When Yao Yali heard this, her heart skipped a beat, and she hurried to the front, only to see two chubby meat worms lying in a bunch of skewers on the young man's plate.

The student next to him has squatted aside to vomit.

Many students were taken aback.

"Boss, you said that I ate a good meal, but two worms came out. What do you say? Your home is unhygienic and unclean, and there are still worms."

The young man slammed the table and stood up with a look of indignation.

Yao Yali hurriedly explained.

"Little classmate, it's impossible. The things in our house are very hygienic and clean. How could there be bugs?"

The young man sneered, picked up the plate and handed it to Yao Yali, letting everyone around watch it together.

"Everyone, take a look, all of you, take a look. What kind of unscrupulous boss is this? There are bugs in it, but he says his house is clean.

It's not a bug, what is it? "

The girls around were startled and hurriedly backed away.

"Miss Boss, how can you do this? Why are there bugs in the food? I will never come to your house to eat again."

"How can it be so disgusting?"

"I still patronize the boss and his wife's stall every day, but I didn't expect your family to do business like this."

Students who didn't know the truth around accused him one after another.

Yao Yali hurriedly explained.

"Everyone, calm down. Our house is really clean. We wash every dish cleanly and there will be no bugs. This must be a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding, what is misunderstanding? Look at these two bugs, isn't it a bug? Look at the bugs still alive and kicking inside, twisting and turning. This is not a bug, what is this?"

"You guys should be more considerate in the future. Don't come to eat with this kind of black-hearted boss. You can see that the boss is not clean. You don't have to worry about stomachache after eating."

"Look, I have a stomachache right now. Oh, boss, you have to pay me."

The young man squatted down clutching his stomach, and the expressions of the people around him changed instantly.

Although Yao Yali was anxious, she didn't know how to explain it, so Feng Zhiqiang hurried forward.

"Little classmate, you can't pollute people. We do business according to our duties. Everything is washed clean. Look at the two of us from head to toe. Wearing aprons, sleeves, and hat.

I was afraid that a strand of hair would fall in.How could there be bugs? "

"Black-hearted boss, you all have seen that he doesn't do his own things clean, and he will beat him up. How come there are no bugs?"

The young man covered his stomach and said to the others.

The young students who couldn't see the past immediately stood up to uphold justice.

"Boss, you can't do this. If you didn't clean it up, you have to admit your mistake. How can you be so arrogant and unreasonable, and you still don't admit your mistake."

"It's better to send the person to the hospital as soon as possible."

"It means that the boss knows his mistakes and can correct them. That's what we should really do."

Feng Zhiqiang was so anxious that his face turned pale, but he didn't know how to explain it.

At this moment, Feng Huizhen took a step forward.

With one hand, he picked up the plate that the young man was holding just now.

"Don't worry, everyone, I don't think this may be the case."

Several students looked at Feng Huizhen with unkind eyes.

"I know you and the boss are in the same group. You are a relative of the boss. Even if you are a relative, you can't deliberately favor your relatives. If there are worms, there will be worms."

"Students, you all see clearly.

I suspect that this little comrade did it sincerely, and he probably wanted to deliberately blackmail us into paying for medical expenses.

Of course, it is also possible that they have grievances with us and do not want our family's business to continue. "

The young man straightened up, pointed at Feng Huizhen's nose and cursed,

"What nonsense are you talking about? Who blackmailed you?"

"Students, have you seen it clearly? These people don't keep their own business and dare to frame me. I haven't asked them for a penny from the beginning to the end."

"Yeah, boss, you can't do this, it's called black and white."

"Is there any reason to say that people want to blackmail you?"

"Students, don't get excited, listen to me.

This truth is obvious, everyone just was shocked by this unexpected incident, and they didn't think of it at all.

Even if I don't say it today, the students can think of it after they go back.

In the fragrant skewer business our family runs, every skewer of vegetables and meat has to be cooked in a pot.

It will be taken out for everyone after it is cooked. Take a look at such a hot pot.

Even if there are unwashed worms on the real vegetables, they have already been boiled in the pot, how can they still be as lively as these two worms? "

As soon as these words came out, all the students instantly opened their eyes wide.

That's right, these two are fleshy worms, not carapace worms, with rough skin and thick flesh.

The meat worms entered the water, and as soon as they were hot, they had to play immediately.

Besides, such a cold weather is a bit freezing, how could there be such bugs still alive.

The young man was speechless when he heard this, and he couldn't even think of a reason to refute.

When he was looking for bugs, how could he have thought about what kind of bugs he was looking for?

In order to match the bugs that can appear in the food, I specially looked for this kind of meat bugs.

It is for the growth of such insects in vegetables.

As a result, there is a big difference between the living and the dead.

"This, this, how do I know? This bug may have a strong tolerance, so it survived."

The young man's words immediately drew laughter from a group of students around him.

"Student, don't fool us here. You almost cheated me just now, and let us wrong the boss."

"In this kind of weather, insects can't wait to get into the vegetable leaves to keep warm.

Either it will freeze to death, or it will be scalded to death in the water. How can it be alive and kicking in your bowl? "

"This man is so bad. He must have brought the bug himself."

"Yes, let me just say, it's fine. We haven't had this problem for several days after eating it, but it does when he comes here."

"The boss is right, they are blackmail."

"Such a person should be sent to the police station immediately."

"It doesn't look like a good person at first glance."

Wang Jinhu was taken aback when he heard this, he didn't want to go to the police station, he thought the matter was settled.

As long as he took out the worm to scare the other party, everyone would fall to his side, who would have thought that the other party would catch him strangely.

"Don't be fooled, it's just that your things have bugs."

As Wang Jinhu said, he stretched his legs and ran.

He also knew that he couldn't justify himself. If he didn't run away at this time, it would be over when he was sent to the police station.

Unexpectedly, Feng Huizhen had noticed him a long time ago, and when he lifted his foot, she immediately stretched out her leg.

Wang Jinhu stumbled and fell to the ground.

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