The family walked back, and people in the village who met them immediately greeted them warmly.

"Huizhen, your new house is ready, go and have a look."

"Auntie, thank you. I'll take my godmother home first, and then I'll go back and have a look."

"Huizhen, you are really promising now, and you can afford such a nice house."

"Don't forget Auntie if there is any good thing in the future."

"Auntie, if you see what you said in the future, I will definitely be useful to everyone."

They greeted each other all the way, and returned home first.

As soon as Liu Cuihua entered the yard, she had already received the letter. There were so many children in the village, and some children had already come to report the letter.

Just for a handful of sugar.

Knowing that her daughter and her godmother had returned, Liu Cuihua rushed out to greet her.

During these days, Liu Cuihua was really not free. For the sake of her daughter's house, her family stayed on the construction site in shifts.

Even the old man and the old lady would go to the new house to see if there were any problems in the progress of the workers.

After all, the house was ready, but the daughter hadn't come back yet, so the daughter came back and lived with the godmother in the county for two days.

What Liu Cuihua was most worried about was Feng Huizhen's stomach. The child was three months old and she couldn't be made to work so hard.

At this moment, he hastily greeted the two of them into the house.

"Miss Niu, you're here, come in and sit down. Now that you're back, you're retiring anyway, so stay with us for a few days."

Niu Jinyun has helped their family a lot these years.

Liu Cuihua and Niu Jinyun still see each other twice a month, and Liu Cuihua will go to the county specially.

The two families are very close, and Liu Cuihua'er may not be well-educated, but Niu Jinyun and Niu Jinyun are like-minded.

The two of them at this age have become girlfriends instead.

Now when Niu Jinyun saw Liu Cuihua, his eyes turned red.

Liu Cuihua could tell at a glance that something must have happened, and she hurriedly welcomed the person into her room.

Ask Feng Huizhen to rest in the next room, and let her son pour tea and serve fruits along the way.

Feng Huizhen didn't expect that her mother and godmother would get along so well, and the two completely separated themselves.

After a good day of rest in the next room, she finally recovered.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I felt that sleeping on the kang at home was really comfortable, especially this warm earthen kang, my whole body felt warm after sleeping.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the old lady.

Feng Huizhen was startled, and hurriedly stood up, "Grandma, why are you here?"

The old lady hurriedly waved her hand,

"Don't be so reckless, what are you doing up? Lie down well.

It's been more than a month since I went out and wandered around. Do you think you can stop grandma from worrying?I still have one in my stomach. "

Just now, he was looking at his granddaughter carefully.

The child has lost weight.

"Grandma, I'm out to do business. Don't worry, I'll stay at home honestly after I come back this time, raise this little guy well, and give birth to this little guy smoothly."

Feng Huizhen touched her stomach with her hands, and her stomach was slightly bulging at the moment, but it was not that big.

"Okay, don't run around this time, grandma will watch over you."

The old lady is most worried about Feng Huizhen.

The original words of the two old people are that they have lived to such a great age.

Life can be regarded as having enjoyed the blessings that should be enjoyed, and also suffered the hardships that should be suffered.

The only thing they cared about was the granddaughter. If the granddaughter gave birth to the child smoothly and lived a happy life, then they would have nothing to look forward to.

Even if this life is complete.

"Grandma, don't be like this, I'm not a child."

Feng Huizhen leaned on grandma's shoulder, put her arms around grandma's neck, and rubbed hands with grandma.

The old lady followed Feng Huizhen's tricks, and when she acted like a baby, the old lady immediately surrendered.

"Well, grandma still can't understand why she treated you like that at the beginning. When she thinks about it, grandma feels like a jerk."

Feng Huizhen hugged her grandma and acted like a baby.

"Let's not talk about grandma's past. Let's talk about it when everyone is confused. Maybe you were not conscious at that time. We are a family, and the family does not speak two different languages. It is you and grandpa who beat me and scolded me. Me, that's not for my own good, is it?"

"You are such a lovely child."

The whole family is rejoicing, seeing that the twelfth lunar month has already entered, they have to start preparing for the New Year.

Feng Huizhen went straight to her new house after resting.

When I came to the new house to take a look, it really was an eye-opener.

Mother, my brother is not idle, the kang is already on fire in this new house.

After burning for several days, the house has long been dried out, and you can feel that it has become completely dry by touching the walls.

According to Feng Huizhen's request, the floor of the room is tiled.

The walls are painted white.

There are two floors up and down, and the stairs are opened from the room, so that it is not easy to get dust, and it is not easy to get wind.

The main room downstairs is a large living room.

The main room next to it is the room of the old man and the old lady. It is very spacious, with a full area of ​​more than 60 square meters.

The old man and the others didn't use wooden beds in their rooms, but earth kangs instead.

The old man and the old lady are getting older, and sleeping on the kang is more comfortable for their bodies.

All the new furniture in the house was made by the third brother after contacting the carpenters in the village.

Also according to Feng Huizhen's request, except for a layer of varnish, no paint was applied.

It has been dried long ago and has no smell.

The living room is still empty, because Feng Huizhen asked for other furniture to be done after she came back.

The furniture in the old man's room is still made according to the old man's requirements.

On the other side of the living room is Liu Cuihua's room.

In Feng Huizhen's words, my mother must live with her.

Of course Liu Cuihua is satisfied, her daughter is so filial, of course she is very happy to reserve a room for herself.

The room next to Liu Cuihua is Feng Huizhen's room, and this room is more than 40 square meters.

Now it is empty, except for the tiled and whitewashed walls.

Nothing was packed.

Feng Huizhen looked around the room.

For furniture and so on, let my brother and the others go to the county to pull it, and make an excuse, saying that they bought some new furniture from the south.

Leave the furniture and home appliances to her.

Sure enough, when the third brother got these furniture from the county, he was full of praise for them.

"Oh, if I had known, I would not have made furniture for the old man. How can that furniture compare with this one? Look at these furniture."

"The things in the south are good. You must have entrusted your second sister? You see, there are so many electrical appliances, and we have never seen them here."

"I will build a house next time, and after I finish building the house, I will clean it up like your house. These furniture and home appliances are indispensable."

Feng Zhiyuan was greedy for his sister's things.

"Okay, third brother, when the time comes, hand over your furniture and home appliances to me and wrap it with my sister."

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