at all, on the contrary, she is generous and joyful.

She is a familiar girl.

Chief Liu likes such generous and straightforward people.

Naturally, Feng Huizhen is very pleasing to the eye everywhere.

Also willing to treat her as a sister.

"What I said, Section Chief Liu, don't say I'm greedy. I'll tell you that I can drive an excavator. Would you like to help you bring the two excavator apprentices out in two days?"

Even those who drive excavators in the future are definitely talents.

The wages are high.

I haven't heard of Lan Xiang in the future.

Feng Huizhen has suffered a lot in her previous life, and of course she has done a lot of jobs, so we can't be regarded as the best among them.

But it can definitely be used.

Chief Liu's eyes widened, and he looked at the little girl in front of him in surprise.

They walked around Feng Huizhen in a circle, not missing any places up, down, left, or right.

"Hey, Feng Huizhen, what did your family do before? Why can't you not only know how to drive, but also how to drive an excavator.

Impossible, this excavator was imported not long ago, after those foreign experts delivered the excavator, they taught it twice.

He left quickly, and the remaining two who learned how to excavate, even if they have been groping for a long time, they can't teach.

You just said that you can drive an excavator, you are not fooling me, are you?

How can you drive an excavator?It has not been two days since our excavator was delivered. I heard that some places have never seen such a thing as an excavator. "

No wonder Section Chief Liu said so. In this era, many countries rely on foreign imports for their products.

Especially in terms of machinery, this is also, at that time, that era decided.

But foreigners are too bad. In order to master the core technology, they simply teach you how to use many things.

Specifically how to fix it, how to fiddle with it, I will not reveal a single word at all.

If it is broken, foreign experts have to be invited to repair it, and it takes air tickets, travel expenses, accommodation, and other people's wages.

Putting it together, the foreign exchange flower has an old nose.

Just like that time and time again, foreign exchange was earned from them Chinese people.

In fact, the excavator cannot be called a particularly advanced thing in the future, but many people in this era regard excavators as gods in their hearts.

Feng Huizhen's words naturally made Section Chief Liu feel as if he saw a monster.

"Section Chief Liu, why am I lying to you about this thing? If the real excavator comes back, don't believe that I will show you a live show."

As soon as these words came out, Section Chief Liu looked at Feng Huizhen in the wrong way.

"Feng Huizhen, if you can teach our team five excavator drivers and ten drivers, I'll tell you that I will report credit to you and apply for an advanced individual for you.

No, I can arrange for you to go to work in a factory in our county. "

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