Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 86 Dead Horses as Living Horse Doctors

Everyone was exhausted and panting for a long time, and each of them looked listless.

Feng Huizhen knew that this was not going to work. She knew it was not going to work from the very beginning, and she would definitely not be able to lift it up by manpower alone.

There is a driver here to help.

With the help of the driver and external force, the force can be used together to make the car climb up by itself.

It depends on manpower, so wait!

It is estimated that when I get off work, a few hundred people should be called together, and it should be possible to lift the car out.

Seeing that two or three hours have passed, it will continue to waste like this.

They don't have to do anything today.

The main reason is that none of them had eaten yet, and everyone was starving. After doing this for a long time, they are now exhausted.

"Captain Liu, I have an idea, why don't you try it?"

Feng Huizhen didn't want to be an early bird at first, but in this day and age, it's best to be a quail honestly with a sullen head.

She understands the truth of shooting the top bird with a gun, especially in this age, when one is not good, it is easy to wear a hat.

Captain Liu looked up and saw the dark and thin girl in front of him.

"who are you?"

"Captain Liu, my name is Feng Huizhen, and I am an educated youth from our Qingqing Farm."

"Feng Huizhen, I know you are all tired for a long time, you must be hungry, okay, don't come up with those bad ideas, even I, the section chief who has been on the construction site all year round, can't help, what can you do?"

Only then did Feng Huizhen figure out that Captain Liu in front of him turned out to be at the level of a section chief.

However, it can be seen from the way this person speaks that he absolutely underestimated her.

It's not the attitude of a strange person, but you can meet them everywhere.

Feng Huizhen was not angry either.

"Section Chief Liu, I know, you think maybe I don't have any good ideas. Anyway, I have already reached this level of being a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Maybe it will work if I use my method?"

Feng Huizhen was tired for a long time, and she really didn't want to waste any more time. She was really hungry, and she ate so much last night.

I didn’t eat in the morning or at noon when I went back, and now it’s three or four o’clock. If I continue to spend like this, I’ll be exhausted today.

Moreover, according to Section Chief Liu's method, it would take only one night to solve this matter.

But if they don't work in the afternoon, they don't get paid, not to mention the deduction of wages, they are still hungry, and there is no good result in the end.

You will be blamed for what you say.

It's not worth it either way.

Only then did Feng Huizhen stand up.

"Hey, little girl, I didn't expect to speak with confidence, okay. Then I'll take a look at it, what can you do? Let me tell you, if you move this car out of Feng Huizhen today, I'll give it to you A great achievement."

Chief Liu said angrily.

So many people have no brains and can't think of a good way, so this little girl has a way?

No wonder he didn't believe it.

Upon hearing this, Feng Huizhen turned her head and said, "Okay, Section Chief Liu, then just watch."

I clapped my hands and told everyone.

"Cheer up, everyone, and listen to my instructions for a while. Let's try again. It's best to move the car out completely this time, and everyone can go to eat."

After hearing about the meal, everyone managed to cheer up.

Feng Huizhen first explained to the eight people below that the eight people following her are the easiest to follow her command, as long as there are a majority of people doing the same thing, the others are easy to be led by others.

In the end, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Feng Huizhen actually opened the car door, jumped into the driver's seat, and closed the car door with a bang.

Everyone was dumbfounded, what is this little girl going to do?

Section Chief Liu stood up from the side of the road with a bang, and it didn't matter if Feng Huizhen could give it a try, but Feng Huizhen got into the car, which was different.

A little girl who couldn't drive got into the car, and if she fiddled with it, it would break the car.

This is state property, collective property.

In case of an accident, their subsequent work will encounter great trouble.

It's a pity that he didn't wait for Section Chief Liu to shout out the words stop.

I heard the sound of ignition from the car.

Yes, this car was started by Feng Huizhen.

Surprise appeared in the eyes of all the people around.

Surprised or not, Wang Shun and the others saw that Feng Huizhen really started the car according to the method just mentioned, without saying a word, they immediately called the other people to start pushing.

"Come on, everyone work harder!"

As soon as the others heard this, they immediately came up to help.

Stones were placed under the crowbar, and wooden crowbars were placed under the wheels.

More than a dozen male educated youths all gathered at the front of the car because the front wheels got stuck here.

Everyone worked hard together, and the front wheel, which they imagined to be motionless, turned suddenly.

Yes, Feng Huizhen started the steering wheel on it, twisted the steering wheel, Feng Huizhen hit the reverse gear, the car successfully jumped onto the high roadbed with the help of one wheel, and also got on the roadbed with the help of the other wheel.

It took the car two or three meters to stop before it stopped.

Everyone immediately cheered, throwing everything held by the hat in their hands into the air.


Feng Huizhen opened the car door, jumped out of the car, and walked towards everyone with a happy face.

Everyone rushed over and threw this thin-looking little girl high into the air.

"It finally worked, and we can finally eat."

Hearing this, Feng Huizhen in mid-air couldn't help laughing, and stood up to see how simple people's request was.

Section Chief Liu also burst into laughter not far away. For him, the real key is to solve the matter.

More importantly, the little girl in front of her can drive a car.

Of course Feng Huizhen will do it, she suffered so much in her previous life and worked many odd jobs.

In order to earn money to survive, she has suffered so much. She can not only drive this kind of truck, but also repair it.

It can't be said that the technology is superb, but some problems with small troubles can still be solved.

Section Chief Liu greeted her and clapped her hands to calm everyone down. Feng Huizhen was put on the ground.

"Okay, everyone has finally worked together to overcome this difficulty, which has delayed everyone for so long. Now I will take everyone to the cafeteria for dinner. No matter what, I have to give everyone a good meal."

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, a group of people rushed to the cafeteria.

The lunch in the cafeteria is not open yet, usually at 5:30 pm, but this time is only 4:30.

As a result, No. 30 people came rushing in Hulala, Zhao Guoqing, the logistics section chief of the cafeteria, hurried over.

"Comrades, comrades, it's not time for dinner yet, the door doesn't open until 5:30."

There are rules, so whoever wants to come and eat can eat it.

Chief Liu pushed everyone away and walked out.

"Section Chief Zhao is me!"

"Hey, it's you, Lao Liu, why are you bringing someone to dinner at this hour? It's not proper, it's not time for dinner, you're not asking me to make a mistake."

The two are old friends.

Old Zhao had already walked aside with his arms around Section Chief Liu's shoulders, and said in a low voice.

"Didn't you hear that there was a problem with a transport truck at our construction site, and we all haven't eaten since noon, and we just rescued that truck.

This time two meals and one meal, you'd better let everyone fill their stomachs first.Do me a favor. "

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